Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 493: Luo Yikong takes action

"Hunting us? Then they..."

Luo Yikong was shocked, and at this time, Zero's projection also appeared in front of Luo Yikong...

"Affected by an unknown force, our route has deviated."

"Zero, notify Captain Cole immediately and stop sailing immediately!" Luo Yikong knew that the unknown force was the fleet of the Imperial Star Civilization. If the ship continued to sail, it would be a sheep into the tiger's mouth.

"Understood!" After receiving Luo Yikong's order, Zero immediately disappeared in front of Luo Yikong.

"Is there a way to destroy the spiritual body network of the Imperial Star Civilization? Or control it?" Luo Yikong looked at Xuanyuan Luoying beside him and asked. After thinking about it, Xuanyuan Luoying's absolute control over the Imperial Star Civilization was because of the spiritual body network. Perhaps that was the way to crack it.

"Except for her, no one can control the spiritual body network. If the spiritual body network is destroyed, I can't do it, because all my people will die because of it." Xuanyuan Luoying shook her head. The network that accommodated all the spiritual bodies of the entire Imperial Star Civilization was extremely important to her. How could she destroy it just like that?


"What's going on?"

The Hengling suddenly shook violently, and the red alarm lights on the entire ship lit up again...

"The escort fleet ahead was attacked, and the Hengling is now making an emergency landing!" Zero's projection immediately appeared in front of Luo Yikong and reported to him.

Luo Yikong looked out the window, and a dazzling white light shone in from outside. The Hengling fleet had exited the plane navigation and landed in a strange world...

Luo Yikong did not stop at all and immediately rushed to the control center...

"Lord Luo Yikong, our plane navigator is now damaged and may not be able to locate the Daotian world and the location of our Xingjin United Fleet."

Seeing Luo Yikong's arrival, Cole immediately reported to Luo Yikong the current predicament they were facing, and the news that was worse than the damage to the plane navigator was that the Emperor Star Civilization Fleet, which was carrying out a world-destroying attack on the Daotian world, had begun to refuse all orders.


The Heng Ling hit the rocky ground hard. Because of the shock absorption system on the warship, they only felt a slight vibration, but to the outside world it was undoubtedly like a major earthquake.

In addition to the Heng Ling, other frigates were also hit more or less, and they collided violently with the ground. The heat wave and shock wave directly turned a large area into scorched earth.

However, for everyone, the crisis is not over yet. With the arrival of dazzling white light, the brilliant and technological warships of the Imperial Star Civilization appeared above everyone...

"Those guys are chasing us! Prepare to fight!"

Cole gave the order directly, and the firepower systems of all ships locked onto the Imperial Star Civilization warships above. At the same time, dense drone groups were released, attacking the flanks of the other fleet like covering the sky and the sun...

The dazzling white light burst out from the Imperial Star Civilization fleet, and all the drones exploded instantly in an instant, and all the attacks of the Hengling Fleet disappeared at that moment and were completely resolved...

"Damn it!"

Cole cursed, and the opponent's fleet showed them the huge gap between the two civilizations with one move. At this time, the Imperial Star Civilization fleet lit up white light again, and they would attack the Hengling Fleet of the Daotian World.

For Cole, this gap in civilization and technology is undoubtedly the same as when he appeared alone on the battlefield of the Zerg that year, which made people feel desperate and terrified.


A sword sound came, and Luo Yikong appeared outside the Hengling without knowing when. Luo Yikong slashed out with a sword, and the world lost its color, and even the sky seemed to be cut in half...

The long life has made Luo Yikong's level reach more than 100,000, which also made Luo Yikong's sword reach an extremely terrifying level. Without the suppression of the God Creation Star, Luo Yikong's sword actually broke the space of the sky directly. However, facing the advanced civilization species that do not exist in this dimensional space like the Emperor Star Civilization, Luo Yikong's attack only passed through the opponent's fleet. Although shocking, it did not cause any casualties to the opponent.

"Even he can't do it?" Long Yunxi saw Luo Yikong slashing out that terrifying sword with all his strength. The range and power of that sword may really destroy an entire fleet, but even such an attack can't do anything to the fleet of the Emperor Star Civilization.

"Is it still not working?" Luo Yikong glanced at the Hengling behind him. The people of the Emperor Star Civilization are a kind of spiritual existence, and their ships can be transformed in multiple dimensions. When Luo Yikong's attack came, they would transfer their ships to a higher dimension, so that Luo Yikong's attack could not hurt them at all.

Luo Yikong thought about it, and the shadow of the Eternal Sword, which represented the power of time, appeared in his other hand, intending to attack with the Sword of All Worlds.

Luo Yikong looked at the fleet of the Imperial Star Civilization above, and swung his sword again, and this sword directly paused the time of the entire fleet of the Imperial Star Civilization, making it impossible for them to enter a higher dimension to evade. Then the Sword of All Worlds, which was powerful enough to tear apart space, was also slashed out. In an instant, countless sword lights flashed across the sky, illuminating the entire sky, followed by the dense explosion.

"He succeeded! He attacked that fleet!" No. 2's eyes widened. He knew that Luo Yikong was very powerful, but Luo Yikong had never really shown his true combat power. At this moment, he did not expect that Luo Yikong could actually attack the fleet of the Imperial Star Civilization as a low-level ant and destroy it.

A large number of fragments fell from the sky with blazing flames, just like a meteor shower, a doomsday scene, which looked very spectacular...

The people in the Hengling fleet saw the scene with their own eyes, all of them looked demented. They had never thought that personal combat power could destroy an entire fleet...

Luo Yikong looked at the Imperial Star Civilization fleet that was destroyed by him in an instant, his face was very calm. Although he had no restrictions now and was strong enough, the scale of the Imperial Star Civilization's world-destroying fleet was more than a thousand times the fleet that Luo Yikong had killed. With Luo Yikong's power alone, he could not forcibly stop all this.

Now that the World Destruction Fleet is no longer receiving any orders, all Luo Yikong can do is to take action through the spiritual network of the Imperial Star Civilization. If he cannot control that network, he will not hesitate to destroy it.

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