

Luo Yikong punched the zombie's head, and the next second the zombie's head exploded like a watermelon...

"That should be enough!"

After killing the zombies, Luo Yikong put the gold jewelry on the counter into the system backpack. Although gold has no value in this apocalyptic world, it can solve his urgent needs in his own world.

Now there are a hundred new players coming to the shelter. I believe that with the addition of a hundred players, the progress of the shelter will definitely be faster. Luo Yikong only needs to collect energy coins in the back. So far, the players have not encountered any survivors, as if all humans on the surface of this world have been wiped out.

Luo Yikong left the jewelry store, and the ground behind him was full of headless corpses of zombies...

Luo Yikong now needs virus crystals, but evolved zombies are quite rare in this area. At least Luo Yikong has not encountered any.

Because he has administrator privileges, Luo Yikong can view the map of the entire world. Now Luo Yikong plans to leave here and go to a more advanced area.

Luo Yikong ran along the highway out of the city. At his current speed, even if the zombies found him, they would be left far behind.

At present, the players are slow to conquer this world. Luo Yikong intends to explore this world as a pioneer. At least Luo Yikong knows from the memory he got from the virus crystal that if he wants to conquer this world completely, he will not only face zombies, but also things in the sky.

Leaving the city, he saw a large desert. Even the highway was covered by the yellow sand. Luo Yikong didn't know how long it had been since the human extinction disaster, so that the whole world became like this.

The virus not only infects humans, but is also deadly to animals and plants. Most plants cannot resist the invasion of the virus and die. As time goes by, the world begins to desertify, and no one can stop it.

Walking in the desert, Luo Yikong couldn't help feeling desolate. That was the desolation after the extinction of life...

The shadow blocked the scorching sun above Luo Yikong's head. Luo Yikong saw a big bird with many pustules all over its body swooping down on him. Without any hesitation, Luo Yikong immediately took out the rifle in the system backpack and fired at the swooping bird...

"Da Da Da!!!"

The muzzle spewed flames, and the bullets hit the bird's body, causing the abscesses on its body to burst on the spot, but even so, the bird still had no fear and did not slow down at all.

"It's useless!"

Luo Yikong was shocked. Seeing that the bird was about to rush in front of him, Luo Yikong chose to take the initiative and jumped up to punch the bird's head.

But the distance of the punch was too short after all, and the bird easily dodged it. Then a pair of sharp bird claws directly pierced Luo Yikong's shoulders and grabbed Luo Yikong into the air...

"It's over! Return now!"

Luo Yikong knew that the sky was the territory of the bird. If he was taken to a high altitude, even if Luo Yikong killed the bird, he would die if he fell down.

"Ding! Combat state, unable to return!"

The cold reminder of the system instantly chilled Luo Yikong's heart. He had just left the Novice Village and encountered such an enemy. Moreover, Luo Yikong did not know what would happen if he, the administrator, died. Would it be declared a failure of the strategy? Luo Yikong did not dare to try, because once the strategy failed, it would be disastrous for his own world.

The big bird did not kill Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong did not continue to attack the big bird. The big bird seemed to deliberately spare Luo Yikong's life...

Luo Yikong was very puzzled by this, but after being held in the air by the big bird for more than ten minutes, Luo Yikong saw the huge bird's nest in front of him, and he understood what was going on.

As he approached the bird's nest, the cry of the young bird came into Luo Yikong's ears. It was obvious that the big bird wanted to treat him as food for the young bird. In order to keep it fresh, or to let the young bird learn to fight, it spared Luo Yikong's life.

The bird's nest is on top of a building, and half of the building has been buried in the yellow sand. In the yellow sand, Luo Yikong can still see some corners of the building...


After arriving above the bird's nest, Luo Yikong was thrown down hard and fell heavily into the bird's nest. As Luo Yikong fell, all the young birds in the bird's nest surrounded him. Those young birds were bald all over, and some places had disgusting pustules. These young birds were as big as calves, and they opened their beaks at Luo Yikong, looking ferocious.

Luo Yikong was not an administrator of this doomsday, and he never thought that he would be so aggrieved at this moment. If the administrator's authority was not fully enabled, how could he fall to this point? It is too difficult for one person to conquer this world, so Luo Yikong recruited a large number of players. He only needs to survive. As long as he survives and increases the number of players, one day those players will be like locusts passing through.

Thinking of this, Luo Yikong knew that his life represented not only himself, but also the world behind him, so he had to survive.

"System! What will happen if I die?" Luo Yikong asked the system, he needed an answer.

"If the host dies, he will return to the original world, but it will be regarded as a failure of the attack."

"I understand..." Hearing the cold answer of the system, Luo Yikong also had the answer in his heart.


Luo Yikong punched a young bird on the head, causing the bird's head to explode. Even with an injured shoulder, the power of Luo Yikong's punch was still amazing.

Ignoring the pain in his shoulder, Luo Yikong rushed over and grabbed one of the young birds and choked him. The big bird on top of his head wanted to attack Luo Yikong, but when he saw Luo Yikong using the young bird as a shield, he hesitated for a moment.

The big bird was a few meters in front of Luo Yikong and didn't dare to approach. When Luo Yikong returned to the game without success, he began to look for an escape route around him. Even with the administrator system, Luo Yikong knew that he was not a god. He was at most the existence behind the players, and his real strength was only a little stronger than those players.

"Exchange! Flash bomb!"

Luo Yikong immediately exchanged a flash bomb with energy coins, then bit the pull ring and pulled it, throwing it on the ground in front of him...

A dazzling white light burst out, and Luo Yikong seized this hard-won opportunity and quickly escaped. After all, Luo Yikong knew that facing the big bird, he had no advantage when he was injured.

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