Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 621 Lin's Arrival

"Have you offended Xuanyuan Xue?"

"Just an arrogant little girl." Luo Yikong nodded as he looked at Xuanyuan Lan outside the isolation glass. Luo Yikong didn't take the threat of that girl seriously. Even if the Xuanyuan royal family wanted to kill him because of this little thing, he had a way to deal with it.

But what surprised Luo Yikong was that Xuanyuan Lan came to remind him. It seems that after he cut off Xuanyuan Lan's connection with that period and made her lose her memory of that period, Xuanyuan Lan's attitude towards him was much better. Especially after knowing that Luo Yikong was full of viruses, he regarded Luo Yikong as a poor guy who suffered from the virtual civilization biological experiment. This sympathy also made him not so hostile to Luo Yikong. Instead, he helped Luo Yikong whenever he could, and he looked like a good guy.

"Don't worry! The royal family won't act rashly at this time. After all, human civilization was once taken advantage of because of internal struggles, otherwise there would not be such a social environment where everyone is equal. But that girl can't deal with you openly, and she will definitely make things difficult for you secretly. The girl complained directly to her grandfather, and her grandfather happened to be my superior."


"Don't worry, her grandfather is a reasonable person, and it's just a small matter."

"Okay! Did you come here today just to tell me about this?"

"Of course not, after all, I brought you here, and I must be responsible for you. If you are a spy, or the virus in your body leaks, I will be responsible! But the virus in your body is really special, and it actually aroused the interest of those guys."

"Interest?" Luo Yikong frowned.

"Yes, the people of the Dragon Clan and the Institute are planning to study biological weapons through the virus in your body, and we are also trying to integrate the virus in your body into the soldiers' bodies to complete the population evolution. Because we humans have strong mental power, plus the virus to make up for the lack of physical combat power, then we are truly invincible."

"Are you sure there will be no accidents?" Luo Yikong was still very worried. After all, the Daotian World has gone through this path, and the result was the leakage of the virus, which brought about an apocalyptic era. Although civilization is developed now, the creatures created must be more terrifying.

"This is not what you should worry about."

"Then am I not an experimental subject now, and I have been imprisoned here?"

"This is the best choice for you. After all, you don't need to charge into battle, and it is safest here."

After hearing Xuanyuan Lan's words, Luo Yikong's face didn't show much expression, but he knew that he had been imprisoned, and they also planned to use the virus in his body to create biological weapons. Luo Yikong didn't want to be an experimental subject. It seemed that these human compatriots were not very reliable. He had to find a way to escape from here.

"Where are you? Come out and meet me!"

At this time, the chat window suddenly popped up, and it was the virtual god who sent the message. You should know that Pangu is completely isolated from the outside. The fact that the virtual god can contact me proves that she is inside Pangu.

Xuanyuan Lan naturally cannot see Luo Yikong's chat window, after all, only players can see it.

Although it is unclear how the virtual god knew Pangu and lurked in, Luo Yikong simply sent Xuanyuan Lan away and went to the city to find the virtual god through the projection.

Luo Yikong was not worried that human civilization would discover the virtual god through the projection he controlled. Since the virtual god dared to ask him to meet her, he should have thought of this.

Through the positioning of the chat system, Luo Yikong also found Lin in the busy city. The guy leaned against the wall of a building next to him, looking at Luo Yikong who was walking towards him with an indifferent face...

"How do you know I'm here?" Luo Yikong asked directly when he saw Lin, after all, the actions of Pangu were very secretive.

"The chat system I gave you has a positioning function. You can find out the location by investigating the location. And there are my people in this place. Those guys really think I don't know." Lin smiled coldly. She looked at the pedestrians coming and going. In her eyes, those people were already dead.

"So it was your people who helped you get in? Aren't you afraid of being discovered?"

"Discovered? I change my body every hundred years. How could those guys know what I look like? And when I took action, they didn't even have the qualifications to see my appearance, and the one who came here was just a projection of me."

"So you know the plan of Pangu?" Luo Yikong's heart sank. He had guessed that this was a trap set up by Lin on purpose.

"Of course, otherwise how can we catch them all in one fell swoop this time? After all, I have prepared three super-time and space battleships and half of the battleships of the virtual civilization in this world. They want to self-destruct through the inner world of Pangu, trigger a time and space vortex to swallow up the entire world, and destroy most of the elite of the virtual civilization. Naturally, I have to satisfy them."

"Why do you want to self-destruct? I remember that the super-time and space class should also have the ability to destroy a world! Can't the super-time and space class of the same level escape?" Luo Yikong had a series of questions, and Lin did not mind the trouble and explained them one by one for Luo Yikong.

"Because the hyperspace class has weapons that can destroy the entire world and the strongest spear, but the hyperspace battleships of the same level also have the strongest shields and have means of evasion. When the hyperspace class fights the hyperspace class, even if there is a numerical advantage, it is not easy to defeat the opponent in a short time. The hyperspace battleships of the virtual civilization will definitely escape when they realize that something is wrong, so they must not be given any chance to escape. The space-time vortex generated by the direct detonation can devour all time and space. If you enter the affected area, you can't avoid escaping at all. The space-time vortex is a place more terrifying than the long river of time. There is "nothing" there, and everything that enters and exists will become "nothing", and there will be no trace left in time and space. In other words, if a person is swallowed up, not only will he disappear forever, but even everyone will forget that person, and all traces of that person left in this world and in time and space will disappear. Including the hyperspace class battleships."

"Why didn't they do this when the human civilization and the virtual civilization were in a full-scale war?" Luo Yikong still had doubts in his heart. If it really had this power, why didn't he play this card in the first place?

"First, if you want to destroy a Trans-Dimensional-Class battleship of the same level using this method, you must be close enough so that the other party cannot react. Second, the virtual civilization went straight to the main world of human civilization, and those humans always believed that they would win, and at the same time did not want to destroy their own main world. By the time they reacted, there was only one Trans-Dimensional-Class battleship left, and I did not put all of them into battle, so they retreated. After all, if I self-destruct, I might lose one or two Trans-Dimensional-Class battleships at most, but they would definitely be finished. The reason they fought so hard this time was because I pretended not to know, treated this world as a training ground, and secretly left the Trans-Dimensional-Class battleship here, and they thought my target was somewhere else."

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