Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 591: Five Years

Spring goes and autumn comes, summer is hot and winter is cold...

The big tree at the entrance of the town keeps growing green leaves, and then withers and falls in autumn...There is a grave under the big tree, and the words "Ye Qingcang's Grave" are written on the tombstone...

Not long after Alice left, Dean Ye fell ill. It may be because he felt guilty for not being able to save those children, and died in depression...

Almost every day, Ye Kong always came here alone in a wheelchair to accompany Dean Ye. Although living alone is a bit harder, you can always use your hands.

Ye Kong looked at the scratches on the big tree. There were five knife marks on it, which meant that this was the fifth year since Alice left here and went to the front line. During this time, Ye Kong and Alice only communicated through the communicator under the full surveillance of the Huang Empire.

In these five years, Alice has also grown a lot. In some news, Ye Kong has also seen news about mysterious monsters attacking the rear of the Moon United Council and the assassination of the high-level members of the Moon United Council. Ye Kong also knew that this was done by Alice and others. Alice and her people were not allowed to be exposed to the public, so the tasks that had a decisive impact on the war situation were generally assigned to them.

Under the double blow of war and internal infiltration, the Moon United Parliament was still defeated. After all, the Huang Empire was a monarchy with highly concentrated power, while the Moon United Parliament was divided into various factions. Instead, the Huang Empire easily divided and fought internally, winning over a group of people with promises of status and benefits, and beating a group of people to consume the Moon United Parliament. The Moon United Parliament naturally infiltrated the Huang Empire, but the top leaders regarded the royal family as absolute, and immediately suppressed bloodily any signs of resistance from the bottom. The difference between the entire Huang Empire and the Moon United Parliament is that the interest groups of the Huang Empire have long been tied together, and the Moon United Parliament is a struggle between various interest groups.

Ye Kong sat in a wheelchair in a daze, and a breeze blew from afar, bringing the joy of returning and the trumpet of triumph...

"We won! We won!"

A man's shout came from a small house behind him, and the joy of victory seemed to be contagious. The residents of the usually peaceful town rushed to the streets to cheer...

Compared to the victory of the Huang Empire, what they were really happy about was that the war was finally over. They didn't have to become refugees and would soon be reunited with their families.

On October 8, 563 of the Huang calendar...that autumn...Chu Kelin, the 21st Speaker of the Moon United Parliament, announced his unconditional surrender to the Huang Empire under pressure from both inside and outside, as well as the coercion of several bigwigs within the parliament...

Generally, after the overall situation of this kind of war is determined, nuclear bombs will not be used desperately. After all, nuclear bombs are just deterrent weapons, and those dignitaries don't want to live in a ruin full of radiation. Therefore, under the status, power and money promised by the Huang Empire, those high-ranking officials turned around and sold out the parliament and people behind them. Their days were still the days of the nobles, but the parliament had disintegrated and disappeared. On the entire mother planet, the unification of the Huang Empire was a foregone conclusion.

The message of world peace and the complete victory of the Huang Empire spread throughout the mother planet in the shortest time, and also announced the official end of the war that lasted for 15 years...


January 3, 564 of the Huang calendar... heavy snow...

The whole world was dyed white by the cold snowflakes, and the snow on the streets of the town could reach the knees with one foot. In small towns everywhere, children had already rushed out of the house to make snowmen and snowball fights. Ye Kong and the children in the orphanage were the same. They also liked snow, but hated the cold. The only difference from other towns was that no children rushed to the streets to play snowball fights, and there were even few people on the streets.

The residents of this town were all refugees, and their children had been transformed into monsters and sent to the front line. Even if the war was over, they knew nothing about life or death. The soldiers stationed around the town did not withdraw and were still watching them.

On this snowy night, a knock on the door woke up Ye Kong, who was sitting in front of the warm stove and had fallen asleep...

Although he was confused about who would come to see him so late, Ye Kong still slid his wheelchair to the front door and opened it...

The cold wind blew snowflakes on Ye Kong's face, and even the flame of the stove in the house swayed... Ye Kong looked at the figure at the door. A layer of snow had accumulated on her shoulders and head. The immature look in her memory was now full of vicissitudes...

"Brother Ye Kong... I'm back..."

"It's good to be back..." Ye Kong smiled slightly. It was Alice who was standing at the door at this moment. She had grown up a lot. Although she looked a little different, Ye Kong still recognized her at a glance.

Alice threw herself into Ye Kong's arms, just like she did when she left five years ago, but she had to leave Ye Kong that time, and this time the war was over, she would not let go again...

Feeling Alice's trembling body, Ye Kong reached out and gently rubbed Alice's head, just like he did five years ago...

In these five years, Alice could no longer remember how many people she had killed, nor how many battles she had experienced. In the fighting, she had become a walking corpse, but there was always a belief in her heart that supported her, and she must go back alive.

Alice's team had a total of 158 people, all of whom were children who survived the experiment. Each of them was a monster transformed by genes and alien blood, and each had different abilities. Alice was the strongest one among them, so she was also their captain. Until the end of the war, there were 11 people left out of the original 158 people, including her. Among them, Xiaotian and Xiaohe, two orphanage children who had successfully completed the experiment, also fell on the eve of victory.

On the battlefield, both the Huang Empire and the Moon United Council knew about a terrible monster called "Lolis" and the monster army behind her. Friendly forces were afraid, and the enemy was even more frightened. At this moment, the leader of the monster army, "Lolis", actually cried in Ye Kong's arms. In the five years of war, Alice had learned to be strong and numb, and would not cry no matter what enemies and difficulties she faced. At this moment, in front of Ye Kong, she cried like a child.

"Okay... okay... I'm home... Although there are only two of us in this family, it is the best result for me that you can come back safely."

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