Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 639: One Sword

Luo Yikong clasped the origin in his hands and held it high above his head, and the origin seemed to be responding to Luo Yikong, glowing...

Facing a billion-level existence, Luo Yikong did not dare to be careless at all, because it was an existence that he found troublesome even in his heyday. At that moment, Luo Yikong used all the energy absorbed within the origin...

"Such a powerful energy fluctuation..." Ji Xing beside Lin frowned. She could see through the system that the energy fluctuations of the sword in Luo Yikong's hand were increasing...

"It doesn't matter. The Thousand-Headed Doomsday Beast itself can swallow energy, and it can withstand even the energy of ordinary stars."

Lin has great trust in the combat power of the Thousand-headed Doomsday Beast. Even ordinary god-level beings cannot be eliminated by using the power of the entire world to suppress them. The Thousand-headed Doomsday Beast itself incorporates the technological crystallization of virtual civilization, even if it is a hundred The energy attack from all the energy of the sun will be easily absorbed by it. This is a billion-level existence, so powerful that it makes people despair. In Lin's view, Luo Yikong's sword can indeed release terrifying energy, but it is impossible to break the energy limit that exceeds 100 suns.

"It's like this again..."

Luo Yikong felt the vibrations on the ground and looked at the behemoth flying toward him. He thought of the moment when he entered the long river of time, and of his companions and friends who sacrificed their lives to stop the enemy for him... No matter in the past, It is still the future, this scene seems familiar, and at this moment, although Luo Yikong no longer has their desperate support, Luo Yikong seems to feel that they are around him...


There was a sword cry, and then Luo Yikong slashed his sword, and the whole world fell into deathly silence. The light made the whole world become white, whether it was time or space, but it stopped at that moment...

Even the virtual Shenlin who was inside the Utopia was shocked. She was completely stunned and couldn't believe everything in front of her...

The stars shattered, and the energy that burst out in that instant was even more terrifying than a supernova explosion. Both the human fleet and the fleet of virtual civilization activated their defenses under the control of artificial intelligence at that moment, but large swaths of the fleet were still destroyed. …

Fortunately, the terrifying energy burst came and went quickly. Most of the original disc space had been destroyed. Only the area where Luo Yikong was standing was spared due to the protection of the origin...

Luo Yikong gasped for air. When he looked ahead, he could no longer see the billion-level biological weapons. There were only raging space cracks. As for some planets in front of him, they even turned into interstellar dust...

"Just one sword..."

"Not only the billion-level biological weapons, but also the planets... It is impossible for human beings to reach this level..."

"Is that guy the same as a virtual god, or a powerful carrier of world consciousness?"

For a moment, everyone in the Pangu was frightened by Luo Yikong's sword. Even they who were in the eighth-level civilization had never seen such a powerful human being. However, the eighth-level civilization is well-informed. They suspect that Luo Yikong, like the virtual god, is the absolute controller of a certain rule, or a powerful carrier of world consciousness. After all, they also know that some worlds can give birth to consciousness. of.

"This... guy..." Lin gritted her teeth. She had calculated everything. Even if she didn't expect that Luo Yikong could really kill a billion-level being with one sword, this meant that Luo Yikong's sword The burst of energy exceeded the endurance limit of a thousand Doomsday Beasts and exceeded the combined energy of a hundred suns, and even Lin felt threatened by that sword. At this time, she also remembered the scene she had seen during the deduction, in which she and Luo Yikong had a fight to the death, but Luo Yikong in that scene was called Daotian.

"Lord God...we..."

"Reveal the truth about the virus outbreak in Pangu, and I won't believe that he is regarded as a monster, and he is still on the side of humans!" Lin ordered through gritted teeth. On the one hand, she did not want Luo Yikong to be too weak, but When she saw that Luo Yikong's power could threaten her, she felt scared... She was afraid that Luo Yikong would betray her, just like everything she saw through system deduction...

The original live broadcast of the battlefield suddenly changed to a scene of the virus raging in Area C, the scarlet tree rising from the sky, the tentacles of the virus swallowing each living person directly, and the dripping rain of blood infected each person and turned them into zombies. . Through that picture, they saw that the source of the virus disaster was Luo Yikong...

"Monster! He is a man-eating monster!"

"It turns out that our Area B was destroyed by him! My wife and daughter were completely eaten by him!"

"He is not human at all! You are simply a monster who sneaked into us and tried to eat us all!"

Most of the people in Pangu regarded Luo Yikong as a hero who turned the tide a minute ago, but now they all regard Luo Yikong as a monster disguised as a human. They are also full of fear, anger, and resentment towards Luo Yikong. Especially those who lost their homes and loved ones in the disaster in Area B...

Even the top management of the Pangu were silent when they saw everything. Luo Yikong did appear like a hero, but the scene of swallowing up a large area of ​​Area B hardly made them regard Luo Yikong as a human being...

"So he... is ready to be the sinner..." Xuanyuan Qing, who was standing in front of the crowd, heard the resentful curses of the people around her and thought of the beginning of the disaster, Luo Yikong's reminders and some inexplicable words to her. She also understood that Luo Yikong had made a decision in his heart at that time, and realized the current situation. It was because he regarded her as a friend that he told her all this at that time.


Under Lin's operation, the resentful curses of those people in Pangu kept echoing in Luo Yikong's ears. The expressions full of anger and fear, looking at monsters, appeared in front of Luo Yikong, but Luo Yikong had no fluctuations in his heart, as if he had already expected all this...

"Look at the people you tried so hard to save, they wish you would die now!"

"Are these people really worth it?"

"Humans are humans, they are best at being ungrateful, even if you think of yourself as a human, in their eyes, you are already a monster."

"They won't think that you are doing all this to save them, they will only think that you are a man-eating monster!"

Lin stepped up her efforts. Through the chat system, she kept sending messages to Luo Yikong, trying to make Luo Yikong give up humans. After all, with Luo Yikong's strength, he is enough to become the captain of the virtual civilization fleet, and the captain of one of the three main fleets.

Faced with Lin's tricks, Luo Yikong was not moved at all. If he really gave up humans, he would have given up in Ye Kong's life, but until the last moment of that life, he did not give up...

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