Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 630 Space Gate

Not long after all the soldiers evacuated, Luo Yikong suddenly felt a headache, and his eyes fell into a brief darkness. This made Luo Yikong immediately realize that he was under mental attack, but Luo Yikong's own mental power was very strong, so he was not directly killed by the sudden mental attack.

However, at the moment when Luo Yikong was stunned, the terrifying gravity was all applied to Luo Yikong. Luo Yikong suddenly felt as if a huge mountain was pressing on his body, and the whole person was pressed to the ground. The surrounding space quickly solidified and separated, forming a space prison to trap Luo Yikong in it. At this moment, Luo Yikong was trapped in it like an insect specimen and could not move.

"You should not be human! Because humans are not so powerful."

A voice came, and Luo Yikong saw an officer coming in front of him, and behind the officer was a team of soldiers wearing exoskeleton heavy armor...

Luo Yikong was pressed to the point of being out of breath. At this time, it was very difficult to even speak, let alone use the power of the Eternal Sword.

"Can't answer? But now you can't even stop time!"

Luo Yikong stared at the soldiers present. These guys, like those guys from the Imperial Star Civilization, have powerful mental power. Once the third eye opens, it is time to launch a mental attack. I guess the mental attack just now was jointly launched by those guys.

It's just that the strength of their combined mental power is far inferior to that of Xuanyuan Luoying in the past. Although Luo Yikong's mental power may not be as good as Xuanyuan Luoying, it is not much weaker.

In just a moment, those soldiers felt as if their heads were hit hard and all fainted on the ground. Luo Yikong also instantly felt that the restraints imposed on him disappeared a little, which also gave Luo Yikong the opportunity to break the space prison in one fell swoop.

Luo Yikong looked up at the sky at this time and found that the battle between the two fleets was nearing its end. Although Xing Yeyu's fleet suffered heavy losses, Xuanyuan Lan was already at the end of his strength.

According to the memories of those who were devoured by him before, there is a space gate in Area B that can directly teleport him to the core area of ​​Pangu, so Luo Yikong took advantage of the battle between the two fleets and wanted to go to the core area to save everything, but now it seems that there is not much time. Once Xing Yeyu's fleet is free, it will be a huge trouble for Luo Yikong. In his heyday, Luo Yikong could destroy a star-level fleet with one sword, but the current Luo Yikong is completely different from his heyday.

Luo Yikong stretched out a pair of blood wings and flew at full speed towards the direction of the space gate. Because of Luo Yikong's special existence, the defense forces of the nearby streets have condensed their defense around the space gate.

When approaching the space gate, Luo Yikong also saw the huge deployment of troops near the space gate, and there were even several frigates in the sky above...

Luo Yikong immediately changed into the appearance of a previous devourer through the virus, and put on the clothes and equipment of a unlucky guy.

After confirming that there was no problem, Luo Yikong also approached the space gate...

"Stop! Don't move! Otherwise we will shoot!"

When Luo Yikong approached the space gate's warning range, a large number of drones and soldiers immediately surrounded Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong had to throw away his weapons.

The leading soldier took out an instrument to scan Luo Yikong's face and immediately confirmed Luo Yikong's identity...

"The guys in Area C! They must be the rebels! Take them down!"

Luo Yikong did not resist. In the eyes of the soldiers in Area B, the guys in Area C were traitors, but in the eyes of Area C, the soldiers in Area B were the same. Being taken away by the other party was also in Luo Yikong's plan, at least it was closer to the space gate.

With the space gate as the center, several defense lines have been established around it, and Luo Yikong saw a large number of mechas and drones in it. It seems that the traitor does not want anyone to go to the core area to ruin his good deeds, so he ordered these soldiers who did not know the truth to strictly guard the space gates in various areas.

Near the space gate, the soldiers had already built a simple space cell. When Luo Yikong was thrown in, he saw a lot of soldiers and officers. They seemed to be either prisoners or people who objected to the order. Seeing the newcomer Luo Yikong being thrown in, those guys just took a look and stopped paying attention. After all, Luo Yikong was just a soldier.

There were hundreds of people in this simple space cell, and Luo Yikong also saw an acquaintance. He had met Xuanyuan Xue in the tavern before. That guy had the same appearance as Xuanyuan Luoying. It was hard for Luo Yikong not to pay attention, but now that guy had also become a prisoner.

In this cell, Luo Yikong could clearly see that Xuanyuan Xue's identity was not simple, because several officers were surrounding Xuanyuan Xue...

"Miss Xuanyuan Xue, those guys are really too much! But Lord Xuanyuan Yang will be fine. Once these traitors are suppressed, we will be saved!" An officer said indignantly, and the Xuanyuan Yang he was talking about was one of the senior executives of Pangu, and also Xuanyuan Xue's grandfather.

"If we lose, we'll all be finished. If we win, we'll also become hostages. With my grandfather's character, if those traitors use us as bargaining chips, my grandfather will definitely sacrifice us without hesitation. No matter what the outcome is, we'll all be finished." Xuanyuan Xue held her head and was a little emotionally broken. Seeing Xuanyuan Xue like this, the people around her stopped talking too much. They thought about cheering Xuanyuan Xue up, but it didn't work.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Luo Yikong approaching, for Xuanyuan Xue's safety, several officers stood in front of Luo Yikong...

"I want to talk to Miss Xuanyuan Xue..."

"What are you worthy of?"

Seeing that Luo Yikong was just a soldier, an officer reached out to push Luo Yikong, but Luo Yikong was faster and kicked the officer in the stomach. The latter flew out like a cannonball and hit the wall of space heavily. If Luo Yikong hadn't controlled the strength, he would probably explode into a ball of blood mist instead of fainting.

Seeing Luo Yikong's move, the officers and soldiers around him not only showed no fear, but all rushed towards Luo Yikong, hoping to defeat him with human wave tactics. However, although Luo Yikong's physical combat power was not as good as before, after swallowing a wave in Area C, he was now a biological weapon of 10,000 people. How could these people without any equipment fight against him?

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