Become a Fairy

Chapter 1157 Jiao spit beads, beaded Jiao

Once Xiang Kuang's old plan is repeated, if he continues to fight with him, let alone Xiang Kuang, a guy with amazing strength. Even Patriarch Mang Xiao who was next to him could tell at a glance. The level of spiritual consciousness shown right now has reached the level of a strong Nascent Soul mid-stage. Lu Xiaotian didn't intend to show how strong his soul was to the two big monks.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back accidentally, don't blame me." Xiang Kuang said so, but there was no apology on his face. If Lu Xiaotian didn't stop him, he really wanted to continue to try this mere early stage Guy, has the primordial spirit really reached the level that can be compared with the Great Cultivator? But since the other party called it broken, he was embarrassed to proceed any further.

"Five Flood Dragons Playing with Pearls!"

Before Xiang Kuang could finish his sentence, the five fierce dragons that had been bitten and culled by Piaomiao Feijian opened their mouths wide, and each spit out a fist-sized bead corresponding to its own body.

Five fist-sized flood beads of red, orange, yellow, green and blue shot towards Lu Xiaotian one after another.

At the same time, the five fierce dragons and Piaomiao flying swords were also fighting fiercely. One flying sword alone could not compete with the fierce dragons transformed by the five-color dragon head stick. What Lu Xiaotian relied on was the power of the sword formation. The swords cooperate with each other to share the attack of the fierce dragon. For a while, the killing was inextricably linked. ,

But these five radiant orbs attacked Lu Xiaotian while the eight misty flying swords were held back by the fierce dragon. In a sense, the Piaomiao sword formation could no longer block the opponent's attack.

Lu Xiaotian frowned slightly, this doesn't mean that Piaomiao Sword Formation is not as good as the other party's five-color dragon-head stick, after all the difference in realm is too great. One day, if he advances to the rank of great monk, he will also only use the strength of a monk in the early stage of Yuanying to fight this mad fighting method, and it will definitely not be the current situation. After all, the five fierce dragons were drawn by the Piaomiao sword array, and the power of the five dragon beads they spit out was not as powerful as that of the fierce dragons.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his left palm, the Ruyi Armor instantly covered his palm, and stretched out Chang Void to grab it far away. In an instant, bursts of sonic booms sounded in the air, and a big, solid hand directly grabbed the five flying flood beads.

Xiang Kuang sighed lightly, pointed to the void, and the five dragon pearls burst into brilliance, separated with a buzz, and shot in five different directions, trying to outflank Lu Xiaotian.

In the void, Lu Xiaotian stretched out his condensed and substantial hand and flicked his fingers repeatedly. Amid the sound of sonic booms, several walls formed by faint lights blocked the five dragon beads respectively.

The big hand that was condensed and solid once again grasped the void, and the speed of the five dragon beads in the air suddenly decreased as if they had been greatly attracted, and several faint walls of light moved slowly in the air, forming a huge cage. Come to encircle the five dragon beads.

"Treading Doubugang, this is a method only available to physical cultivation above the tenth level!" At this time, the two big monks, Xiang Kuang and Patriarch Mang Xiao, couldn't help being surprised. Although physical cultivation is now withered, there are also unpredictable means. In Lu Xiaotian's fight with him, apart from the sword array, the method he used just now was an extra ancient silver glove in his hand, but at the level of the two of them, they can naturally distinguish the source of this strength. Physical training is not like ordinary monks who practice mana. It's about refining the physical body. Jindan-level body repairs coagulate blood into gangsters, and Yuanying-level body repairers build on this foundation. The blood gangsters are separated from the body and controlled by the heart. There are thousands of variations possible.

For physical cultivation above the tenth level, the physical body is stronger than usual, and the soul is often much weaker than the Nascent Soul cultivator, but at the moment of fighting, the person in front of him is very good at controlling the sword array, even Xiang Kuang's five-color dragon head stick After transforming into a flood dragon, he fought with Piaomiao Flying Sword in the void, spreading the sword array to a radius of more than ten miles, and the sword array did not block at all.

He also expected this person to attack the deity directly with the dragon beads while controlling the sword formation, affecting his control of the sword formation, but he did not expect to meet this hand, it was unexpected. Even if he is as strong as Xiang Kuang, seeing Lu Xiaotian's method at this time, he couldn't help but scream inwardly.

"Flood Beads Change!" Xiang Kuang pinched the magic formula with his hands and pointed in the air. The five Jiao Beads immediately changed their fighting style. He knew that it might not be easy to break through, but his five-color dragon-headed stick was not only infinitely powerful, but also infinitely changeable, but ordinary monks couldn't force him to use these methods at all.

The five dragon beads retracted softly, and they turned into a five-color monster dragon again in the midst of their brilliance. The monster dragon opened its mouth, and a small earth-colored peak pressed down in the air amidst the earth-brown brilliance.

That Xiaofeng magnified sharply at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, and suppressed Lu Xiaotian head on.

"Haoyuan Peak, Madman Xiang, you have broken the contract." This peak is so heavy that the monks in the early Yuanying period can't move it at all. Not only mana, but also strict requirements on spiritual consciousness. Patriarch Mangxiao witnessed the fighting between the two, even under the suppression of Xiang Kuang's strength, he felt an eye-opening feeling, but he was still closer to Lu Xiaotian after all. drank.

"Hey, I have condensed this Haoyuan Peak into a five-color dragon-head stick. Using this Haoyuan Peak will consume a lot of mana and consciousness, so it's not a breach of contract. Besides, this kid's strength, Where is what a Nascent Soul should have at the beginning of the Nascent Soul, even if it is encountered in the middle of the Nascent Soul, it is rare to be able to win good under his hands."

Xiang Kuang smiled, turned his eyes to Lu Xiaotian, and looked at Lu Xiaotian with more interest, "I haven't met such an interesting opponent for a long time, take a blow from my Haoyuan Peak!"

"It doesn't matter if I get your blow." Lu Xiaotian narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a slight movement of his consciousness, the big hand in the void flashed, and appeared under Haoyuan Peak in the shape of a flat support.

Unexpectedly, the moment Hao Yuanfeng came into contact with the big solid hand, Lu Xiaotian's face suddenly turned green.

"This Haoyuan Peak is actually so heavy." Even with his own strength, he couldn't support this Haoyuan Peak. Although he tried his best to block it, the Haoyuan Peak was still falling slowly. This Haoyuan Peak probably weighs at least a million catties. And from the mountain of Haoyuan Peak, there are still powerful thoughts attacking Lu Xiaotian's body all-pervasively.

A faint fire shadow flashed, and Lu Xiaotian under the Haoyuan Peak Pagoda disappeared out of thin air, and when he reappeared, he was already more than two hundred feet away. Hao Yuanfeng missed it.

"Fire escape technique! You don't have the slightest anger in this set of sword formations, but you actually know this method of fire escape. It seems that you still have some kind of extraordinary spiritual fire on your body, and there are quite a lot of methods. It is He Linghuo, why don't you let it out for you?" Let me see." Xiang Kuang had a look of expectation on his face.

The fierce dragon and Hao Yuanfeng transformed by the five dragon beads came to Lu Xiaotian again, Lu Xiaotian was not surprised by this, this fire escape technique can only play a limited role for great monks, it can only be used as a temporary delay , as early as in the fight with the three snake demon Biqiong. I have seen such a situation.

"As you wish." Lu Xiaotian stretched out his sleeves and waved, a large cyan spiritual fire turned his eyes into a sea of ​​flames, surrounding the fierce dragons transformed by the five dragon beads.

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