Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 593: Strange Blood Monster

In the First Royal Hospital of Huang Empire, Ye Kong was being held hostage by Dr. Luo with a scalpel on his neck. When Ye Kong was wondering why Dr. Luo did that, the door of the ward was forcibly broken open with a loud noise...


A team of fully armed Huang Empire soldiers rushed in and quickly surrounded Ye Kong and Dr. Luo...

"Doctor, the people you arranged here have all been captured, and you have also been formally arrested by Huang Empire. Surrender!" A well-dressed young man walked out from the soldiers, and that young man was one of the twelve senior governors of the empire.

"Do you want me to die or live?" Dr. Luo looked at those people and smiled coldly.

"Tell us where the two bottles are, and you can survive." The young man said coldly. In fact, for him, the two bottles were not so important. After all, their Huang Empire had completed the unification. Finding the two bottles was just a task assigned to him by the higher-ups. It would be best if he could find them, but it didn't matter if he couldn't find them.

"That's not right! The order issued by the empire now is to destroy everything related to the alien blood. On the one hand, it is because this thing is too dangerous, dangerous enough to affect the whole world. On the other hand, the empire does not want the people to know that they rely on this thing to win. I know I am doomed, but as long as you kill this guy, you will no longer be able to restrain Loris, and then Loris will be your biggest enemy!" Dr. Luo was about to take action, and at this time a laser pierced through Dr. Luo's head at a very fast speed.

Ye Kong turned his head to look at Dr. Luo behind him, and the latter's body fell straight, and the blood dyed the white ground red...

Although according to Dr. Luo, killing Ye Kong is the best choice, he did not do so, otherwise Dr. Luo should have taken action from the moment he met Ye Kong. Dr. Luo handed the two bottles of medicine to Ye Kong, which was equivalent to handing Alice's life and death to Ye Kong, but what Ye Kong didn't understand was why Dr. Luo did that?

The red potion is the improved alien blood, which can make Alice stronger, but this kind of strength must have a price, and the blue potion is the antidote for the alien blood. Although it is an antidote, it can kill Alice.

Ye Kong stared at Dr. Luo's body, he couldn't figure it out...


Huang Empire... Wolf Head City...

At this moment, the entire city has been under full martial law by the Huang Empire. No civilians are allowed to go out on the streets, and even the signals of the entire city have been blocked, and it is impossible to contact the outside world.

A large number of armed helicopters are searching for something in the entire city. The soldiers on the helicopters and the soldiers who block the entire city are wearing the uniform black uniforms of the Huangying Corps, and this corps can be said to be the most elite imperial guards in the entire Huang Empire.

"According to the instructions of the empire, the alien blood monster appeared in this city, and we will keep the monster here at all costs! However, it is difficult to kill the monster by conventional means, so the upper level also sent a helper over!" A leading soldier looked at the team members in the helicopter and ordered the mission of this operation.

"What kind of helper? Can they destroy such a monster?"


When the leading soldier said this name, everyone was silent. It can be said that the empire was able to win a decisive victory because of Lolis and her troops, especially Lolis, who was an unkillable monster on the battlefield. Because of the special cover-up by the Huang Empire, most people did not know Lolis, but those who experienced the war knew it clearly.


At this time, a long wolf howl came, and this wolf howl instantly made everyone tense up. After all, they knew more or less about the target before the mission. Those alien blood monsters have merged the genes of some creatures, so they have some characteristics and abilities of some creatures, and those monsters only need to eat a lot of flesh and blood, and any fatal injuries can be quickly repaired. Unless it is a one-shot kill, it is difficult to kill.

The alien blood monster this time is called Maurice Kruno, who was once a member of Lolis's troops and a captain. His own alien blood virus matches the genes of wild wolves, chameleons, and bats. If these alien blood virus owners want to stay sane, they must constantly feed on the flesh and blood of their own kind to suppress the outbreak of the alien blood virus in their bodies. This is nothing during the war, because the last thing a war lacks is dead bodies, but now that the war is over, these people have become the number one threat for a while. After all, whether it is powerful strength and danger, or public opinion, the Huang Empire will not allow them to exist.

As for Alice, she also needs the flesh and blood of her own kind to suppress her. For this reason, the Huang Empire has called up the blood bank and a large number of death row prisoners for her.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A sound wave erupted from the center of the city, and dozens of armed helicopters lost control in an instant, fell from the sky, and exploded in the prosperous city below. Although the soldiers in the helicopter were prepared and put on soundproof headphones for internal communication, the sound wave still shattered all their internal organs, causing the helicopter to crash without control.

A sound wave attacked, and all the glass in the central area of ​​the city was shattered. Nearly 20,000 people lost their lives in that instant, and this is the power of war weapons. Their existence is born because of war.

"Captain! Found the target!"

In the near-Earth orbit above the city, a fleet was monitoring the city. They received orders to preserve the city as much as possible. If the ground forces and Loris failed, they would kill the monster with one blow at the cost of a city!

Using a fleet to deal with one person, or at this moment, he was no longer human, but this was still unbelievable in the eyes of the fleet commanders of the Huang Empire, and it also showed the power of the monsters created by the alien blood. Once, the Moon United Council concentrated its superior fleet to encircle and suppress the alien blood monsters under Loris, but Loris directly broke into the fleet and suffered a great defeat. In the late stage of the war, the Moon United Council even used orbital guns and secretly used some small nuclear weapons to cause casualties to Loris's monster army.

Perhaps relying on weapons such as nuclear bombs can eliminate Loris and others, but each of Loris and others is undoubtedly a human-shaped nuclear weapon, whether on the front battlefield or in the rear. It is precisely because of the existence of Loris and others that the balance of the war has tilted.

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