At this moment, in the mother planet of the Dead Blood Civilization World, that is, in the body of the Corpse Insect King, a golden metal ball is spinning rapidly. The dense swarm of insects around it feel the violent energy in it and begin to become restless...

The golden metal ball is the God-making Machine. No matter how the Corpse Insect King uses the Dragon Crystal in his hand to control it, he cannot stop the God-making Machine, or the key in the hands of the Dragon Yingxuan has the authority to surpass the Dragon Crystal in the hands of the Corpse Insect King.


As the God-making Machine burst out with dazzling light, all the insects, including the huge Zerg mother planet, exploded like a bomb in an instant...


"What's going on with the Dead Blood Civilization?"

At this time, the virtual gods and various advanced civilizations also noticed the abnormality of the Dead Blood Civilization. A large number of biological warships and a large number of Zerg swarms of the Dead Blood Civilization exploded without any signs. Even those steel warships of other civilizations that were infected and controlled by the Zerg were all motionless at that moment.

The Virtual God noticed this abnormal situation and immediately used his virtual eyes to investigate. When he saw the results of the investigation, even the Virtual God couldn't help but take a breath of cold air...

"As expected of you... you really have a good method!"

"Master Virtual God, what exactly is the Dead Blood Civilization..."

Seeing the Virtual God's expression become solemn, Meng Sheng, the ruler of the Dream Civilization, was also a little curious...

"I told them not to rely on the God-making Machine. After all, it is a creation of another civilization. It is really a thing that can only cause trouble! Bugs will always be bugs and can't become a dragon civilization!" The Virtual God didn't expect that the Corpse Insect King was so greedy for the power and evolution that the God-making Machine could easily obtain, so that almost all the bugs of the Dead Blood Civilization had been transformed by the God-making Machine. Luo Yikong gave an order and directly wiped out the Dead Blood Civilization.

"Could it be that the Dead Blood Civilization..."

"The Dead Blood Civilization is finished... The Corpse Worm Emperor is probably dead too... But it doesn't matter, all this is just a lingering breath!" Although the sudden exit of the Dead Blood Civilization caught the Virtual God off guard, the Virtual God did not expect those guys to play a big role. On the contrary, the destruction of those civilizations in the Virtual Worlds was not a bad thing for the Virtual God. Those civilizations were pulled over by the Virtual God, and they were just cannon fodder used by the Virtual God to force Luo Yikong to play his trump cards one by one.


On the God Creation Star, Luo Yikong listened to the last voice of the Corpse Worm Emperor disappearing in his mind, and his expression was as cold as ever...

"Release all biological mechas!"

With the end of the Dead Blood Civilization, Luo Yikong immediately took advantage of the victory and issued an order to release biological mechas, including the Doomsday Disaster, which almost blew up the entire resistance fleet and is now being upgraded to the maximum.

At the same time when Luo Yikong issued the order, all the warship hangars in the Daotian World were opened, and a large number of fighters and numerous unmanned biological mechas swarmed out and flew towards the joint fleets of those advanced civilizations...

Facing the light rain rushing towards them, the fleets of those advanced civilizations immediately condensed several layers of space barriers in front of the fleets. With the attack methods of the sixth-level civilization, it would take a year to break through the space barriers. Even the Emperor Star Civilization, which is also a seventh-level civilization, would take them ten minutes to break through.


A ray of light flashed, and the space barrier condensed in front of the fleet was instantly broken. The first reaction of the commanders of the advanced civilizations was the attack of the God Creation Star, but they found that the attack was caused by a mecha... and that mecha was the strongest biological mecha, the End of the World...

The End of the World now combines the top technologies of the Dragon Civilization and the Emperor Star Civilization, and its combat power is thousands of times greater than before...

The End of the World turned into a ray of light and kept shuttling through the joint fleets of those advanced civilizations, causing a series of explosions of large warships, just like when the End of the World first rushed into the rebel fleet, no one could stop it.

It was also the first time for those advanced civilizations to face such a powerful biological mecha, and all kinds of attack methods were used, but the End of the World was too flexible and too powerful. In addition, it had already rushed into their fleet array, and large-scale and powerful weapons could not be used at all, after all, it was easy to accidentally hurt their own people. Behind the End of the World, many biological mechas and warships also broke through the firepower network and joined the melee.

Luo Yikong looked at this scene and exhaled. He had already played the first trump card...

Whether in terms of quantity or quality, Luo Yikong and his team were at a disadvantage, especially in a war between advanced civilizations. A difference in civilization level could render the entire Daotian World fleet useless. There was only one way to solve this problem, which was to make the other side perfectly integrated into the low-level, which meant to use the most primitive fleet visual range melee to tie up the other side's fleet. The other side could not concentrate its fleet to launch a large-scale and powerful attack, and if they were mixed together, they could only attack with naval guns and carrier-based aircraft within a certain range.

Of course, if Luo Yikong showed too much at the beginning, he might not be able to get close to the fleets of those advanced civilizations at all. Therefore, Luo Yikong used the God Creation Star as a trigger. At the same time, because of the two attacks of the God Creation Star, the other side's formation was disrupted. In addition, the gap left by the Dead Blood Civilization made it impossible for them to react in time.

"I and they were fooled..." At this time, the Virtual God also understood that Luo Yikong had no intention of fighting them to the death, but was just trying to drag them out in this way when he knew that victory would be fruitless.

But the Virtual God didn't understand why Luo Yikong was dragging them out. Was it for the people in Daotian World and Dixing World who had not evacuated, or was he waiting for reinforcements, or was it an opportunity to turn defeat into victory?

However, the Virtual God did not want to give Luo Yikong any chance. This guy was too sinister. Even the people around him were unaware of the hidden means in his hands...

The joint fleets of major civilizations were ravaged by the Doomsday Disaster, and the damage to the mechanical civilization was relatively light, with only ten planetary warships destroyed...

"Lord Phantom God, are you buying time for the Mirror of Time and Space? But the price is a bit high..." The projection of a beautiful woman looked far away in the direction of Luo Yikong's fleet, with a faint smile on her face...

The Mirror of Time and Space was left by the Time Wheel Division, which was the virtual civilization that supervised time back then. It has the ability to directly connect to the long river of time...

As for the long river of time, the Virtual God did not die because he escaped into the long river of time. Once Luo Yikong escapes into the long river of time, there must be a chance for him to make a comeback...

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