"Friend, you should know the special characteristics of viruses in our body. Ultraviolet light can kill viruses in our body, so some of our soldiers wear special defensive equipment to prevent targeted attacks by some people. Thousands of years ago, blood Lord God used a 'black hole-class' flagship to seal the sun in the alien space behind the blood moon. This allows us to move without any restrictions. The world's top 'black hole-class' flagship can play a role. Such a function, and the battleships below are the treasures of various families. This ship of mine also belongs to the family, and it is indeed very difficult for you to get one. "

Luo Yikong was shocked when he heard Claude's words. Originally, the sun in this world was not blocked by the blood moon, but was exiled to a different space by a super battleship.

Although the light of the sun was lost, the world was replaced by the light of the blood moon, but even with the light, most of the places Luo Yikong saw were wilderness and ruins. Because although some plants can survive under the light of the blood moon, most plants die due to the loss of the sun.

In the eyes of those vampires, the so-called Blood God is a great existence that has never existed before, but in the eyes of many humans, the so-called Blood God is a demon... Each has a different stance... And Luo Yikong is undoubtedly on the side of humans. …

"The will of the world will promote the birth of gods, so has this world wanted to destroy human civilization thousands of years ago?" Luo Yikong asked Xuanyuan Luoying in his body. He wanted to know what kind of existence human beings are to the world. ?

"To the world, any life that exists in the world is like a parasite on the human body. If the parasite makes the human body uncomfortable, it will naturally have to find a way to deal with it. The same is true for the world. When the old life becomes extinct, there will be New life is born, and although civilization is destroyed, a new civilization will replace it. This is the meaning of all life and all civilization to the world. It is precisely because of this that for me and the world, you cannot give up. Those people are simply dust, insignificant. "Xuanyuan Luoying has already seen through the nature of the world, just like the planet will not stop rotating because of the dust living on it...

"Life is really...insignificant..." Luo Yikong couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The world is a concentrated existence of rules and is inherently ruthless.

"Friend, come down with me!"


Luo Yikong nodded, and walked to the teleportation platform with Claude, and then with a flash of light, they reached the ground in an instant...

There are many blood roses planted at the entrance of the manor. They are bright red and have a faint fragrance in the air. The plants are affected by the blood moon. Under the strange red light of the blood moon, they grow more and more. The more robust.

Perhaps because Luo Yikong was notified of their upcoming visit in advance, the door of the manor was open, and all the servants lined up on both sides, wearing servants' clothes, to welcome Luo Yikong's arrival...

"According to your request, there is no vampire in the manor."

"Yeah." Luo Yikong nodded. The vampires in this world worshiped their blood god to a fanatical level. Luo Yikong didn't want to leave a vampire in his territory. He had to know that he and their blood God is the enemy.

This manor is the size of 30 football fields. There are gardens and mansions in the manor, and all kinds of equipment are complete. Most vampires, even high-level vampires, would not dare to break into this manor casually. After all, vampires also have vampire rules. In this way, as long as they are in this manor, at least the safety of humans like Chen Linlin will not be a problem.

"In addition, the collar marks on those human slaves have been erased. You can make them recognize their masters again." Claude reminded Luo Yikong.

"I see."

"Then I won't disturb you, farewell." After Claude and Luo Yikong saluted and said goodbye, they walked into the beam of light behind them and disappeared in front of Luo Yikong.

The huge thing in the sky tore open the space, and then with a flash of light, the huge battleship disappeared in front of Luo Yikong...

After the battleship left, Luo Yikong cut his finger. The way for the collar to identify its owner was through blood. Although Luo Yikong's blood was full of Genesis virus and very dangerous, as long as he didn't drink it directly or come into contact with the wound, There should be no problem. What's more, Luo Yikong's system backpack also contains disinfectant water, which Luo Yikong specially prepared to prevent some accidents. After all, for most viral organisms, disinfectant water is as irritating as sulfuric acid.

"Line up! Come here one by one!"

Luo Yikong's face turned a little pale. Even if only one drop of blood was required to identify the owner, there were more than 3,000 people here. It took more than an hour for Luo Yikong to successfully identify the owner of the entire manor.

Under the leadership of the old housekeeper of the manor, Luo Yikong took a brief tour of the manor. The servants in this manor were obviously carefully selected among humans. Their quality was unparalleled, and they were specially trained in etiquette.

"I have never lived in such a big house, and I am a little uncomfortable with it." Luo Yikong walked in the corridor of the mansion, curiously looking at all the luxury around him. This place is big, but it is easy to get lost when going to the toilet at night.

"Even ordinary high-level vampires don't have such a luxurious territory and manor!"

Chen Linlin followed Luo Yikong with an uninhibited look, which surprised the people behind him. After all, all the vampires they had seen had never been so good-tempered towards humans, and usually killed people if they disagreed. After all, humans were just food for vampires, and if they didn't want to die, they had to work hard. Chen Linlin's unscrupulous look, but she was not killed, was a miracle in their eyes.

Luo Yikong turned around and noticed the strange expressions of the people, and smiled faintly...

"Everyone, don't be nervous. I'm a good person to talk to. Just treat me as a human being."

"Master, don't! Don't!"

In an instant, all the servants knelt down, which made Luo Yikong a little embarrassed.

"You are just like calling yourself a pig or a dog. What's the difference? Although I don't know why you always emphasize that you are a human, this will only make them more afraid, thinking that you are a vampire with a problem in your brain." Chen Linlin poked Luo Yikong, tiptoed, and whispered in his ear.

"Okay! I was impatient..." Luo Yikong sighed. It made sense when he thought about it carefully. After being ruled by the vampires for a thousand years, how could they change it just like that?

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