Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 76: Stone Coffin

In a shelter somewhere on the surface, a group of players are controlling mechas to build their own shelters. Compared with those guys in the Spark Base who are eager to return to the surface, the players' enthusiasm is not inferior to them.

Luo Yikong has set a rule for all players through the system. As long as all players successfully build a qualified shelter on the surface, they can obtain the ownership of the shelter. This ownership is not given by the Spark Base, but by Luo Yikong's administrator authority system. Even if the Spark Base does not recognize the player, under the granting of the system, the player has all the control over the shelter. Under the influence of the rules, even if the Spark Base wants to seize it, it will find that it cannot control all the facilities in the shelter.

After the explosion of the energy reactor at the Spark Base, the Spark Base responded quickly, dealt with the explosion crisis quickly, and arranged personnel to start building a new energy reactor.

As for the players, under the frame-up of the Spark Base, all players are prohibited from entering the Spark Base without special circumstances. Most of the players were sent to the surface and incorporated into the advance team.

The players were completely confused about all this, but for the reputation of the Fire Base, they had no choice but to accept it. Of course, as long as Luo Yikong was willing, players could occupy the Fire Base at any time, but where there was oppression, there would be resistance. Players did not need to fight to the death with those people in the Fire Base. Luo Yikong's target was only those selfish high-level people.

"Xiaoling, you have to level up well, otherwise you can't protect yourself in this world. After all, there are still many powerful monsters in this world. There are more than 1,000-level monsters and 10,000-level monsters." Luo Yikong looked at the players who were building the base in front of him from a distance, and then glanced at Luo Yiling, who was wearing a dress beside him, and said.

"Brother, can't you raise me to the maximum level at once?" Luo Yiling said with a mischievous smile, while Luo Yikong stretched out his finger and tapped Luo Yiling's head gently...

"Let's not talk about whether I have unlocked this permission or not. Even if I have it, I can't become a real strong man if I don't get it by my own strength. Xiaoling, I hope you can become a strong man, and I also hope I can become a strong man. Only in this way, I won't lose you." Luo Yikong only has Luo Yiling as his relative. The forced separation when he was a child is still vivid in his mind. Luo Yikong doesn't want that to happen again.

"I understand, brother. I will definitely become stronger, stronger than everyone else. When the time comes, you will be the first, and I will be the second." Luo Yiling held the "other shore" in his hand, with a sweet smile on his face...


Spark base... At this moment, the place where the energy reactor exploded has been blocked. In order to prevent radiation from affecting the residents of the spark base, after the explosion subsided, the spark base began to build a huge sarcophagus and seal it in it.

On the high tower of the Spark Base, an old man looked at the sarcophagus under construction with a faint smile on his face. As one of the senior executives of the Spark Base, he naturally knew that the explosion of the energy reactor had nothing to do with the players. It just happened that they needed to suppress the players, and the players naturally became the scapegoat.

"It seems that the thing under our base is getting more and more brutal. This time it even caused the energy reactor to explode." The old man glanced at the young man next to him and said, and the young man was the old man's son. Because he was born in his old age, he loved his son very much.

"Yes! Fortunately, it was just a small accident, otherwise I'm afraid our entire Spark Base would be gone." The young man looked frightened. He knew very well what kind of existence was hidden under this base.

"Hong'er, this thing below is the last trump card for us old guys, and it is also the last trump card to maintain our power. Maybe in the future, when the God City is destroyed, we old guys will not exist, but the things below can make our descendants always high and mighty. Remember, we must not fight among the top leaders, and we must be united against the outside world, otherwise our power will be taken away by the untouchables below." The old man looked at his son beside him and said earnestly. In his son's eyes, it was kindness, but in the eyes of others, it was cruelty.

"Is the untouchable that father is talking about Luo Hui?" The young man couldn't help asking.

"Luo Hui is just a useless person now. When we took away his goddaughter, he couldn't even resist." The old man smiled coldly, and he was very disdainful of Luo Hui, even though he was so strong.

"Then why didn't father and uncles kill him? Instead, let him live forever?" The young man was a little puzzled. Although the legendary Luo Hui had become a useless person, killing him was the best choice.

"You don't understand this. Luo Hui had a very high reputation among the civilians back then. We came here secretly to make him a useless person. If we kill him directly, it will cause unrest in the Spark Base. If a ruler has no people, is he still a ruler? Moreover, Luo Hui has a relationship with those guys in the black market. If we assassinate him, it will only hurt both sides. It is better to watch him become a useless person who would rather die than live, and then erase his past traces bit by bit."

"But father... aren't you afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? If he really had the strength he once had, why would he have endured these ten years? He was terrible in the past, so terrible that he didn't seem like a being that this world should have." The old man's eyes condensed, and he couldn't help but think of that terrible being twenty years ago. Even the City of Gods had to retreat.

"That's right... If he had that strength, he wouldn't have to endure it for so long..." The young man nodded.

"Hong'er, the untouchables I asked you to beware of are not just Luo Hui, but also the player who suddenly appeared, and everyone under our rule. As long as we have the identity of the savior and possess strong power, we will naturally be their king, and they will not resist the savior who can keep them alive, but will only be willing to be ruled. But once those untouchables wake up one day, we will have to become demons and use force to make them surrender."

"Father, I understand!"

"Hahahaha! After solving the problem of the Holy City, not only this Spark Base, but everything on this planet will be controlled by our Spark High-level. For thousands of years, we will dominate the lives and deaths of billions of people!" The old man stared at the brightly lit Spark Base in the distance, his eyes full of the flames of ambition...

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