Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 619 A familiar figure

"I...I come from the virtual world..." Luo Yikong thought for a while and replied. He was still too unfamiliar with the human society here.

"Virtual Worlds... isn't that the territory of virtual civilization? It seems that you are a rescued human slave. No wonder you are a little different from me." The girl looked at Luo Yikong and said in an adult-like tone .

"Sorry, does this cost money?" Luo Yikong suddenly remembered that he came here to drink, and it seemed that he didn't bring any money.

"Money? Two hundred years ago, we eliminated all transaction currencies. Today, most of the work of human civilization is performed by artificial intelligence, and humans can do what they want to do wholeheartedly. Resources are distributed fairly, and work is regardless of high or low. No matter who is high or low, even the so-called Xuanyuan royal family is treated equally. Everyone is equal. Opening this tavern is my contribution to mankind, and it is also my hobby. In addition to taking bags here, you can drink as much as you want. No need. Pay any price."

"Sounds like an impossible utopia." Luo Yikong sighed. It may be that Daotian's vision of the world is limited. He cannot imagine a world without monetary transactions, where any resources can be obtained freely, and where people can communicate with each other. How is a world without distinction between high and low achieved and sustained? Once in the Daotian world, he wanted to create a world where everyone was equal. However, no matter how capable Luo Yikong was and how he guided him, the entire society would often become corrupted after a hundred years.

Later Luo Yikong understood that in order to create such a world, human beings must give up all desires, but would they still be human beings without desires?

Now that I see the internal world of the Pangu, I find that this "paradise" has lasted for two hundred years and has not been corrupted. Luo Yikong thought carefully. Perhaps when human civilization faces a common enemy, they will put aside their own desires and let such an ideal world continue!

"You are a slave from the virtual world, no wonder you don't know."

Luo Yikong thought to himself. This Pangu can be said to be the last force of human civilization, but it is also the largest shelter. So why should the Pangu be sent to the frontline battlefield and exposed to the sight of virtual civilization? . You must know that in the face of virtual civilization, even a hyperspace-class battleship is not invincible.

Is this a plan to fight tooth and nail?

This speculation was quickly dispelled by Luo Yikong. Human civilization had never fought before it was defeated by virtual civilization, let alone now?

Luo Yikong thought of the Dragon Clan Civilization. Perhaps the dispatch of the Pangu was to give the Dragon Clan Civilization an attitude that human civilization would wholeheartedly form an alliance, or it could be a bait... If it was a bait, then Luo Yikong admired the courage of the top human beings for actually daring to The last top power of the entire human civilization is on the card table, which is the hope for the revival of human civilization.

Before coming to this world, the virtual god had already told Luo Yikong that this world had become a training ground for virtual civilization and was completely blocked by virtual civilization. Judging from the fact that the virtual civilization does not take this world seriously, the virtual civilization does not know that there is a hyperspace-level battleship hidden in this world.

Although it is said that the Macross class battleship can forcibly break through the plane blockade of virtual civilization, the movement will definitely not be small. Judging from the current situation, the Macross class should have been hidden in this world for a long time.

This is the edge of the virtual world. If a chronotype human battleship suddenly appears here, then the virtual civilization will definitely dispatch at least two chronotype battleships to securely capture it. Because the Macross-class battleship appears suddenly, it will not give the virtual civilization too much reaction time. Generally, world-destroying weapons may destroy the world, but they cannot destroy a Macross-class battleship that travels across the world. As a decoy, the Pangu must want to make a big move, but Luo Yikong didn't know what kind of results would make the Pangu take such a risk. You must know that even taking over the current world is not worth it.

Luo Yikong began to think deeply. The girl on the side saw that Luo Yikong seemed to be thinking about something, but did not bother him. After about a minute, an answer emerged in Luo Yikong's mind...

Time and space level!

The emergence of a Macross-class battleship can only be for the sake of the Macross-class. However, based on the current situation of human civilization, even if one is exchanged for one, even if one is exchanged for two, it will be a loss for mankind, because mankind only has one Pangu, and the virtual Civilization has four ships, although one is still undergoing major repairs. Unless the Pangu wants to eat everything, of course Luo Yikong doesn't believe that human civilization has this strength, and virtual civilization certainly won't believe it either. After all, even if a world-destroying weapon can destroy a world, it only takes one thousandth of the time to give it to the hyperspace battleship. In seconds, the Chrono-class battleship can escape.

It is precisely because we do not believe that human civilization has the strength to eat the three hypertime-class battleships in service of virtual civilization that we are more likely to be fooled... Whether it is Luo Yikong or the virtual god...

"What is the means to eat everything?" Luo Yikong frowned. If he were a virtual god, he would not let this hyperchronic class ship destroy the world of virtual worlds. He would definitely reject it from the virtual world. Outside the world, the best battlefield is this world, forcing virtual civilization to step in.

Relying on Luo Yikong's understanding of virtual gods, she will definitely step in when faced with human civilization's hyperspace-class battleships. After all, because of the deduction of Ye Kong's existence and the fact that the current human civilization is an eighth-level civilization, for human civilization She was very afraid, so naturally she had to seize the opportunity to completely destroy the hope of mankind.

But Luo Yikong is just a small figure at present, so he naturally cannot see the overall situation. All this is just his speculation based on the existing information. Luo Yikong's heart is still on the human side. He just hopes that Pangu can really defeat the virtual civilization!

"Boss, give me a glass of juice!"

At this time, a familiar voice came. Luo Yikong turned his head and saw a familiar figure. At that moment, Luo Yikong was stunned, and his body couldn't help trembling. It seemed that there was only the figure in front of him in the whole world...

"Why are you the same as that weirdo? Come to the tavern to drink juice!"

"Weird?" The girl followed the girl's line of sight and noticed Luo Yikong who was staring at her blankly...

"It is indeed a weirdo."

"I... I finally... finally found her... Fifty thousand years! I have been looking for fifty thousand years!" Luo Yikong's heart was trembling, and the figure that appeared in front of Luo Yikong was Xuanyuan Luoying, but she was not the image of the little girl that Luo Yikong guessed, but the most perfect and unchanging image of the girl in Luo Yikong's memory...

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