Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 46: The Escaped Boss

“Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!”

“Take him to the next floor!”

The floor where everyone was located was constantly exploding. Players dodged the long-range attacks of the White Emperor Spider while using their guns and rocket launchers to attack the White Emperor Spider. The top players joined the melee to contain the White Emperor Spider…

A white spider limb smashed the pillars and walls and slammed heavily in front of Luo Yikong. The long limb actually penetrated the floor directly. Players who didn’t have time to dodge were killed by the huge spider limb…

The battle on this floor was too intense. In order to protect Luo Yikong, the “NPC”, the players planned to transfer Luo Yikong to the 61st floor. After all, even the players themselves could not protect themselves on the 60th floor.

Luo Yikong passed through the safe passage and was successfully taken to the 61st floor by the players. Even on the 61st floor, Luo Yikong could still feel the fierce battle below, as if he was experiencing a major earthquake.

Many players experienced the powerful destructive power of the Hundred-man BOSS for the first time. When fighting with it, everyone felt how terrible the monster was. The whole tower felt like it was about to be demolished by the monster.

Such a huge monster was clinging to the outside of the tower. In front of the huge white spider, the whole tower was like a chopstick, and the white emperor spider was like a spider climbing on the chopstick.

In front of the huge monster, many people couldn't help but feel their own insignificance. The monster's head alone couldn't fit into a floor.

The hundreds of dense compound eyes on the head of the white emperor spider locked onto the players who were avoiding the attack. In an instant, the hundreds of players who were locked felt a sharp pain in their heads. Some people even fell to the ground and twitched all over their bodies...

"That's a mental attack!"

"Don't look at the monster's eyes! Destroy the monster's eyes!"

Everyone concentrated their attacks and attacked the compound eyes of the white emperor spider with all their strength. The huge limbs of the white emperor spider were like stone pillars that swept through thousands of troops, making many players dare not approach easily. In addition, the hardened spider hairs fired like machine guns, which made many players unable to raise their heads.

The White Emperor Spider's health has dropped by half. Perhaps it feels the passing of life, and the White Emperor Spider's attacks are getting more and more fierce. The longer the time drags on, the greater the casualties of the players. Even if they barely take down the White Emperor Spider, they are not able to face the BOSS behind.

At this time, Luo Yiling, the leader of the Sky Dome Guild members, made a prompt decision and immediately issued an order...

"First team, suicide attack!"


There is no penalty for death in the dungeon. It is precisely because of this that Luo Yiling decisively issued an order. As the order was issued, the 30 players of the first team activated the propulsion system of the exoskeleton armor and rushed towards the White Emperor Spider, while taking out a special bomb from the system backpack.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Those people rushed into the mouth of the white emperor spider and then detonated the bombs on their bodies. The bombs were the white phosphorus bombs that people feared on the battlefield...

Flames rose from the mouth of the white emperor spider. Players are different from Luo Yikong. Luo Yikong can feel the physical pain in this world and cannot turn it off, but players can choose to turn off this pain system, except for the pain caused by mental attacks. After all, the real bodies of players are in the real world, while Luo Yikong is a whole person who traveled through. It is precisely because of this that even though their bodies were burned by flames, those players did not scream.

The flames of white phosphorus bombs can burn through even steel, not to mention the explosion in the mouth of the white emperor spider, and the flames are difficult to extinguish, which undoubtedly directly sentenced the white emperor spider to death.

For a while, the white emperor spider gave up the fight, but screamed, opened its huge mouth burning with flames, and rushed towards the huge silk pupa at the highest point of the tower...

"Did the monster escape?"

At this time, everyone was confused. They didn't expect that after fighting with the BOSS for half a day, the BOSS would still escape.

"What should we do?" The players looked at each other in bewilderment. They had thought that it would be easy to take down the White Emperor Spider if the white phosphorus bombs continued to burn blood, but the White Emperor Spider simply ran away.

"What else can we do? Keep fighting!"

There was no other way. Everyone could only choose to continue fighting, and the severely injured White Emperor Spider would always be in this dungeon no matter how it escaped.

"It's really strange! When I attacked the 10-man Doomsday Spider Nest before, I never saw the BOSS run away!" A player looked at the wall in front of him that was already leaking. The battlefield now returned to calm because of the escape of the White Emperor Spider.

"Maybe this is the special feature of the Thousand-man level difficulty! And can the size of the 10-man level White Emperor Spider be compared to the White Emperor Spider just now? The body of the Hundred-man level White Emperor Spider has squeezed out of the map!"

"The destructive power is not at the same level! You may be able to kill the White Emperor Spider in the 10-man level difficulty, but in this Thousand-man level Doomsday Spider Nest, we can't even beat one leg of the White Emperor Spider."

The players regrouped and began to discuss the strength of the BOSS in the Thousand-man level Doomsday Spider Nest. Even if a thousand players of the right level are gathered, even if the cooperation between the players reaches the extreme, it is still an unknown to attack a Thousand-man level copy. After all, the destructive power of the Hundred-man level BOSS has already refreshed the cognition of many players.

The existence of 10 people to 100 people is a qualitative improvement, and the existence of 100 people to 1,000 people is another qualitative leap. Players have always been fighting zombies. For some zombies and some evolved zombies, they are still in the limited physical combat intensity, and have never faced a behemoth of 100 people like the white emperor spider.

Many players don’t know that if the surface is really just a few small zombies, then with the technology of the Fire Base, there is no need to hide underground. What humans in this world have to face are mutated monsters and constantly evolving zombies, as well as biological weapons left over from the genetic war, and the supreme heavenly city.

The so-called copy is just a small microcosm of this doomsday. In different copies, the enemies encountered by players are also different.

"It seems that the big bug has fled... I hate those fluffy bugs the most, very disgusting..." Xuanyuan Luoying's voice came from Luo Yikong's mind. In fact, Luo Yikong also hates spiders, but facing Xuanyuan Luoying, Luo Yikong didn't say it.

"Don't talk nonsense in my head, it's noisy!" Luo Yikong was a little dissatisfied. This guy always said something suddenly in his mind, scaring him.

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