Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 604 Black-haired girl


The dragon's eyes flashed with ferocity, and it breathed a dragon's breath at Luo Yikong and the others. The combat power of the dragon was at least 100,000-level 2000 or above, while Luo Yikong's current combat power was at most 1,000-level 200.

The bodies of the virtual soldiers in front of him turned to ashes in the flames in an instant, and the flames came to Luo Yikong in the blink of an eye...

Under the pressure of death, Luo Yikong immediately used the destiny and origin of the twelve swords...



The dragon was stunned. He saw that the flames that could have turned Luo Yikong into ashes in an instant were actually absorbed by the sword that suddenly appeared in Luo Yikong's hand. Even the terrifying high temperature near the flames was absorbed, and Luo Yikong was not hurt at all...

After a brief daze, Luo Yikong looked at his blue crystal sword, and the sword was swallowing the flames...


Luo Yikong naturally knew the name of the sword, the origin of the world, which represented the source of everything and had the ability to swallow all the energy of the current time and space. Of course, it could not swallow the power of rules, such as time and space.

Unless the twelve swords are summoned at once, the twelve swords will materialize and descend for a short time. The destiny and origin that appear in Luo Yikong's hands at this moment are not phantoms, but entities... the real entity...

"Could it be time..." Luo Yikong thought of the long river of time at the first time. Could it be that the real entity of destiny and origin exists in the long river of time? Walking through the long river of time, he has unknowingly gained the resonance of the real entity of the two swords and integrated them into his body.

Luo Yikong had no time to think about it. The dragon opened its bloody mouth and swallowed Luo Yikong, the little bug...

"MD! Are you sick? You are picking on me, a little Karami! It's not me who hit your head in!"

Luo Yikong hurriedly fled. Only he knew that the emotionless self in his heyday could beat up the dragon in front of him, but now, the dragon can kill him instantly with a slap.

Luo Yikong could only use two of the twelve divine swords, and his combat power was completely limited...


Luo Yikong narrowly avoided a bite from the dragon, but he was completely forced into a dead end...

"Die! Virtual Clan kid!"

The dragon raised the huge dragon claw and was about to slap Luo Yikong, but at that moment Luo Yikong turned around calmly and looked at the dragon with cold eyes...

In an instant, the giant claw stopped in the air. At that moment, Luo Yikong actually gave him the feeling of a virtual god... dangerous... cold... contempt for everything...

Suddenly, Luo Yikong was distracted, and the breath disappeared. He also covered his head, not knowing what happened just now...

"You dare to play tricks on me!"

The dragon was immediately furious. After all, he was a well-known figure in the dragon civilization. Now he was frightened by a virtual soldier. If he went back, he would be laughed at by his own kind!

Luo Yikong didn't know what happened just now. Anyway, Luo Yikong felt that he suddenly became empty and void, without emotion, love, thoughts or ideas. The feeling was the same as when Luo Yikong stripped off his emotions in the Daotian world and merged with the consciousness of the Daotian world. It was just that although Luo Yikong in the Daotian world stripped off his emotions, he still retained a trace of humanity, so he was still himself. But just now, Luo Yikong felt that he had returned to the state he had before, and felt that he was himself, but not himself.

Without time to think carefully, the huge dragon claws were already there. Luo Yikong had no place to hide and could only swing his sword to resist...

"Virtual world!"

At this time, an ethereal and emotionless voice resounded throughout the virtual world. Then, the huge dragon claws that should have beaten Luo Yikong into a pulp were suspended in the air. Then, under Luo Yikong's gaze, the dragon clan was decomposed by a mysterious force and turned to ashes...

"Virtual God..." Luo Yikong's first reaction was the virtual god. Just now, she definitely used the virtual power of the entire virtual world, but the virtual god of this era was much more powerful than the virtual god of Luo Yikong's original era.

Although Luo Yikong in his prime could also kill the dragon clan just now, it was still difficult to make the opponent turn to ashes without hurting others. This all shows the power of the virtual gods of this era.

Above the virtual world outside the warship, the huge virtual eye was watching every corner of the entire virtual world... Kill all the invading dragons...

Then a space crack opened, and the virtual eye rolled up a mysterious item and threw it directly in. No one knew what it was...

The virtual civilization has the ability to monitor future time and space. The moment those dragons stepped into the virtual world, they were already locked. Compared with the vague prediction of Luo Yikong, the dragons were much clearer, which is why the virtual civilization has always been invincible.

See the future and make changes to the future. Because of the influence of the rules of time, all the actions of Luo Yikong, a future person, will not change the track of history. The changes made by the people of this time and space, the future that they think has changed, are actually unchanged in the history that Luo Yikong knows. Whether it is the past history or the future, the track seems to have changed, but it has not changed in fact. It is still the most correct one chosen by time.

People are like ants walking on a rope. Even if they deviate, they are still on the rope... The starting point and the end point, the route in between, are roughly unchanged... Unless...

Unless there is an extra rope in the middle... leading to different results and paths...

The interior of the warship began to burn with flames. Luo Yikong also took advantage of this great opportunity and immediately rushed to the place where the Xuanyuan clan member was imprisoned. It was too dangerous to stay in the territory of the virtual god. If the virtual god himself saw Luo Yikong, whether he was a virtual clan or had a system, it would be completely a glimpse of Ding Zhen. He must find that human and ask him if he can leave, and at the same time inquire about Xuanyuan Luoying’s news.

The imprisoned space was already a sea of ​​fire. Luo Yikong rushed into the sea of ​​fire without any hesitation. Fortunately, the flames were not as hot as the dragon's breath just now, so Luo Yikong could still resist...

Quickly passing through the flames, Luo Yikong saw a black-haired human girl standing in a daze in the flames. It seemed that she was scared and didn't know how to escape from the flames...

Luo Yikong immediately rushed over and hugged the black-haired girl like a princess. The black-haired girl came back to her senses and was stunned for a moment. Seeing Luo Yikong hugging her, she immediately showed anger...

The black-haired girl raised her hand slightly. She wanted to slap Luo Yikong, the guy who offended her, the great virtual god, into a pulp...

That's right! Luo Yikong didn't know that the guy in his arms was the virtual god he had always wanted to avoid...

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