Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 91: Escape from the Blood Moon World

"Ding! Kill Rodis (personal level BOSS), gain experience!"

The huge body fell to the ground, and a lot of blood dyed the surrounding ground red. A lot of blood flowed into the blood pool in front of the Blood God statue, making the whole blood pool boil...

Luo Yikong walked to the body of Rodis that had turned into a monster, and took out a test tube from the system backpack. Luo Yikong took a little blood and put it into the test tube. In this way, a sample of a high-level vampire was collected.

Next to Rodis's body, Luo Yikong saw a bottle of red potion, which seemed to be the drop obtained by killing this monster.

Alien Blood Potion (item): After use, it can stimulate the potential of boiling blood, increase all attributes by 100%, and last for 5 minutes. After the effect ends, the user will enter a seriously injured state. The pre-human civilization of this world has studied the mysterious virus, but they found that not everyone is suitable for this virus, so by extracting the blood of those who perfectly match the virus, they created a potion that can stimulate the potential of soldiers. However, with the destruction of the previous civilization, some medicines were left behind, but the key manufacturing technology was lost.

Luo Yikong put the blood medicine into the system backpack, and then his arms turned into a large number of devouring tentacles and began to devour Roddis's body.


A large amount of flesh and blood was devoured by Luo Yikong, and the body of the huge monster was shrinking like sucking jelly. Every cell in Luo Yikong's body felt extremely happy...

"Ding! A powerful creature has been devoured, and the virus in the body has evolved!"

"Ding! The evolutionary roadmap of virus creatures has been opened!"

"Ding! 1 evolution point has been obtained!"

After devouring Roddis's body completely, the system prompt sounded, which made Luo Yikong stunned. Then Luo Yikong opened the evolutionary roadmap of virus creatures, and the three major evolutionary routes of virus creatures appeared in front of Luo Yikong...

Limb-grafting mother (talent): As a virus mother, the virus in your body has become extremely powerful. You can perfectly combine the body tissues of all creatures with your own body without rejection, and turn every part of yourself into the most powerful weapon. It takes 1 evolution point to open the evolution route.

Virus Will (Talent): Become a powerful mother body, you are the absolute master, you have the ability to control all infected people born by your own virus, become the supreme master of the virus group, and control the evolutionary code of all virus creatures under your rule, so as to continuously evolve yourself, but you will become a terrifying source of infection. It takes 1 evolution point to open the evolution route.

Devouring Planets (Talent): It can improve its own genes by constantly devouring creatures, and even change its own body according to the devoured creatures, and inherit some skills of creatures. When it grows to a certain extent, it can even reach the point of devouring planets, thus giving birth to the most perfect creatures on the planet at the cost of billions of lives. It takes 1 evolution point to open the evolution route.

Luo Yikong looked at the three major virus mother evolution routes, namely the flesh, infection, and devouring routes, but because Luo Yikong has not unlocked any of the three routes, he can't see the evolutionary routes behind. It seems that this should be the Genesis virus in Luo Yikong's body that has evolved after matching with himself, thus opening a new evolutionary route. This is similar to the job change among players, and Luo Yikong can be regarded as a job change to become a "virus creature".

Luo Yikong thought about it. Although the limb-grafting mother can make every part of the body become the most powerful weapon by fusing the limbs of other creatures, it is afraid that it will lose its human appearance and become a monster. Although the virus will of another strengthening route is also powerful, it can not only control all virus creatures infected by its own virus, but also continuously evolve through those virus creatures, but its own existence will definitely become an extremely terrible source of infection. That kind of infection source is probably more dangerous than Luo Yikong at this moment. Maybe just getting close to it may be infected!

Luo Yikong looked at the last strengthening route. Now it seems that only the last one is suitable for him. At least he can maintain a human appearance and will not accidentally hurt the people around him.

Luo Yikong immediately spent that 1 evolution point and started the evolution route of devouring planets. In an instant, a large number of tentacles burst out of Luo Yikong's body uncontrollably, and in the blink of an eye, they spread to a range of hundreds of meters around...

"Quickly control it! Quick!" Xuanyuan Luoying was obviously a little panicked, because the virus in Luo Yikong's body suddenly went out of control, and the breath of the originally hidden visitor from another world was completely exposed at this moment.

"I'm controlling it!" Luo Yikong was also sweating profusely. He didn't expect that the virus in his body would have a moth and suddenly become so excited.

"Come... It's too late..."

The blood pool behind Luo Yikong was surging. Feeling the threat from behind, Luo Yikong quickly turned his head, but saw that the blood in the blood pool began to condense into a human figure. The oppression of the blood man made Luo Yikong feel like he was facing a mountain with no visible peak, which was suffocating...

"I! I understand! Everything in that blood pool is part of the so-called Blood God's body. That guy is simply a conscious super virus concentrator. Everything in each blood pool is part of her body, her body." Xuanyuan Luoying felt the blood man condensed by the blood. The breath of that existence made Xuanyuan Luoying understand everything. It was a kind of existence similar to Luo Yikong, but the evolutionary path was completely different from Luo Yikong.

Luo Yikong also understood at this time that the blood sacrifice to the Blood God statue was actually just feeding the Blood God, and the Blood God was spread across every blood clan territory in this world.

Luo Yikong, who understood all this, did not hesitate at all and immediately opened the space crack and prepared to escape from this world. After all, now that he knew the secret of the so-called Blood God's body, the other party would definitely kill him and would not let him leave.

"Outsider! Die!"

A large amount of blood seemed to have life and swallowed Luo Yikong. Luo Yikong immediately controlled a large number of devouring tentacles to form a protective net to resist in front of him. But even the devouring tentacles were corroded and melted in an instant, just like snow encountering red-hot iron.


Xuanyuan Luoying screamed in Luo Yikong's mind. Luo Yikong endured the pain, cut off all the devouring tentacles, and jumped into the space crack in the way of a gecko cutting off its tail...

"Don't even think about leaving!"

As soon as Luo Yikong jumped into the space crack, a huge bloody hand passed through the space crack and grabbed Luo Yikong. He was about to be grabbed back, so Luo Yikong immediately closed the space crack.

As the space crack closed, the huge bloody hand was instantly cut off by the closed space. The huge bloody hand lost all connection with the original world, turned into blood, and was swallowed by the surging chaos...

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