Luo Yikong opened his eyes and found himself still in the white cell, and the black bird parasitized by the Dragon God consciousness was right next to Luo Yikong...

"How did you wake up so quickly?" The Dragon God consciousness was very surprised that Luo Yikong could wake up so quickly. After all, the mental cell directly hit the most vulnerable part of the deepest part of the mind. Even if there was a trace of hesitation and regret, it would be like being stuck in a quagmire.

The Dragon God consciousness estimated that Luo Yikong's awakening time would be about 20 minutes in the outside world, which is 20 years in the spiritual world. As for the others, the Dragon God consciousness estimated that it would take about half a day.

"Because I knew it was fake, I killed them all." Luo Yikong replied expressionlessly, and this answer made the Dragon God consciousness feel chilled.

This mental prison was created by the powerful mental technology of the Emperor Star Civilization and the special dream technology of the Deep Dream Civilization. It was specially used to imprison the spirit body of the Emperor Star Civilization. Many sinners of the Emperor Star Civilization, even if they had a spirit body that surpassed ordinary creatures, could not break through this prison.

Even if the Dragon God consciousness specifically invaded and reminded Luo Yikong and the others, many people would quickly forget what they were reminded of and would be trapped in it forever.

The Dragon God consciousness could not imagine that Luo Yikong could always stay awake and decisive and kill his way out...

"You won't kill me in there, will you?" The Dragon God consciousness thought that his illusion might appear in it.

"Yes." Luo Yikong nodded. He did see the illusion of the Dragon God consciousness in it.

"Then how can you guarantee that what you see now is real?" The Dragon God consciousness asked with some concern, fearing that Luo Yikong would suddenly hit him when he was not paying attention.

"If I think it is real, then it must be real." Luo Yikong said calmly, and from those plain words, the Dragon God consciousness could feel Luo Yikong's firmness and confidence.

"It will probably take a long time for them to wake up." The Dragon God consciousness swept over Ji Xueer and others, and each of them had a painful expression and muttered in their sleep.

"How long will it take?"

"A long time. From the moment the Holy Spirit woke up, they were already imprisoned in the mental prison, so they could not open the white cell no matter what they did. My role is just to open a gap for them."

"Is there a way to establish a connection with them?" Luo Yikong looked at the Dragon God consciousness beside him and asked.

"I have already dealt with those guards. It should be possible through the facilities outside, but aren't you afraid of falling into the other party's mental world? They don't have as strong willpower and self as you, nor are they as decisive as you." The Dragon God consciousness still said with some concern. He saw that waiting for these people to wake up by themselves was the best choice. It was still too risky for Luo Yikong to enter the mental world of others again.

"There is no time. Xuanyuan Luoying has imposed a restriction on me. This restriction actually comes from the God Creation Star, which suppresses me like an ordinary player, so I need their power at this time." During his time on the God Creation Star, Luo Yikong investigated the history of the Emperor Star Civilization. The Emperor Star Civilization once launched a war against the virtual race under the rule of the virtual god, and the God Creation Star is the ultimate weapon to deal with the virtual race, with the power to suppress virtual rules. In other words, the power Luo Yikong obtained from the administrator authority system was completely suppressed.



"Long Yunxi, you are so stupid! No matter you or Long Wangfan, you are just my chess pieces."

In a scene of blood and fire, the white-haired boy looked at her with a cold expression, and her brother Long Wangfan was swallowed by the white-haired boy with a painful expression...

"No! Don't!!!"

Long Yunxi's hands were firmly grasped into the soil, tears and blood blurred her vision... Her people... her home... her brother are all gone...

"It's all because of you! It's all because of you!!!"

It's all because of the man in front of her... Luo Yikong!

Long Yunxi grabbed the weapon of the dead dragon man beside him and was about to rush forward, but was suddenly grabbed by a hand...

"I thought this matter was over, but I didn't expect you still haven't let it go."

Long Yunxi raised his head and saw a white-haired boy who was exactly the same as the one in front of him. The white hair next to him was fluttering, without any filth, while the one in front was covered with blood, like a butcher. The two formed a sharp contrast. The only similarity was the lifeless eyes and indifferent expressions of both sides.

"It's all you! It's all because of you!!!"

Long Yunxi was confused by this mental illusion and couldn't calm down to think about why there were two Luo Yikong here. She was dominated by hatred and just wanted to kill Luo Yikong.


The sharp blade pierced into Luo Yikong's body, blood flowed out, and Luo Yikong raised his hand indifferently...


Luo Yikong slapped Long Yunxi in the face. Although the method was rough and direct, it was very effective...

"Long Yunxi, are you awake!"

Hearing Luo Yikong's voice, Long Yunxi shook his head and gradually came back to his senses...

"Luo...Luo Yikong..." Long Yunxi's voice was a little stuttering. He didn't want to show Luo Yikong the most vulnerable side of his heart, but he didn't expect that Luo Yikong would see it.

Luo Yikong glanced at Long Yunxi who had already woken up, and then looked at himself who was covered in blood not far away...

"You are not me..." Luo Yikong said, and Luo Yikong, who was covered in blood, also spoke...

"Of course I'm not you... I'm just the Luo Yikong she hates... not the Luo Yikong she loves..."

The blood-stained Luo Yikong glanced at Long Yunxi beside him, and his body gradually began to decompose and dissipate...

Long Yunxi's mental prison was broken...

After the dazzling white light, Long Yunxi opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was Luo Yikong sitting next to her, staring at her indifferently... Although Luo Yikong always looked indifferent, But it can make her feel safe and warm...

"Is this true or false?" Long Yunxi asked.

"what you think?"

"It doesn't matter. Regardless of whether it's true or false, I believe you will show up when I need you most."

Long Yunxi smiled slightly.

"Okay, okay! We have more important things."

The black bird parasitized by the Dragon God's consciousness flew to Long Yunxi's side. Long Yunxi quickly sat up and found that Ji Xue'er and No. 2 had woken up. No. 2 was smiling, as if to say I understand, while Ji Xue'er was He looked like he was gnashing his teeth.

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