Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 502 Mu Qianxue

"Are you okay..." Luo Yikong looked at the maid he was holding at his waist, and there were bloody corpses all around Luo Yikong...

"No... I'm fine..." Hearing Luo Yikong's voice, the maid looked up at Luo Yikong and stammered in reply.

Luo Yikong put the maid down, and Cole and others rushed over, but before Cole and Ye Dong spoke, the third princess of the Star Empire saluted Luo Yikong.

"Thank you for saving my sister."


Hearing the words of the third princess of the Star Empire, Cole, Long Yunxi and others immediately cast their eyes on the maid next to Luo Yikong...

"As expected of Lord Luo Yikong, you can tell the other party's identity at once, so you just took action." Cole glanced at Luo Yikong, then at the maid next to Luo Yikong, and his admiration for her deepened a bit.

"This guy always has something to hide from us!"

No. 2 and Long Yunxi looked at Luo Yikong with a resentful look, and couldn't help complaining about Luo Yikong in their hearts. After all, Luo Yikong was always mysterious, and no one knew what he wanted to do until the end.

Luo Yikong turned his head and glanced at the maid beside him. In fact, even he himself didn't expect that the maid beside him had such an identity. This must have made No. 2 and Long Yunxi think that he was hiding something from them again.

"Let me introduce myself. Mu Qianxue, the ninth princess of the Star Empire, greets you..." The maid, no, it should be Mu Qianxue, the ninth princess of the Star Empire, saluted everyone with a skirt-lifting salute.

After Mu Qianxue finished the introduction, Cole immediately smiled and patted Luo Yikong on the shoulder and introduced: "This is my guard Luo Yikong, and the most elite soldier in our fleet."

Hearing Cole's introduction to himself, Luo Yikong immediately realized that this was the identity Cole arranged for him, and then he also spoke...

"All annihilation missions have been completed!" Luo Yikong saluted Cole with the Star Embers United Army, and Cole also responded in a cooperative manner.

"Well done."

"Thank you Mr. Luo Yikong for saving my life!" Mu Qianxue saluted Luo Yikong alone, and Luo Yikong responded with a military salute.

"This time the insect monster attack was too sudden, but we are new to this world and don't know much about this creature. If we want to provide equipment to detect and eliminate insect monsters, we may need to do some research on these corpses." Cole said as he looked at the corpses around him. To be honest, he wanted to study these insect monsters.

"Of course there is no problem with this. Although we burn these corpses just in case, if we can find a way to deal with the insect monsters, I believe those dead soldiers will be very willing."

"Then the resource supply..."

"I will report it to the empire as soon as possible."

"Then there will be no problem." Cole smiled. If there are enough resources to replenish the fleet, he can help them solve these small problems.

This banquet ended early because of the attack of the insect monster parasite, and the insect monster corpses were also transported to the fleet, but Luo Yikong did not plan to go up with Cole.

"Lord Luo Yikong, with our technological level, we can completely crush the so-called insect monsters, and the resource problem has also been solved. Perhaps after returning to the Daotian world, we can reposition ourselves to this world and establish exchanges and cooperation with the human civilization of this world." Cole said with a smile. After all, discovering a human civilization in an alien world is a feat that can make him appear in history books.

"You promised to help them deal with the insect monsters, but you don't know that there is a powerful seventh-level civilization behind the insect monsters."

"What?!" Hearing Luo Yikong's words, Cole's face turned pale. He was originally targeted by the virtual race and the Emperor Star civilization, two seventh-level civilizations, and almost caused the entire Daotian world to explode directly. Now he inexplicably ran into another seventh-level civilization. When did the seventh-level civilization become so cheap?

"Lord Luo Yikong, the energy of our fleet should be able to travel through the planes several times now. Otherwise, let's retreat directly!" Cole said with a serious face. At this time, he didn't want to help the human civilization of this world. Preserving his fleet and protecting the Daotian world was the top priority.

"No... we can't retreat..."

"Why?" Cole was puzzled. It was most important to retreat as soon as possible while the level 7 civilization didn't target them.

"The insect monsters are intelligent. The attack at the banquet was obviously not aimed at the Star Empire, but at our temptation. This may be a temptation from the insect monsters, or it may be a temptation from the advanced civilization. The insect monsters are creatures thrown into this world by the advanced civilization, and this world is also the experimental field of the advanced civilization. Perhaps from the moment we entered this world, they have already targeted us, but we can't see them at all."

These are not Luo Yikong's guesses, but the facts that Xuanyuan Luoying told Luo Yikong. When Luo Yikong and his fleet entered this world, they were already targeted by the Dead Blood Civilization. However, Xuanyuan Luoying is here after all, and naturally will not watch the entire fleet die, so Xuanyuan Luoying's order is to let Luo Yikong and others pretend not to know the existence of the Dead Blood Civilization and join this game.

"Then we..."

"Then we will join their game now and fight the insect monsters. In addition, the matter of the seventh-level civilization must be kept secret and no one can tell it."

"I understand." Cole nodded. He knew that Luo Yikong probably had a way to deal with it.

"You go to the fleet first! Let those guys conduct a detailed study of the insect monsters. If they find anything, tell me as soon as possible."

"Then Lord Luo Yikong, take care!" Cole saluted Luo Yikong and then walked towards the landing ship...

In order to avoid any accidents, Luo Yikong left Ji Xueer, Long Yunxi, and No. 2 on board. Their combat effectiveness is not weak. If there is any emergency in the fleet, they can also respond in the first time. As for Luo Yikong, he only brought Xuanyuan Luoying with him, on the one hand to monitor her, and on the other hand to protect her.

"Have you finished your explanation?" Xuanyuan Luoying looked at Luo Yikong who was walking towards her, and the latter nodded.

"Where is the one inside you? I want to talk to her."

"She...she said she wanted to rest. After all, she was almost killed by you and the Dragon God."

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