
With a loud noise, the spacecraft landed, but everyone in the spacecraft obviously felt a little uncomfortable. Even Luo Yikong felt very uncomfortable, as if the whole world was suppressing him.

"Do you feel a little uncomfortable?" Xuanyuan Luoying came to Luo Yikong and supported Luo Yikong, but Xuanyuan Luoying was not affected at all.

"This world has certain suppression on god-level beings like you. The other one in my body is already hiding, so I don't have any influence." Xuanyuan Luoying introduced to Luo Yikong, but Luo Yikong saw that besides himself, Long Yunxi and others, other people were also affected.

"Then what happened to them?" Luo Yikong looked at the ship personnel who came down with him and Mu Qianxue. They were all ordinary people, but they were all affected.

"In addition to suppressing you, the gravity here is also five times that of Yanhuang Star in the Daotian world, so you feel extremely uncomfortable. However, in environments with strong gravity, you usually wear special armor. It allows you to quickly adapt to this kind of gravity. You didn't wear the armor this time, so this is naturally the case. Although your soldiers are all genetically modified super soldiers, under this five times gravity environment, I'm afraid my strength will also be greatly reduced. Maybe I can jump from a height that I can easily jump to now, and I can break your bones here. "

Luo Yikong took a few deep breaths before slowly walking outside. The world's suppression of Luo Yikong was like a mountain pressing on Luo Yikong, making Luo Yikong a little breathless.

Luo Yikong is an outsider after all. The moment he left the Hengling fleet and came into full contact with the world, this suppression became stronger and stronger, as if the whole world was madly rejecting Luo Yikong. Luo Yikong was like a magnet that repels people of the same sex. It was obvious that the power was repelling him and the world, but he had to get closer.

Luo Yikong himself is the incarnation of the rules of the Daotian world. If he goes to some weak world, he can directly break this suppression. But going to the Emperor Star world is with the permission of Xuanyuan Luoying, a god-level existence, so Luo Yikong There was no suppression. But the rules and energy of this world are very powerful, which also creates a very strong repelling force for Luo Yikong.

Activities in this world directly reduced Luo Yikong's strength by half, and the level of this half is probably that Luo Yikong's current strength is about the same as his personal combat effectiveness during the Zerg War hundreds of years ago.

The spacecraft activated the optical stealth mode and hid, and Luo Yikong and others followed Zero's guidance and headed towards a nearby city...

Most of the environment on this planet is still in a very primitive state and has not been developed. This kind of natural environment is very rare on a rapidly developing civilized planet. After all, in the process of development, many natural environments have been destroyed. Directly sacrificed.

"I just saw a meteorite fly here. Maybe if we find the meteorite, we will get rich!" Just as Luo Yikong and others were shuttled through the forest, a group of people's conversation flew into Luo Yikong In the ears of others, those words were recorded by the instruments in everyone's ears, and were quickly deciphered by Zero. Those deciphered languages ​​are directly displayed on everyone's system menu, and they can be easily mastered by everyone. Through the power of the system, you can quickly complete the learning of a language.

"Should we catch them?" No. 2 looked at Luo Yikong and asked, and the latter shook his head.

"No, they will be our guides later." Luo Yikong shook his head, because just now, he felt a big guy breaking in...


"MD! Kill it!!!"

"Here we come! Follow us, everyone!"

Luo Yikong did not hesitate, and immediately turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the sound. With the sound of the sonic boom, all the trees along the way were cut off by Luo Yikong at that moment. He looked at the forest ahead and suddenly became spacious. On the main road, No. 2 looked at Xuanyuan Luoying aside with some confusion...

"Tell me, is he still being suppressed?"

"Ho ho ho!!!"

A group of big men holding primitive swords surrounded a giant python that was more than ten meters long. In the mouth of the giant python, a pair of human legs were struggling, and most of the man's body had been swallowed by the giant python.

Not far from the group of big men, two girls were tied into rice dumplings and thrown under the tree. One of the two girls was wearing red and the other was wearing blue. However, their faces were almost exactly the same. It could be seen that they were the same person. twin.

"It's over! The man-eating python that those guys in the inn boasted about is real, and it's not something to scare children." The girl in blue cried sadly. She was already unlucky enough to meet a group of bandits, but another man-eating python came.

"Sister, it seems we are really doomed this time." The girl in red also sighed, as if she had accepted her fate.

"Help! I don't want to die! I'm only sixteen! I've never even been in love..."

"Forget it! Sister! Who can stand your temper? And you have such high standards. Not only do you want to be handsome, but you also want to be ridiculously strong. How can you find such a person casually?" Hong The girl in blue struck mercilessly, and when she heard her sister's blow, the girl in blue froze.

"Then...then I will lower my demands. Whoever saves me, I will give my life to him."

"Sister, we will be together forever, so we have to marry the same person. You are so casual. What if the one who saved us is an old monster?" The girl in red sighed and said.

"Old monsters are old monsters! Didn't you see? Those guys are almost dead!" The girl in blue screamed. At this time, the girl in red noticed that in less than a minute, there were only three of the original bandits left. The original bandits were swallowed by the giant python one by one, with almost no resistance.

The swords and knives chopped on the giant python without any damage. The giant python swept its tail and the three bandits were torn into pieces...

"It's over..." The two girls said at the same time, their faces pale with fear.

The giant python also noticed the two girls, opened its bloody mouth and went to devour them...

At that moment, all the surrounding trees were crushed by the strong wind, and a powerful force fell from the top of the giant python, and then...


The strong air wave hit everything around, and the ground centered on the giant python sank several meters directly, and on the head of the giant python, stood a figure with long fluttering hair...

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