"Have you humans brought all your last assets here?" Ying Xuan's huge dragon pupils stared at the Pangu, which was like a great wall in the starry sea ahead. Just one side of the ship was like a huge wall, completely isolating the entire starry sea.

"This is the plan of the top leaders. As for what they want to do, I don't know..." Xuanyuan Lan looked up at the Pangu. Whenever he saw the Pangu, he was filled with a sense of pride. You know, even in the eighth-level civilization, there are not many civilizations that have super-time and space-level warships. What's more, the eighth-level civilization has been completely eradicated by the virtual civilization. Although their human civilization is lingering, it is undoubtedly the only existence under the virtual civilization that has super-time and space-level.

"Human civilization had five super-time and space-class warships back then. Two of them were destroyed in the civil war, and the virtual civilization later destroyed two more. Now there is only this last one left. Even if it is super-time and space-class, it is difficult to shake the virtual civilization. As far as I know, the virtual civilization still has four super-time and space-class warships. The virtual god controls one himself, and the remaining two are controlled by two of the three main fleets. The last one is almost scrapped because of a battle with humans more than 200 years ago and is under major repair."

"At least we still have hope of resistance..." Xuanyuan Lan smiled faintly. For all the resistance virtual civilizations, the super-time and space-class warship does have hope. After all, even the dragon civilization does not have a super-time and space-class warship.

When human civilization was defeated, before the world was destroyed, a large number of civilians traveled to various worlds to start from scratch through the fire spacecraft to preserve the fire. The remaining soldiers and resistance forces escaped far away through the Pangu, waiting for one day to fight back to the virtual world and take revenge.

In the eyes of the human leaders at that time, even if the Pangu, the last revenge force, failed, the humans scattered in many worlds would continue the human flame. As for those on the Pangu, they just continued their unfinished battle.

Ying Xuan began to command the fleet to approach the Pangu, intending to temporarily enter the interior of the Pangu and wait for the next order...

When the fleet approached the Pangu, a small wormhole appeared on the surface of the Pangu, and the fleet entered the Pangu through the wormhole...

"Is this the interior of the super-time and space-time battleship?"

Luo Yikong looked at the spectacular scene outside. He thought that the interior of the Pangu would be the same as the interior of most battleships. The area they entered must be a super-large hangar, but what Luo Yikong saw at this moment was a world...

Above Luo Yikong was an artificial sun, releasing light and heat, and below it was a magnificent high-rise building, as well as various architectural wonders. It was a city, and the city had no end in sight.

"Amazing! So amazing!"

Luo Yikong used the artificial intelligence in the warship to isolate all the light of the artificial sun. He saw a layer of defense shield above the sun, and behind the energy defense shield was the artificial moon. Above it was also a brilliant city.

There was a city at the top and bottom. One place was in the daytime and the other was in the night. The gravity was opposite, but they were separated by the shield and did not interfere with each other...

Luo Yikong immediately thought of a word in his mind, that is, "creation". Yes, this is simply a world created by man. Even Luo Yikong in his heyday, with all his rule power and all the resources of the entire Daotian world, could not create the world, but the human civilization in front of him did it.

Luo Yikong had an idea in his mind. With the technological level of human civilization in this era, can it mass-produce god-level combat power? The answer is yes. After all, the dragon civilization can do it with a god-making machine! However, this artificially created god-level existence has no power of rules and cannot fight against the fleet of advanced civilizations, let alone reach the level of the virtual god who can directly control the long river of time.

Luo Yikong thought of Xuanyuan Luoying. How did this guy develop the civilization of Emperor Star to that level? If he just inherits a little bit of the technology of today's human civilization, wouldn't it take off directly?

The fleet began to force land in the city below. At present, Luo Yikong already knew that the space inside the super-time and space-time battleship belongs to independent time and is not affected by the long river of time. It takes half a day for Pangu to go to the main battlefield. It is half a day outside, but it is a month inside. Luo Yikong and his team have a month of rest time.

Because this place is independent of the long river of time, the virtual god cannot see what is done here through the long river of time, and the virtual god cannot contact Luo Yikong at all.

Under the guidance of the fleet's artificial intelligence, Luo Yikong successfully registered his identity as Luo Tianchen, and then a laser shot something like a barcode on his neck. Luo Yikong tried to wipe it off, but it was completely indelible. He even cut that part and quickly repaired it with his own virus body, but it was useless. The barcode was generated as usual.

After registration, all personnel who disembarked had to go through a channel for disinfection to prevent some people from carrying some space viruses or biological viruses from certain civilizations. Watching the personnel enter the disinfection channel one by one, Luo Yikong froze at the door.

Luo Yikong is a virus body. In his heyday, he could be unscathed, but now walking in is like taking a sulfuric acid bath. If the virus in his body is killed, Luo Yikong will die.

Luo Yikong's awkward situation standing at the door was also noticed by Xuanyuan Lan. At this time, Xuanyuan Lan also remembered the data obtained from scanning Luo Yikong's body before, and knew that Luo Yikong was actually a virus-modified person.

"This is troublesome. You are full of viruses, and I can't let you in directly." Xuanyuan Lan sighed helplessly, but he noticed Luo Yikong's eyes, and he obviously wanted to go out.

"Forget it..."

Xuanyuan Lan thought about it, and began to contact someone through the communicator, and soon a group of people wearing protective clothing appeared in front of Luo Yikong. Without saying anything, they took a part of Luo Yikong's blood and put it into the instrument they brought with them for analysis.

"Sir, the virus in this person is extremely dangerous and has reached the highest level of biological weapons attack standards!"

"Really?" Xuanyuan Lan frowned, obviously unconvinced.

The person being questioned didn't waste any words, and directly injected a drop of Luo Yikong's blood into the body of a little white mouse in the iron box. Then all the hair of the little white mouse fell off, the body began to swell, and a large number of tentacles emerged. At the same time, like a ferocious beast, it tore all the other mice in the iron box to pieces.

"Believe it now!"

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