Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 647: Free Rice

"Lord Luo Tianchen, please let our fleet be temporarily on standby in this world and conduct search and patrols of this world. During this process, we discovered a large number of civilians temporarily placed in this world by the dragon civilization. After our interrogation They are all the fire left by the dragon civilization. When we are in full swing with the main world of dragon civilization and have no time to pay attention, they will take advantage of all our attention to the main world of dragon civilization and escape. At present, we have already. We will capture all the dragon civilians and their fleet and wait for your arrangements, Lord Luo Tianchen.”

Luo Yikong couldn't help but have a headache after hearing the report from Sacrifice Star. After getting up from his sleep, why did he take away the fire of civilization that was specially transferred by the Dragon Clan Civilization? You put the water in yourself, and they came to your door. You really can't blame yourself.

"Sir, do you already know all this and have everything under control?"

The surrounding virtual civilization fantasy fleet executives, including Ji Xing, looked at Luo Yikong with admiration, which was completely different from the previous attitude.

Luo Yikong exempted the sacrifice star and all the defeated people from the death penalty, and did not take any blame for the actions of all the senior leaders of the entire fleet. In addition, he had perfectly predicted the outcome of the defeat of the fleet that broke into the main world of the dragon civilization, and the plane world where this fleet is currently staying. After taking away the secret transfer of the dragon civilization, all of this was crazy in the minds of those high-level officials. When they saw that Luo Chenkong possessed the Fantasy Sword, Luo Chenkong became even more unfathomable in their eyes. .

"Sir, should we enter the main world of Dragon Clan Civilization next?" A senior executive of the Virtual Clan asked Luo Yikong, and the latter shook his head.

"Have you forgotten how the previous fleet was completely destroyed? The dragon civilization invented a weapon called the God-making Machine. Our fleet has no effective defense against that new weapon. No matter how many people are removed, they will only become God-making Machines. The dragon civilization is currently using the nutrients obtained from the fleet before it was completely destroyed to cultivate god-level combat power in their dragon civilization," Luo Yikong said calmly, reporting on the battle report from the fleet that was completely destroyed before. It seems that the Dragon Clan civilization has used the God-making Machine and exerted its power to a level that surpassed the previous God-making Machine in the hands of Luo Yikong.

One-third of the biological energy of the Utopian Fleet is enough to create three god-level beings, or pseudo-god-level beings. Because a true god-level existence controls a plane world, but even the weakest of pseudo-god-level beings can fight against a planet-scale fleet by one person. If the dragon civilization used all the biological energy in the god-making machine for a powerful biological weapon, it would probably be able to directly create a billion-person existence.

"That god-making machine was personally created by the Dragon God of the Dragon Clan Civilization. It is not an ordinary technological product. Even our black hole-class battleships cannot withstand the penetrating blow of that thing. The light that penetrates everything can decompose everything. And the players of our virtual tribe who own the system were resurrected after being hit by that light, and their level was only one level, as if all their power had been taken away. "

Hearing what the senior management around him said, Luo Yikong naturally knew what was going on. The god-making machine was the same as the player system. The player system killed the target creature and then absorbed the energy of the dead creature to upgrade. That energy was called by the player. experience. The God-Making Machine also decomposes living creatures to seize the power in their bodies. Although it has a system to resurrect, it has become a level one. Obviously, the Dragon God knew that players could be resurrected, so he created the God-making Machine to target the virtual civilization, causing players to lose their levels and power. The Dragon Civilization can use the God-making Machine to seize the players' power and strengthen itself.

"It's enough to surround the main world of the dragon civilization and conduct small-scale harassment. There is only one god-making machine, and it can only watch our large-scale fleet to fight. We will switch from offense to defense!" Luo Yikong gave the order, after all, he agreed He defeated the virtual god and took over the main world of the dragon civilization in one month, but Luo Yikong knew that the dragon civilization could not endure it for a month, so he was confident that the casualties of this war would be minimized.

"But sir, what if the dragon civilization gathers a large fleet to break out? And you promised Lord God to end the battle in one month, so I'm afraid that such a conservative approach..." Ji Xing said with some worry, but Luo Yikong just smiled.

"If the dragon civilization gathers a large fleet and abandons the main world to break through, then we will let them break out. Imagine what will happen if a large group of soldiers who are at a disadvantage in the war lose their base and fortress? Once a cavalry comes, it will be a massacre! The dragon civilization will not leave their world, otherwise it will only accelerate their demise. Their Lord Dragon God and the commanders below know this. As for one month, my performance indeed gave everyone a feeling. I have the illusion of fighting a protracted war, but I do not intend to fight a protracted war. After sealing off the main world of the dragon civilization, we can build a world-destroying phalanx to destroy the dragon civilization. Although we can build a high-level civilized world to destroy the dragon civilization. It will take 50 years to build the phalanx, but as long as we let the Dragon Clan see that we have such a plan, they will definitely not be able to sit still. They will definitely destroy the world-destroying phalanx at all costs and re-build a defense line outside the main world of the Dragon Clan civilization. "

Everyone suddenly realized what Luo Yikong said. Although the fleet that Jixing sent out on his own initiative was killed by the enemy, it laid the outer defense line of the Dragon Civilization Main World. Only by building a world-destroying square in the outer defense area can the Dragon Civilization World be destroyed. The Dragon Civilization's plan to lure the enemy deep into the depths did not directly swallow all the fantasy fleets. Instead, it threw the outer defense line as one of the baits to the virtual civilization, and it could not be taken back for a while.

But... was all this in his control from the beginning?

All the high-level officials looked at Luo Yikong with a confident face, and they had doubts in their hearts, because they all knew that among the major civilizations, humans were definitely ranked first in conspiracy and intrigue. Otherwise, how could Luo Yikong, a little man, go from a human slave in a small world to the highest commander of the fantasy fleet in less than two months, and possess the fantasy sword, a glory and gift that no one except Luo Yikong has ever obtained. Obviously, this is Luo Yikong's ability that has been recognized by their Lord God.

Little did they know, only Luo Yikong knew that the reason he was able to rise so quickly was because he was fed with the soft rice of the Virtual God. Luo Yikong, who was eating soft rice for the first time, had to admit that it was really delicious.

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