Become a Fairy

Chapter 1241 Lame Man, Green-eyed Boss

Not to mention how many people I need to rely on at critical moments, Luo Qian also needs experience. After so many years of meditation, blindly retreating, I can't cultivate anything famous.

Master Wuxin pointed to the same direction as the monk who provided Heitianji holy prayer beads, roughly the same direction as this ancient tomb, and there are some places that are quite different from the spirit of ghosts, scattered tens of thousands of miles around. I don't know if it's in the same place.

Regardless of these, since we are here, if we do not find anything after exploring the ancient tomb here, it will not be too late to look for it elsewhere. How can we return empty-handed after entering Baoshan.

It is related to the seventh-level Buddha, and Lu Xiaotian also wants to see if there is any secret behind the seventh-level Buddha. With the improvement of his cultivation base, the power of the seventh-level Buddha is also increasing. If there is any secret, even after the transformation. , It is also enough to become his means of suppressing the bottom of the box.

Lu Xiaodao was wearing a black ghost suit, stepped forward with one step, and with a slight sway, he had already entered this place of yin and wood, with tall and towering mountain yin trees above his head, and the cold wind in the forest was blowing.

Lu Xiaotian walked for more than ten miles, and suddenly stopped, and said in a low voice, "You have reached our level, and you still play this kind of junior tricks, don't you think you are self-deprecating?"

"Jie Jie, it's interesting to find us unexpectedly." A strange voice sounded like two people were talking at the same time.

The cloudy atmosphere in the forest changed for a while. A strange black-robed man with a terrifying face, the left side of his face looks like a burly man, while the right side looks like a beautiful woman like a flower and jade. Similarly, the left and right are tall and tall, the right is small, and the left and right hands are asymmetrical, and they are also lame. Because the cultivation base is not low, it does not affect the movement, and the walking speed is much faster than ordinary people. It just looks kind of creepy.

"Why, do you plan to show up only after I have to show up?" Lu Xiaotian glanced at the pile of rotten corpses.

There was a squirm among the rotting corpses. An old man with crane feathers pierced on the back of his head, deep-set eyes, hunched like a walking ghost, no taller than an ordinary person's waist, looked at Lu Xiaotian with green eyes, and was caught by those green eyes. It was like being stared at by a ghost corpse.

"A ghost cultivator, why did you come to this ancient tomb?" the green-eyed old man said hoarsely.

"Naturally, I'm looking for something that can be used. What purpose do I have, do I need to tell you?" Lu Xiaotian said coldly.

"Very well, in this ancient tomb, there are not many people who dare to speak to this deity like this." The green-eyed old man smiled grimly, his voice was still resounding, the gray shadow flickered, and the green-eyed old man was nowhere to be seen.

"Corpse escape?" Lu Xiaotian released his divine sense, and found that there was a faint corpse aura lingering around his body. If he was in a place with abundant spiritual energy, it would not be impossible for monks of similar strength to find each other's whereabouts. It's just that in such a gloomy place, with the surrounding auras being similar, even someone with a higher level of cultivation would find it difficult to find this person's whereabouts.

This person is neither a ghost nor a corpse. It's just that the kung fu practiced is too evil, and now it's not far from a corpse demon.

"Jie Jie, friend, be careful, this crane corpse demon is easy to get angry, and likes to turn people or monsters into carrion corpses, and then slowly enjoy and absorb the delicious corpse gas." The weirdo looked like he was watching the excitement, and he didn't seem to intend to intervene in the fight in front of him, but his position was extremely tricky. Once Lu Xiaotian was defeated, he would rush forward to give Lu Xiaotian a fatal blow at any time.

"The corpse escape is in this gloomy place, and it looks even better than my Zixiao fire escape technique. And it moves quite fast." The place where the two set up an ambush is the place they must pass through to enter this ancient tomb. In the Heitian Mountain Range, there are many places similar to this gloomy place, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, which does not cover the whole picture. If he spends more time, Lu Xiaotian may not be unable to find other places to enter the ancient tomb.

It's just that the direction indicated in the Buddhist beads is the closest to this place, and the danger in front of me is still within the controllable range, so there is no need to waste any more time.

The corner of Lu Xiaotian's mouth twitched, although the green-eyed old man's method of escaping from the corpse is miraculous, but with his spiritual consciousness, once he gets too close, there are still traces to follow.

When the other party approached after going through a few blindfolds, Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand to cover the void, and a demon-suppressing tower fell from the sky, and the blazing Vatican spirit fire burned all the surrounding corpses. Even if Lu Xiaotian didn't see the green-eyed old man who was originally hiding, even if he didn't see his real body, just his breath, it couldn't be more obvious.

As Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand to cover the void. The demon-suppressing tower landed on top of the green-eyed old man. Fan Luo's spiritual fire surged everywhere, and the green-eyed old man was forced to show his original shape. The hand, which was as thin as a dead branch, stretched upwards, and a mysterious ghost claw supported the Demon Town Tower.

Just as the green-eyed old man held onto the trail of the Demon Town Tower, Lu Xiaotian's left hand twisted strangely, and his bones cracked. hiss! A piebald spirit snake with a thick arm flew out, stretching around Zhang Xu's body, and it was about to entangle the green-eyed old man in a blink of an eye.

Just when the piebald spirit snake was about to entangle the green-eyed old man, a gray-white light wave appeared strangely, rippling on the piebald spirit snake, and the piebald spirit snake screamed, but was caught by the gray-white light wave After that, it melted away like snow meets spring.

This yin and yang weirdo made a move. The green-eyed old man couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. Although the two of them joined forces, he was really afraid that this unreliable ally would choose to stand by and watch. The methods of people who are obviously not ghosts in front of them are really serious. The strikes are even more weird and changeable, with profound mana, and there are some methods that are close to those of the monster clan. It was the green-eyed old man, caught off guard, and the corpse escape was cracked again. There is also a feeling of difficulty in coping for a while.

Immediately afterwards, another gray-white light wave flew towards Lu Xiaotian. Lu Xiaotian took a closer look, and found that this gray-white light wave was just a manifestation. Within this light wave, there were a few strange male and female monsters smiling sinisterly. This demon looks like the caster himself.

There are people in the world who practice such evil skills. However, I have Brahma real fire to protect me, so it is difficult for this evil ghost to enter my body. By the way, although my other magic weapon for restraining such ghosts has not been fully refined, it is still worth using, but it takes a longer time to cultivate it once.

With a movement of Lu Xiaotian's consciousness, a pure and peaceful silver light appeared behind him.

In the silver light, pieces of silver leaves fluttered and did not fall. Thirty-six silver leaves appeared one after another. Each silver leaf shone exceptionally, emitting a mass of white and pure light. Groups of rays of light are connected together, and the aura of each silver leaf is similar, but different. However, on the thirty-six silver leaves of paulownia, each with its own unique aura, complex spirit patterns flickered. The auras with different auras are gradually connected together.

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