Under the suppression of Luo Yikong's absolute strength, the originally aggressive masters could only sit down and drink tea with Luo Yikong. Luo Yikong also told the masters everything about the Daotian world and the truth outside the world. Luo Yikong also answered all their questions.

This process lasted for 12 hours. It was the first time that Luo Yikong spoke so much in one day. Those people changed from their original hostility and vigilance to friendly and ashamed faces. Even Chu Tianyu couldn't help but give Luo Yikong a thumbs up in his heart.

These top masters have a very high prestige in this world, and this can effectively help manage this world. Luo Yikong also made a promise to them that everyone in this world will be a part of the Daotian world after arriving in the Daotian world, and they will be treated equally.

With the persuasion and help of those masters, the resistance to the evacuation mission was significantly reduced. After all the ground personnel and a large number of creatures were placed in the three fleets from the Daotian world, the Emperor Star Civilization also took action.

An energy shield enveloped the entire planet, and then the warships of the Imperial Star Civilization Fleet began to release chains of light, connecting to the shield.

With the technology of the Imperial Star Civilization, it is easy and fast to compress the planet and take it away, but there are still many relics, buildings, and plants on the planet. Luo Yikong did not want the entire planet to become a wasteland, so at Luo Yikong's request, Xuanyuan Luoying ordered to keep the planet as it was as much as possible and take it away.

In addition to this planet, two planets not far away that also have life and civilization were also taken along, and the people on those two planets were originally immigrated by the warships on the main star, and their overall strength is much weaker than that of the main star.

With everything ready, a plane space wormhole that can accommodate a star the size of the sun was opened, and then the ships of the Imperial Star Civilization took the huge planet and turned into countless streams of light into it...

When the people on the Daotian World Fleet saw the huge planet and the Imperial Star Civilization turned into rays of light and disappeared, everyone couldn't help but take a breath. To travel through a planet at superluminal speed and ensure that most of the buildings on the planet are not destroyed is like a person dragging a cow across a river and ensuring that no water gets on the cow. In the eyes of everyone in the Daotian world, it is impossible to do, but the Emperor Star civilization has done it.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but sigh that advanced civilizations are advanced civilizations, and they have too many technologies that they don't understand...

With the entry of the Emperor Star civilization first, the Daotian world also began to enter the plane space wormhole at superluminal speed...

At that moment, everyone had a feeling that their soul was pulled out of their body. When they saw the starry sky outside, they found that the twinkling stars had already been stretched into a long line of light, which also meant that they had entered the superluminal navigation state. Because there is a protection system for superluminal navigation in the warship, once it enters the superluminal navigation state, a thin shield invisible to the naked eye will appear around the walls of the ship for protection, so the personnel in the ship will not be affected by the load of superluminal navigation, and at most they will feel a little discomfort like motion sickness.

Luo Yikong looked at the group of strong men from the Canghuang World who boarded the ship with him. Now, all of them were lying on the glass of the special space ship like curious babies, looking at the scene outside...

Even for those who have lived for thousands of years, it was the first time for them to see the scene of surpassing the speed of light, and the first time to see the scene of crossing the world with their own eyes...

For those people's curiosity, there is the artificial intelligence on the warship to answer it, but now Luo Yikong is more concerned about the Daotian World, a Daotian World where the Emperor Star Civilization is fully involved.

"How long have we been away from the Daotian World?" Luo Yikong asked Li Delong, the supreme commander of the Second Defense Fleet of the mother planet beside him. After all, the speed of time between worlds is not the same. In the eyes of Luo Yikong and the people of the Hengling Fleet, they have been away from the Daotian World for only three months.

"Lord Luo Yikong, the Hengling Fleet has lost contact with you for 39 years."

"39 years... What did the Emperor Star Civilization do to the Daotian World..." Luo Yikong took a deep breath and asked again.

"After you lost contact, the Emperor Star Civilization cancelled its attack on us. Currently, the Emperor Star Civilization has signed a series of contracts with our Daotian World and started a comprehensive cooperation model. The technology of our Daotian World has also made great progress with the help of the Emperor Star Civilization, but..." Li Delong stopped talking here.

"But what?"

"But the Emperor Star Civilization has penetrated and controlled the Daotian World to an unprecedented level. There is one-fifth of the Emperor Star Civilization forces on the Star Council. To the people, the Emperor Star Civilization continues to export movies and games, as well as some literature and art. The work vigorously promotes the power of the Emperor Star Civilization and the friendship of the Daotian World. In just 39 years, the people have been wary and hostile towards the Emperor Star Civilization at the beginning, and now they are worshiping and following the Emperor Star Civilization. When the war begins, at least half of the people in the rear will defect. Therefore, the Parliament has always been able to follow the wishes of the Emperor Star Civilization. Today, the Emperor Star Civilization has penetrated into all aspects of our Parliament, commerce, production, technology, entertainment, education, etc. Reach out to the major fleets. If your avatar, Lord Luo Kong, hadn't been involved, I'm afraid the Imperial Star civilization would have been eaten away faster." Li Delong said solemnly. If hard knives continue to kill, they will only bring a steady stream of hatred. So this kind of soft knife at the cognitive level can kill people without bloodshed, and can destroy and enslave an entire civilization without even using a single soldier.

"Xuanyuan Luoying wants to put a dog leash around my neck..." Luo Yikong frowned. When the Hengling fleet navigator was broken, Xuanyuan Luoying deliberately didn't help because he didn't want Luo Yi to let go. Kong returned to the Daotian world so early. Although Luo Yikong can have a subtle connection with his clone even if they are in different worlds, a clone can't do anything at all. The Emperor Star Civilization will not kill Luo Yikong because Luo Yikong has value, but for Luo Yikong's clone, if they are unhappy, they can just kill him.

However, facing the continuous penetration and encroachment of Daotian World, Luo Yikong must take action as soon as possible, otherwise when the final resistance of Daotian World is gone, everything will be over...

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