Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 546 I’m Going

Luo Yikong gritted his teeth. Now, before the fleet of the Emperor Star Civilization arrived, he had to hold on...

The phantoms of the divine swords began to emerge, surrounding Luo Yikong, allowing Luo Yikong to break through the terrifying gravity little by little...

"Old... Teacher..."

"Luo Yikong!"

"This... kid..."

Seeing Luo Yikong stand up from the ground little by little, Chu Tianyu and the dragons were full of shock. Even Xuanyuan Luoying, who was half-kneeling on the ground with one hand on the ground, was surprised...

When gravity is strong enough, it can distort time and space. The gravity waves released by the Dream Civilization Fleet have the strength to distort space and time. Otherwise, Xuanyuan Luoying and many other dragon races would not be so uncomfortable.

Xuanyuan Luoying asked herself if she could do the same as Luo Yikong, but that was when she had the God Creation Star. Now she had nothing. Although her own strength was strong, she was not confident enough to fight against the entire black hole-level fleet. After all, her biggest weakness was her body. However, Xuanyuan Luoying was not incapable of fighting against a fleet of the black hole-class scale of the seventh-level civilization without the God Creation Star, but the premise was that it had to be done in her Emperor Star World, her home turf.

The gravity wave continued to intensify, Chu Tianyu lay on the ground, and the deck under him had sunk seriously. Chu Tianyu's bones were broken and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Whether it was the Dragon Clan or Xuanyuan Luoying, they had already clenched their teeth and their expressions were solemn...

Luo Yikong's blood vessels began to burst, his bones began to shatter, and blood continued to flow out, but under the effect of Luo Yikong's virus body, they were constantly repaired quickly, causing Luo Yikong to stand in front of everyone from beginning to end.


A sword rang out, and another sword appeared, surrounding Luo Yikong. Luo Yikong suddenly felt that the gravity on his body was reduced a lot...

At this moment, Luo Yikong was no longer as calm as he was. His whole body was stained with blood. Facing the increasingly strong gravity wave, Luo Yikong looked at the densely packed warships of the Dream Civilization in the sky in front of him, and took a step forward. This step directly caused Luo Yikong's legs to explode instantly, and blood and flesh splattered, leaving only a sunken footprint on the deck in front...

The pain did not stop Luo Yikong. Luo Yikong's legs quickly repaired. Luo Yikong still walked forward with an expressionless face. With every step he took, his legs would instantly explode in the face of the terrifying gravity. Luo Yikong's nose, eyes, and ears continued to bleed, and his body was a little shaky. ...

Neither Chu Tianyu nor Xuanyuan Luoying, who now inherited this body, had ever seen Luo Yikong like this...

"Brother..." Long Yunxi raised her head with difficulty. She saw a picture. There were thousands of desperate fleets in front of her, and a ragged, bloodstained man was forcing his body forward... That look made her think of Long Wangfan again...

Even if there are thousands of people, I will go...

This is the picture everyone saw...

Luo Yikong's emotionless eyes were full of determination. He knew that he couldn't fall here, let alone surrender like this, otherwise all his efforts would be in vain...


Bai Lou City... City Lord's Mansion...

"City Lord Bai, are you saying that Luo Yikong and his people have all left?" A blind man who looked like a scholar asked Bai Zhan in front of him, and the latter nodded.

"Yes! My two granddaughters disappeared again. They probably went to find Senior Luo. But I heard from Senior Luo that they seemed to be going to the Holy Mountain, so I have sent people to the Holy Mountain as quickly as possible to bring the two girls back. After all, it is not an ordinary place." Bai Zhan did not dare to hide anything from the blind scholar in front of him. This scholar was Wu Yue, whom Luo Yikong met that day. However, an hour ago, Bai Zhan knew his other identity, the Swordless Immortal.

The Swordless Immortal, the top strong man in this world, was unmatched in swordsmanship when he was young, but was later plotted against and blinded. Just when he was desperate, he realized the highest realm of swordsmanship, replacing eyes with the heart, and every blade of grass and every tree can be a sword. There is no sword in the hand, but there is a sword in the heart, which is called the Swordless Immortal. Although he looks young, Bai Zhan, a thousand-year-old monster, actually has to call him a senior.

When Chu Tianyu released the dragon clan, he was not facing the Dream Civilization, but the top warriors Wu Jianxian and Zhan Tian Jianzun. Later, Chu Tianyu beat them to the point where they had no way out, so he called the Dream Civilization.

"Then City Lord Bai, do you know the identities of Luo Yikong and his men?"

"Senior Luo doesn't want to say, and we dare not ask directly!"

"It seems that we can only go to the Holy Mountain to find Luo Yikong who suddenly appeared to learn from him, and ask about his origins by the way. Otherwise, we can't stand another Tianyu Demon Lord Chu Tianyu." Wu Yue looked at a black-clothed young man beside him and smiled bitterly. The black-clothed young man carried a black sword on his back. At the same time, there was a famous legend in this world, a sword that cut the sky, Zhan Tian Jianzun.

Although they are top warriors, they were traumatized by Chu Tianyu seven hundred years ago, and they are a little unconfident.

"I didn't expect him to leave so quickly. You should have kept him at that time."

"Alas, isn't it to keep the appointment with you for a hundred years? At that time, I saw that Luo Yikong was a master, so I didn't entangle with him, but kept the best state to spar with you, otherwise you would say that I was letting him go. Who knew he would go so fast. But between you and me, I am still one step behind, but that Luo Yikong will definitely satisfy you, and even I can't tell his depth." Wu Yueshen sighed and said, such a strong man suddenly appeared, without even a trace, just like Chu Tianyu back then, but he also hoped that Luo Yikong was not the Chu Tianyu back then.

"We can only use the fairy warship to go to the Holy Mountain to find them." Zhan Tian Jianzun shook his head. If it was not necessary, he didn't want to go to the Holy Mountain, but he was eager to fight with the strong.

"It's the immortal warships of the gods!"

"How come so many immortal warships of the gods suddenly appeared?!"

"There weren't so many immortal warships of the gods more than 700 years ago. Did something happen to the Holy Mountain?"

The noise of guards and servants came from outside, which made Bai Zhan frown...

"What's the noise outside?"

"City Lord, many immortal warships of the gods appeared in the sky outside, the number is countless!"


Bai Zhan, Wu Yue, and Zhan Tian Jian Zun were all shocked...

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