Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 633 Control Center

"You are useless now, you can leave." Luo Yikong glanced at Xuanyuan Xue beside him and said coldly. Xuanyuan Xue's only role was to open the space gate through authority. Now that Luo Yikong has arrived at the core area, Xuanyuan Xue is naturally useless.

"You..." Although Xuanyuan Xue was very unhappy, she knew that she could only suppress her unwillingness and arrogance at the moment, because she knew that Luo Yikong wanted to kill her, just like pressing an ant to death.

Although this is the core area, it is not safe here. Xuanyuan Xue thought about it. Since Luo Yikong asked her to leave, she would find a place to hide temporarily and wait for the storm to pass. I don't know how my grandfather is doing, and I have never been able to contact him.

After Xuanyuan Xue left, the tentacles behind Luo Yikong intertwined into a pair of blood wings. Luo Yikong rushed to the sky above the core area with the help of the blood wings.

The core area of ​​Pangu is also an urban area, but it is much smaller than other urban areas, and the people living here can be said to be rich or noble. But now this "rich area" has also erupted in fierce fighting. The sky is already filled with warships and fighter planes. Both sides continue to increase their troops and fight fiercely. Every moment, a large amount of debris falls like rain. Even if neither side uses star-destroying weapons, the originally magnificent city has almost become a ruin. In the ruins, the ground forces of both sides are constantly exchanging fire. Both sides believe that the other side is a traitor who has surrendered to the virtual civilization, so they fight mercilessly. If it weren't for the consideration of civilians, it is estimated that not to mention star-destroying weapons, galaxy-level and world-destroying weapons would have to be taken out.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the entire core area, Luo Yikong accelerated and rushed to the Pangu control center in the core area...

In the most central area of ​​the core area, there is a cross-shaped tower with a center as high as nine kilometers. The tower bursts out with blue light, and the shield released completely protects itself, and that is the control center of the Pangu.

Luo Yikong knew that the shield around the control center looked like only one layer, but actually had nine layers of defense. The first layer of defense was a space shield condensed by space technology, and the second layer was an energy shield materialized by high-purity energy. The third layer was a nano shield composed of countless nanoworms, and the fourth layer was a magnetic shield formed by a strong magnetic force, which had an extremely strong special magnetic field. The fifth layer was a gravity shield. Any attack and enemy that reached the fifth layer would be subjected to a terrifying gravity, and the gravity was so strong that it could distort time and space. The sixth layer was a mental power amplification device combined into a square array to form a mental power shield. Enemies that suddenly arrived here would not only be attacked by a strong mental force, but this layer of defense could also resist the enemy's prying. The seventh layer was a shield formed by a special compressed "gas". That "gas" had a certain function of absorbing energy. It looked like the research of dream civilization, and I didn't know how human civilization got it. The eighth layer was a light shield that could easily resist the attack of star-destroying weapons. The ninth layer, the last layer, was time.

That's right! The last shield integrates the technology of time. Although it has no defensive power, it is the most difficult shield. Because the function of the shield is to repair. If the eight layers of defense in front cannot be broken in one fell swoop, then the eight layers of defense shield will be instantly repaired in the next second under the effect of the time rule. As for the energy consumed, this is the control center of the Pangu, and most of the energy of the entire Pangu can be mobilized.

Because the distance between the nine layers of shields is too short, it looks like they are all overlapped into one shield defense from a distance. Luo Yikong also obtained this information from the memories of those who were devoured by him.

Once the defense of the nine layers of shields is fully opened, even a fleet of black hole-level size cannot take it down...

There is a huge amount of energy in Luo Yikong's origin, which can break all methods with one force and instantly destroy the nine layers of shield defense, but it is very likely to destroy the control center together. After all, Luo Yikong's control over energy has not reached such a fine level.

However, Luo Yikong is not helpless, and he can break it by himself. It is indeed a fantasy that one person can break through the defense that a fleet cannot break, but Luo Yikong himself is not an ordinary human, and Luo Yikong also has the origin, which can absorb energy. Back then, the virtual world was paralyzed for a short time in the virtual world. Wouldn't the control center be able to mobilize most of the energy in Pangu? Then he can use the origin to swallow up all the energy! When the other party activates the backup energy, Luo Yikong can seize the gap and break through in one fell swoop.

Luo Yikong flapped the blood wings behind him and swooped down at low altitude. Perhaps because both sides were already blood-thirsty, they did not notice Luo Yikong. Soon Luo Yikong came to the defense shield, took out the origin, and stabbed it with a sword...


A loud noise came from the entire Pangu. It was the sound of Pangu stopping. Except for the independent life support system that was still operating normally, the entire Pangu had completely fallen into darkness and was completely paralyzed...

In the sky, both the artificial sun and the artificial moon were extinguished...

"What's going on?!"

Faced with the sudden darkness, the two sides who were originally fighting were stunned for a while, but they were only stunned for a few seconds before they started fighting again. After all, they all believed that it was the power behind the other side that was causing trouble.

Luo Yikong took advantage of the shield losing its function due to lack of energy and rushed into the tower of the control center. Not long after Luo Yikong entered, the backup energy of Pangu started and everything resumed operation.

At this moment, in the main control room of the control center, a group of technicians were busy. They were preparing to format the super artificial intelligence of Pangu...

"God's revelation! I didn't want to do anything to you, but you didn't want to give me the control of Pangu!" Xuanyuan Wang stared at the projection of the black-haired woman in front of him, and the image of this woman was set by a certain senior executive according to the appearance of his wife.

"I'm sorry, you only have part of the authority, not all, I can't give you all the authority of Pangu."

"Then I have no choice but to reformat you. Although I will lose a lot of things, there is no other way."

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