Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 460: Shutting down the Eternal Life Network

"Dr. Ye Qing, we now order you to stop your actions immediately!"

Ye Qing ignored the soldier projection beside him, but continued to operate quickly on the projection screen in front of him...

"Dr. Ye Qing, you are betraying the parliament!" The soldier projection was also a little anxious and yelled at Ye Qing.

"It's not me who betrayed the parliament, but you. At present, you want to break through the defense system outside the terminal. It will take at least ten minutes, which is enough for me." Ye Qing said calmly, but there was no sign of stopping the movement of his hands.

The so-called immortality network was created by Ye Qing and his team. The original intention was to let humans transcend the constraints of the flesh and achieve immortality in another way. When Ye Qing was young, he had communicated with Luo Yikong for a period of time, which also confirmed Ye Qing's idea of ​​creating an immortality network.

"The Immortality Network should not be a weapon. Those heroes who are loyal to the parliament should not become a concentrated consciousness after death, and become an endless tool! Human consciousness and thoughts should not be imprisoned and controlled. If the Immortality Network serves as a tool to imprison and control humans, then there is no meaning of existence!" Ye Qing said, and entered a series of passwords to completely shut down the Immortality Network...

"Goodbye! Immortality Network!"


Outside the orbit of Yanhuang Star, the arrival of the rebel fleet has completely annihilated the last Yanhuang Star garrison fleet. The energy defense shield of the entire Yanhuang Star has been fully opened, blocking the advance of the rebel fleet...

"Deputy leader! From the direction of Bingming Star, an unidentified target is approaching us quickly!"

Not long after the fleet member reported, a ray of light directly penetrated the entire rebel fleet. All the warships and fighters hit by the ray of light exploded directly. In the flames of the explosion, a large amount of debris and wreckage hit the nearby warships at an extremely fast speed.

"That mecha is back again!"

Everyone in the rebel fleet felt suffocated. They sacrificed a black hole-class battleship, but failed to keep that monster-like mecha, which made everyone feel desperate.

The fleet's energy defense shield was completely useless in front of the Doomsday Disaster. The body of the Doomsday Disaster could directly pass through the energy defense shield.

A dazzling light flashed on the chest of the Doomsday Disaster, and then thousands of lasers attacked the surroundings in all directions. Every laser that landed on the battleship deck would cause a violent explosion. Just in this round of shooting, hundreds of planetary-class battleships were destroyed.

On the other hand, the attacks of the rebel fleet were either reflected back by the Doom or intercepted by the Doom midway...

"We must kill that mecha! Even if we have to use the warship to self-destruct! We will not hesitate to use it to hit it!" The deputy leader of the rebel army roared. Facing the Doom, their laser weapons, space weapons, and even star destroyers were useless. In addition, the speed that could burst out at superluminal speed at any time made most of the rebels helpless.

The Doom locked onto the command ship where the deputy leader of the rebel army was, and flew towards it at full speed. The light penetrated the fleet again, destroying all the warships that blocked the way.

When the Doom was about to destroy the command ship where the deputy leader of the rebel army was, the Doom suddenly seemed to lose all power. The light of the entire body dimmed instantly, smashed several pieces of the wreckage of the warship, and flew into the deep space far away with the inertia.

"What happened?"

Everyone in the rebel fleet had already prepared to fight to the death, but the Doomsday was suddenly paralyzed, which made everyone look confused.

"Just now, news came from Yanhuang Star that the Eternal Life Network has just been shut down by Dr. Ye Qing." The artificial intelligence of the rebel fleet said expressionlessly, and after hearing what the artificial intelligence said, everyone understood why the Doomsday was suddenly paralyzed.

"The shutdown of the Eternal Life Network also means that the consciousness of the dead humans deposited in it will also be completely destroyed, including the concentrated consciousness in the Doomsday. Dr. Ye Qing will become a sinner of mankind by doing this, causing those consciousnesses to disappear, which is no different from slaughtering hundreds of millions of people." Makarov, the deputy leader of the rebels, sighed deeply and said that although Ye Qing created the Eternal Life Network, it could not change the fact that Ye Qing destroyed the consciousness of hundreds of millions of humans.

"The fleet will launch a full-scale attack on Yanhuang Star!"


Belir looked up at the sky. The energy defense shield of Yanhuang Star was completely broken. The rebel fleet had entered the atmosphere of Yanhuang Star. In about 20 minutes, he, Belir, would be captured by the rebels and tried as a criminal. He had lost his last chance to escape.

"Don't run? I won't stop you." Luo Yikong looked at Belir in front of him, and the latter turned his back to Luo Yikong, looked up at the sky above, and shook his head...

"You win, I lose." Belir said this coldly. He did have an almost invincible end disaster, but in the end he still lost to Ye Qing, whom he once trusted the most.

"It's not that I won, I didn't do anything."

"Didn't do anything? Not necessarily! During the Zerg War, you planted a seed in Ye Qing's heart..."

"I guess so... At least I didn't break the agreement between us, didn't I?" Luo Yikong looked at the God-making Machine floating in the air not far away, and continued: "The era of the parliament is over, and I will take back the God-making Machine."

"I can no longer see what the next era will be like, and I will not be judged by them." Belial said, opened the system backpack, and took out a strange grenade from it.

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"Mr. Chairman of the Council!"

The guards around Belial were shocked, and Belial waved his hand to signal them to retreat...

"You will not be judged, so put down your weapons now and surrender to the rebels outside. This is my last order to you! Execute it now!"

"Mr. Chairman of the Council! We..."

"Execute the order!"


The soldiers saluted Belial with the expeditionary fleet, then put down their weapons, lined up in neat rows, and turned to leave...

For a moment, only Luo Yikong and Belial were left here...

"Mr. Luo Yikong, you have witnessed the end of an era and the beginning of another era. No But I don't regret what I did. If I have to do it again, I will still do it. "

"Then you will only fail again. Do you know that there is a famine on the border Salt Blue Star? It is obviously a third-level civilization, but such a thing can still happen. In order to prevent this matter from being leaked, the senior members of the parliament there exterminated all life on the planet and announced that it was caused by an accidental meteorite impact. "

"Famine? You must be kidding! Lord Luo Yikong, do you know that our food can even be obtained from the air? Our technology can easily do this. "Beryl obviously did not believe what Luo Yikong said.

"Indeed, such a thing is impossible in a third-level civilization world. There was a serious pollution incident on Salt Blue Star, which caused most of the food on the planet to be contaminated, and the resources and money originally used to solve the pollution incident and food problems went into personal pockets. The entire human civilization under the management of the parliament is full of such things, and the high-ranking parliament leader naturally does not know. The leader of the rebels, Zhao Longsheng, was originally one of the survivors who escaped from Salt Blue Star. Now the fleet in the sky is the best response to the parliament. "

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