Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 562: The cost of use

The Sword of Destiny that can cut off fate...

The origin sword with the original rules of the origin of millions of worlds...

The sword of death that controls the laws of reincarnation in the world...

Witness the vicissitudes of the sea, the rise and fall of the world, the eternal sword that represents time...

The ends of the world are so close, the sword of all realms representing space...

The world disappears, and the final energy that explodes possesses the final sword of destruction...

After destruction, all things are reborn, and the Creation Sword possesses the power of creation...

There is no self or other, returning to zero point, the sword of annihilation inheriting the power of nothingness...

The first flame burned by thousands of civilizations, the divine sword representing thought...

Dreams are not false, reality is not reality, true and false, false and true, the Mengmo Sword that possesses the dream...

He cares about the common people wholeheartedly, and wields his sword to break the sky. The Nian Chen Sword that represents the common people...

Thousands of fantasy realms, thousands of virtual worlds! Possessing a virtual fantasy sword...

At this moment, the phantoms of the original Twelve Divine Swords actually began to materialize, which meant that Xuanyuan Luoying no longer borrowed the power of these twelve swords, but allowed the true form of the Twelve Divine Swords to briefly descend into this time and space... …

"Maybe you still don't know the origin of these twelve divine swords. Except for the first two swords of destiny and origin, which are the swords of the Holy Lord, each of the following swords actually represents the purest rules of this world. For example, that fantasy The sword has virtual power, so do you know where that virtual power comes from?" Xuanyuan Luoying also asked Luo Yikong in her body at this time, not looking like she was going to die at this moment. On the contrary, it seemed extraordinarily relaxed. She used to be afraid of death, but when death really came, she was not so afraid anymore.

"Is it a virtual god?" Luo Yikong asked tentatively.

"That's right! This is the virtual power that belongs to the virtual god, and the original owners of these weapons are all the first-class strong men in the past, present and future time and space. They only possess them because they are restricted by the cause and effect in the long river of time and space by the Holy Lord. Qualification to borrow those weapons!”

Hearing what Xuanyuan Luoying said, Luo Yikong's head buzzed. According to the virtual god, the past saint kings were just her subordinates, and the former virtual civilization was as powerful as a ninth-level civilization. Regarding the ninth-level civilization, according to Xuanyuan Luoying and herself, it is about freely traveling through time and space and controlling cause and effect. Did the Holy Lord see the future from the beginning? So he hid the future, deceived the virtual god, and set up a trap? At the same time, through the connection of cause and effect, the cause and effect of those divine swords are obtained in the long river of time.

The twelve divine swords have completely materialized and descended around Xuanyuan Luoying. This high-dimensional space seems to be unable to withstand the power of these twelve divine swords and begins to collapse bit by bit...

"Luo Yikong...I'm going..." Xuanyuan Luoying only said this simple sentence at this last moment, but for the two people who have been together for thousands of years, this sentence is enough.

"Go ahead...but I will save you...for sure..."

"Not overestimating one's own capabilities..." Xuanyuan Luoying smiled bitterly. Although Luo Yikong's tone was very calm, Xuanyuan Luoying knew that this was the most important promise from Luo Yikong. That person would definitely save her, even if he risked everything. …

Although Luo Yikong has no feelings, some things still exist even after he has no feelings... It can be seen from the fact that Luo Yikong gave up his absolute rationality for her for the first time. That is the humanity that Luo Yikong retained. …

Xuanyuan Luoying controlled Luo Yikong's body, and combined the twelve divine swords into a black long sword, and then turned into a ray of light, which penetrated the huge black hole in front of him in just an instant, and then the dazzling Light began to burst out from the middle, tearing the black hole apart...

"Lord Holy Lord...I am doing all this for you!"

In that white light, Luo Yikong seemed to hear the last desperate roar of another Xuanyuan Luoying. Maybe the so-called Holy Lord already knew about this future and this result, and the other Xuanyuan Luoying understood I have become the abandoned son of that existence...

The high-dimensional space realm was shattered, and the dazzling light disappeared. Luo Yikong regained control of his body. When Luo Yikong looked around, he found that he was floating in a void universe, and his body began to form knots. ice……

Luo Yikong shattered the ice on his body, and at the same time began to release an energy defense shield to protect himself...

"Ying! Are you okay!" Luo Yikong called to Xuanyuan Luoying inside his body, but there was no response. At this time Luo Yikong was a little scared, afraid that she would disappear like Luo Hui.

"Sakura! Xuanyuan Luo Ying!!!"

Luo Yikong yelled anxiously, a little lost his temper, and then a voice sounded in his mind...

"I... am about to die... the side effects are too great. Don't use this trick in the future..." Xuanyuan Luoying responded to Luo Yikong in an almost dying voice. Luo Hui was not a god-level combat power at the beginning. After absorbing all the power of the twelve divine swords, Xuanyuan Luoying was instantly wiped out. Compared to Luo Hui, although Xuanyuan Luoying had god-level combat power, it was not much better. It was only a matter of time before she disappeared.

"Didn't Luo Hui use the power of the Twelve Divine Swords once when he killed you? Why was he still alive at that time? Maybe he could save you." Luo Yikong suddenly asked as if he thought of something.

"How can it be that simple? Do you really think... did Luo Hui really use all his strength that time... otherwise I would never have survived... He is just a human of level 7 civilization. Although he is much stronger than many humans... he has not fully mastered the power of the twelve swords. Only when he faced the water droplets at the last moment... did he fully control the twelve swords." Xuanyuan Luoying has studied the twelve swords for 200,000 years, but has never successfully used the power of the twelve swords. This time, using the twelve swords made Xuanyuan Luoying understand that if you want to use that kind of power, you must be determined to die without regret. If you have any regrets, you will not succeed.

"How long can you hold on?" Luo Yikong asked Xuanyuan Luoying.

"Half an hour... at most half an hour... my spirit body will dissipate..." Xuanyuan Luoying sighed. With her death, the spirit body network will also collapse completely. After the spirit body network collapses, if the Emperor Star people do not have a carrier, their spirit bodies will continue to dissipate.

"Oh, there is still a way to save you! Another Xuanyuan Luoying once wanted to heal herself through the Origin Stone. Maybe that thing can be useful for your spiritual body!" Luo Yikong seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. He looked around and saw the huge Emperor Star Civilization main ship that had been divided into several sections. Maybe there was a device inside to call the fleet...

Xuanyuan Luoying no longer had the ability to call the fleet through the spiritual body network. At this moment, he could only rely on Luo Yikong...

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