Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 466: The Convergence of Civilizations

The energy of the Dawn is a compressed energy, which is comparable to two compressed suns. If all the energy of the Dawn is thrown down, it will be enough for the huge star to burn for hundreds of millions of years.

Compressing the terrifying energy equivalent to two suns as the energy of the warship is like a miracle for civilizations below level 4. But the civilization of the Daotian world can easily do this now.

For civilizations below level 4, stars are their power stations, but for the level 4 civilization where Luo Yikong is, stars like the sun are just batteries that can be compressed at any time and installed on warships.

Hearing the message from the other party, Luo Yikong still controlled the Dawn and divided a small part of the energy and put it into the burning star. Although it was only a small part, it was enough for the star to burn for hundreds of years.

"Thank you, guest from afar... Now we are a family, welcome to our big family that keeps each other warm..."

The energy successfully passed through the star ring and was then released onto the star, and the Dawn where Luo Chenkong and others were also welcomed by the other civilization...

Now that the universe is about to die, the civilization that created the star ring did not have any defense against Luo Yikong, a strange visitor, but opened the door. Perhaps they all knew that when the universe was about to die, everyone would die, and all the plunder and occupation seemed meaningless at this moment.

The civilization also sent some information about this star to Luo Yikong without reservation, and Ling directly translated it into human language and showed it to everyone...

"It turns out that this is really the last star..."

"There are 132 different civilizations of different sizes here. It's hard to imagine... When this world is about to be destroyed, these civilizations actually gave up disputes and lived in peace. In this last place where light and heat still exist, they huddled together for warmth..." No. 2 looked at the message, and then looked at the many spaceships and warships of different styles floating around the star ring, his eyes full of disbelief...

No. 2 itself is artificial intelligence. When he was in the Yasuo world, he saw the endless fratricide and disputes among humans. Although humans are considered to be the same race, they often hostile to each other because of differences in culture, language, skin color, and religion, and wars and conflicts broke out. This is the case between humans, not to mention different civilizations. When encountering a civilization weaker than themselves, most civilizations occupy and conquer, relying on plunder to develop their own civilization. If they encounter a civilization that can endanger themselves, they will give a devastating blow at the first time.

There are suspicions and disputes between humans. Once civilizations come into contact, war often follows. Everything in front of them is like a fairy tale and incredible to No. 2 and everyone else.

"It is the despair of this world and the hope in front of them that make them a family..." Luo Yikong looked at the burning star. Even though the star is old, it is the only hope for these civilizations here, allowing these weak civilizations to gather here and protect the last light.

This world was originally as brilliant as the Daotian world. Many powerful civilizations were born, and many of them disappeared in the long river of time. When the universe was about to die, the stronger civilizations had already escaped from this dying world through plane space technology.

The weak civilizations that had no ability to leave could only rely on the stars that were still burning to survive. Even many civilizations gathered here now had once made a big move for the energy of a star. But as the stars went out one by one, the world began to fall into silence, and those civilizations perished one after another. They felt despair and tried to save the universe with their civilization technology. Unfortunately, the calculation results made them despair, because there was no solution at all.

The light of the universe has disappeared, and the world has become dark... The spacecraft of the civilization fire has wandered aimlessly for hundreds of thousands of years, and has traveled through countless light years, seeing the ruins of countless civilizations, until the first batch of civilizations came here and saw the long-lost sunshine...

The appearance of the universe... The glory of civilization... The greatness of races... Those have long become traces in history...

The second batch... The third batch... The fourth batch...

There are still surviving civilization fires that have found here. In this desperate world, they no longer fight. In the long darkness, they are also tired. Some of them will think that maybe civilizations are not necessarily enemies, and they are not necessarily life and death.

They gave up the hope of going to the endless darkness to find the next ray of sunshine, because they know that the sunshine of hope will go out sooner or later, but they can burn themselves, prolong the hope in front of them, and wait for the next batch of civilizations seeking light to arrive.

The first few civilizations reached an agreement to build a huge defensive star ring, and all the energy in the spaceships and warships except the life-sustaining energy was directed to the old star.

As tens of thousands of years passed, more and more civilizations arrived here, and most of them invested their energy into the stars and chose to stay here. Only a few civilizations still wanted to seek a glimmer of hope in the darkness, and those few civilizations were all warriors. No one would laugh at their overestimation and naivety. Instead, the civilizations gathered here would use the energy on the star to replenish the ships of the civilizations that went to the darkness to seek hope of survival, because those civilizations were carrying their hopes.

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None of the civilizations that replenished their energy here and left have ever come back. They may have perished because of the exhaustion of energy, or they may have really found a glimmer of hope for survival...

The once glorious era has become extremely vague. In the universe that is already full of darkness and coldness, perhaps only here can civilizations feel warmth. Only here, at this time, can civilizations get rid of the differences in race, language, and culture and truly help each other.

"We are the Techu people. Our civilization once spread all over the Techu galaxy, with countless warships and population. Our warships can sail at ten times the speed of light, and the bright starry sky was our place of exploration..."

"We are the Nanke people. We are a mechanical race created by another civilization, but the civilization that created us has disappeared in the long river of history. Our mechanical city was once extremely tall, our society was extremely orderly, and our civilization was full of vitality. We have our glorious history and our proud civilization..."

"We are the Liezhan people. Our civilization was once invincible. Our ancestors established a powerful civilization and defeated countless invaders. We are proud of this."

According to the convention of this place, every time a new civilization comes here, all civilizations will be introduced in the order of arrival at this star. Luo Yikong and others listened to the past and glory of those civilizations one by one. There are many civilizations here with different pasts and histories. Some of them were even enemies, but now they have let go of their hatred.

This period of time is not long, and it will soon be Luo Yikong's turn...

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