Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 496 Setting Sail

"Standing here now, I want to tell you the news, that is, the disaster in Daotian World is over. However, because of the damage to the plane navigator, we cannot locate our current location, nor can we locate the Daotian World. Location. It is possible that we will continue to wander in various worlds, and it is also possible that when we return to the Daotian world, we will already be our descendants. But even so, we must return to our own world and our hometown. !”

Cole stood on the deck of the battleship and told the news to the dark sea of ​​​​people below. A total of 200,000 people in the fleet headed by the Hengling gathered here. Originally, they were quite happy to hear that the crisis in Daotian World had been resolved, but the subsequent news made all of them feel heavy. Today's fleet is like a blind man looking for a way home. Even if they can go back, they may not be able to return to the Daotian world after an unknown amount of time.

Luo Yikong stood in an inconspicuous corner. During this period, he had been trying to open up space, but all ended in failure. Obviously, the break between Luo Yikong and Luo Yiling also made Luo Yiling use means to ban Luo Yikong's ability to travel through the planes.

As for Xuanyuan Luoying, Luo Yikong thought about asking her for help, but the other Xuanyuan Luoying in his body did not want to help Luo Yikong, and instead huddled inside Xuanyuan Luoying's body and could not come out. It has nothing to do with her how long it takes Luo Yikong to return to the Daotian world. Anyway, she can remotely control and command the Emperor Star Civilization.

After Cole's passionate speech, he looked a little tired. These people are never afraid to face the enemy, even if the enemy is much stronger than themselves, and the home they fear is no longer there, or they will never be able to return home.

Cole knew that all the people in this fleet were well-trained soldiers from Daotian World. Otherwise, if they were civilians, they would have mutinied long ago.

"Commander Cole." Luo Yikong walked to Cole, and when he saw Luo Yikong, Cole still forced a smile...

"You have tried our best... all of us have tried our best. At least the Daotian world still exists..."

"Lord Luo Yikong, to be honest, even I, the commander, don't know if I can return to the Daotian World. But as a commander, although I am confused, I cannot show it. I can only choose to keep believing." Cole He sighed deeply. Returning to Daotian World was more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. Cole was afraid that he would not be able to take them all back. After all, he had brought them all out, and their families were all waiting. They go back.

"Don't worry, we will definitely go back, because aren't I still with you?"

Hearing Luo Yikong's words, Col's eyes suddenly lit up. He suddenly remembered that Luo Yikong was older than the council. He was a thousand-year-old monster. With Luo Yikong, an old man here, Cole was like a child who had found a backbone.

"Yes, you, Lord Luo Yikong, and Lord Long Yunxi and Lord Ji Xue'er are also here. With you here, no matter how many years pass, I believe that one day I will return to the Daotian World."

"Then when do you plan to set sail?" Luo Yikong asked.

"In 12 hours, the fleet will set sail. There are navigation records in the Hengling. Although some records cannot be repaired due to damage to the navigator, at least some of the records still exist. Our artificial intelligence is deducing the records. Calculate and try to deduce the true route.”

"Zero, you should also assist them!" Luo Yikong called out to Zero, and the latter's projection appeared next to Luo Yikong, nodded, accepted the order and started to act immediately.

Everyone in the Hengling fleet was busy preparing for the departure in 12 hours. Luo Yikong was sitting on the deck of the battleship, looking into the distance...

After 12 hours of inspection and preparation, the fleet slowly took off for preliminary flight tests. The fleet sailed at a regular flight speed at an altitude of about 3,000 meters. After sailing for ten minutes and confirming that all the data was normal, Cole also issued an order...

"The fleet immediately enters the plane navigation state! Open the plane wormhole!"

As Commander Cole issued the order, the fleet immediately opened the space wormhole. The space in front was distorted, and then a dark wormhole appeared directly in front of the fleet.

With the emergence of the wormhole in space, the whole world immediately started to thunder and lightning, and the fleet gradually approached the wormhole facing the thunder. When it reached the edge of the wormhole, it immediately entered a state of super-light navigation.

I saw thousands of streams of light flashing past, and the entire huge fleet disappeared in front of everyone. As the fleet all entered the wormhole, the wormhole gradually disappeared, and the whole world returned to peace.

There is darkness and chaos inside the wormhole, and the twisted space outside is enough to decompose most matter. If an ordinary creature accidentally falls outside, its body will be completely decomposed in less than a second.

Luo Yikong stood in front of the window and looked at the scene outside. Today's human civilization is a fourth-level civilization, which has the ability to easily travel through the plane world. Luo Yikong is also fortunate to be a fourth-level civilization in the Daotian world. If it were changed to a third-level civilization, If you are at the level of civilization, you will never be able to go back.

"The route record is being calibrated, there may be deviations..."

"How big is this deviation?" Luo Yikong asked Ling beside him.

"This deviation is very small, but even if it is a small deviation, the distance may be the end of the world."

"The end of the world... no, it should be farther than that. After all, a little deviation may be a different world." Luo Yikong was also helpless about this. This kind of plane shuttle must be accurately positioned. Now this fleet cannot determine its own position, nor can it determine the position of the Daotian world, and even the approximate plane coordinates of the Daotian world cannot be determined.

"The first world node was found, which is close to the coordinates of the plane stop point in the record." Zero suddenly reported to Luo Yikong at this time.

"Close... but not necessarily that plane stop point, but now we can only do this blind cat to kill the mouse, and we don't even know if this route is right. Forget it, how long will it take us to arrive?"

"About 5 minutes of ship time." Zero reported to Luo Yikong. Now they are in the plane channel, and the flow of time here is chaotic, so they can only determine it by ship time.

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