After the zombie crisis broke out in the city, the owner of the Starry Night Department Store organized employees to take in a large number of survivors. The owner of that building is a level 60 player, and his employees are all players, and their levels are not low. There is a medium-sized shelter in the world of Tinder.

Or maybe it was because as a player, I had experienced the zombie crisis in that Tinder world in advance, so when the zombie crisis broke out in City X, the boss of Xingye Baimao responded very skillfully and quickly.

Now the entire X city can maintain a survival rate of more than 30%, which can be said to be inseparable from the players' experience in the Tinder world.

In the office of Xingye Baimao Building, a middle-aged man was lying on the sofa, as if sleeping. He didn't know how long he had been sleeping like this. The man opened his eyes and sighed helplessly...

The man is the owner of the Xingye Baimao Building, his name is Zhong Qi, and he belongs to the third batch of helmet players. However, after a mysterious tower appeared in the world, players no longer need helmets to log in.

Zhong Qi's level is level 60, and he is among the top players in the Tinder world. But now Zhong Qi can only sigh. On the one hand, it is because the player's powerful strength cannot be used in the real world, and on the other hand, because The entire city of X was blocked from all sides. Even if Zhong Qi communicates what is happening in City X to the outside world through the Tinder World, few people believe it. It is obvious that the Shu Empire has blocked information on City X, and this information blockade makes Zhong Qi feel uneasy.

Although the supplies in the entire Xingye Department Store are enough for all of them to live for half a year, no one knows what will happen in the middle of the night, and half a year is enough for the Genesis virus to evolve to a very terrifying level.

"Boss! Boss!"

At this time, an employee hurried into the office, disrupting Zhong Qi's thoughts...

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, there is a helicopter coming from the roof of the building. It may be from the rescue team." The employee looked very excited. He thought that after so many days, there was no chance of rescue, but now he has rekindled hope. .

"Take me to see it quickly!"

Zhong Qi did not hesitate and immediately rushed out of the office and started running towards the rooftop on the top floor...

The platform was already crowded with many survivors, and those survivors surrounded a helicopter. In their eyes, this helicopter was hope. They believed in their hearts that this was the vanguard of the rescue and that the larger force would surely arrive from behind.

A six-person fully armed team clenched the rifles in their hands vigilantly at this moment, with eyes full of distrust for the survivors around them. They protected the helicopter to prevent these survivors from taking it away. Only two people from the team were sent to compare faces among the survivors one by one, as if they were looking for someone.

"Hello... I am the person in charge of this place. I would like to ask, when will the rescue team arrive?" Zhong Qi squeezed through the crowd and ran over panting, but a few people responded to Zhong Qi. The black muzzle...

"Back off! Back off!"

Zhong Qi's approach made the soldiers very excited, and Zhong Qi was so frightened that he quickly backed away...

"Calm down! Calm down!" Zhong Qi raised his hands. If he had the strength of a level 60 player, he would naturally not be afraid of such powerful firearms, but now in this world he is just an ordinary person.

"Have you seen these two people?" A leading soldier took out two photos, and those were the photos of Luo Yikong and Luo Yiling.

"Aren't these two wanted criminals in the Shu Empire a few days ago? How could there be such people here?" Zhong Qi looked at the people in the photo and shook his head. How could an ordinary person like him do this? Are you connected to these wanted criminals?

"Forget it if you haven't seen it before! You need to activate this thing tomorrow. There are activation instructions on it. When the rescue team arrives tomorrow, they will rely on this device to determine the location." The leading soldier waved his hand, and a soldier took it out from the helicopter. An iron can was placed in front of Zhong Qi.

Zhong Qi looked at the tin can and frowned slightly. Why is this positioning device so strange, so big, and so heavy? It doesn't look like it's for positioning, but rather like there's something inside.

"Why tomorrow? Now that the whole city has become like this, isn't the sooner the better?" Zhong Qi didn't understand. After all, the whole city has become a dead city. One more day means one more day of danger.

"Because we also need to prepare, so since there are no those two people here, let's leave first." The leading soldier waved his hand, as if he didn't want to stay here for a moment, and quickly jumped on the helicopter.

After the helicopter left, most people were talking and laughing. In their opinion, the rescue situation was stable. Only a few people such as Zhong Qi realized that something was wrong.

If they need to prepare, then why not ask them carefully how many people are here so that enough rescue helicopters can be dispatched. Even the most basic number of people is not asked, which shows that the other party most likely does not want to rescue them.

Zhong Qi looked at the tin can in his hand. He was sure that it was definitely not just a positioning device. What else was in it?

"Everyone, please go back now! It's cold up here. Rescue will arrive tomorrow!" An employee shouted to the people gathered on the rooftop. At this time, everyone started to go downstairs.

The sky gradually darkened, and the roar of zombies in the city was more violent and clear than during the day. What was worse was that the power was cut off tonight, and people could only light candles for lighting.

If it was in normal times, the power would have been cut off suddenly, and the place would have been in chaos, but tonight everyone's face was full of smiles, because most of them believed that the rescue team would come tomorrow to lead them away from this nightmare-like place.

At night, Zhong Qi sat at his desk, staring at the candle in front of him, and what happened during the day reappeared in his mind over and over again. He didn't understand why the other party would leave this strange thing if they had deceived him? What on earth did those guys want to do?

As a player, Zhong Qi had experienced many things in that world, heard many stories, and had been in the end of the world, so he had to be vigilant.

"I advise you not to use that thing tomorrow, otherwise all of you will die."

A voice came from the window, and Zhong Qi turned his head in fear. Under the weak candlelight, Zhong Qi saw a man and a woman sitting by the window... Looking closely, they were the wanted criminals Luo Yikong and Luo Yiling...

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