Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 508: Attacking the Mother Planet

A golden metal ball floated above the fleet. Although it was too small compared to the huge Hengling fleet, the light it released instantly attracted the attention of everyone on the ground...


The dazzling golden light burst out instantly, and the sudden burst of brightness made many people on the ground cover their eyes in pain.

In the golden light, some soldiers and civilians were directly wiped out, but most of the personnel were not affected, because the golden light hit the personnel parasitized by the insect monster.

"You use the God-making Machine, aren't you afraid of attracting the snatch of the Dead Blood Civilization?" Xuanyuan Luoying asked Luo Yikong beside him. The ten-light-year attack range of the God-making Machine just covers half of the Star Empire. This attack can be said to have directly caused heavy losses to the insect monster.

"What are you afraid of? Don't you still have you?"

"Are you talking about me or her?"

"I think so..." For Luo Yikong, it doesn't matter which Xuanyuan Luoying helps. The Dead Blood Civilization is not afraid of Xuanyuan Luoying, but the Imperial Star Civilization under her rule. As long as Xuanyuan Luoying can command the fleet of the Imperial Star Civilization, that's enough.

The attack of the God-making Machine will cover all areas within ten light years in three days, and the insect monsters in that range will be completely destroyed no matter how they hide and disguise.

"Captain Cole, our fleet should set off." Luo Yikong looked at Cole behind him, and the latter was also stunned.

"So soon? Should we wait until the God-making Machine's range attack is over before going?"

"No, speed is of the essence. I'm afraid that if we wait until the God-making Machine's attack is over, the Dead Blood Civilization will be over." Luo Yikong's idea is to seize this world with tough means before the Dead Blood Civilization is over, otherwise if it is ruled by the Dead Blood Civilization or the insect monsters, then the humans in this world will be miserable.

Although the attack range of the God-making Machine reached 10 light years, it would take one day for the attack light to reach the mother planet of the Star Empire. In order to avoid any trouble, Luo Yikong planned to take action directly.

Cole quickly issued an order, and with the order, the fleet began to open the space wormhole and shuttle through space...

"What is your identity?" Mu Qianwu looked at Luo Yikong. At this time, she did not think that Luo Yikong would be an ordinary guard. Although he looked young, even the captain of the fleet, Cole, obeyed his orders.

"I don't have any position here, and you don't need to care about my identity. You just need to know that in my civilization, I can be regarded as having a say. We came to your world just to temporarily replenish supplies here. Since we are both human beings and there is another advanced civilization behind the insect monster, we helped you. To be honest, we also want to meet that advanced civilization."

"So you are treating our world as a battlefield?" Although Mu Qianwu was a little angry, she was helpless. After all, their civilization was the weaker side.

"No, we are saving your world. Now the top leaders of your world are controlled by insect monsters. As long as that advanced civilization comes, your world will be in their pocket. You should know that it is easy for us to destroy you. You may doubt our good deeds, but please remember that time will prove everything." Luo Yikong said calmly. Maybe Cole and others did not know why Luo Yikong wanted to save the world, but Luo Yikong had a plan.


The fleet entered the superluminal navigation mode and turned into streams of light and rushed into the space channel. In just a blink of an eye, the fleet had successfully arrived outside the mother planet of the Star Empire. This kind of navigation method that spanned light years and instantly crossed made Ye Dong, Mu Qianwu and others speechless for a while.

"We have arrived at the target mother planet!"

The artificial intelligence of the fleet reported to Cole. While speaking, the starports and space stations around the mother planet naturally discovered the appearance of such a huge fleet. At the moment the fleet arrived, the guard fleet of the mother planet immediately went out, and even did not warn the Hengling fleet, and directly launched an attack.

A large number of thick beams of light poured down on the Hengling fleet like rain. Unfortunately, even though they opened fire at full power and used up all kinds of powerful weapons, they were unable to break through the energy defense shield of the Hengling fleet.

"Should we annihilate them all?"

The artificial intelligence of the Hengling fleet was waiting for Cole's order, and when Ye Dong, Mu Qianwu and others heard the cold question from the artificial intelligence, they immediately became nervous...

"Just paralyze them."

After hearing Cole's order, the dense fleet of warships that had been attacking the Hengling fleet stopped attacking in an instant, and this scene made Ye Dong and others confused again.

"What did you do to the mother star fleet?" Mu Qianwu didn't understand what means Cole and his men used. Obviously, those warships did not seem to be paralyzed, but why did they all stop attacking?

"Don't you understand? Our civilization technology is much more advanced than yours. Even our random artificial intelligence can control the control and command network of your entire Star Empire. Now they just lost control of the fleet. Even if they switch to manual driving, it will be too late because the fleet has been controlled by us. The life and death of those people inside is just an order from our side." Before Luo Yikong spoke, No. 2 said with a smug look on his face.

"What do you want to do?"

"It's very simple. Eliminate all the parasites of insect monsters, and then you will ascend the throne." Luo Yikong said calmly, and this sentence directly made Mu Qianwu and others' heads buzz.

"No! No! My father is still alive, and he colluded with foreign civilizations to ascend the throne. The Star Empire will definitely erupt in civil strife."

"In the face of absolute power, they will only surrender, because their power cannot even resist. And your father, do you think he is still alive? The moment he stood up and announced that we are enemies, he has already been a parasite of insect monsters. Without us, you will also die, and this world will be doomed. Retreating means death. Think about it." Luo Yikong looked cold. Whether Mu Qianwu agreed or not, she had to sit in that position.

"Then wouldn't I become your puppet?"

"Puppet... You can understand it this way, but this is only temporary. I can promise you that I will not enslave you. It's up to you whether you believe it or not, because the weak have no choice."

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