Become a Fairy

Chapter 1412 Healing

Zhao Tianyang looked at the misty sword fetus that came through the sky, even though he was in the state of a far infant at this time, he couldn't help opening his eyes, "This, this is."

Before Zhao Tianyang was surprised, Lu Xiaotian directly put away Zhao Tianyang's Nascent Soul. When Zhao Tianyang was beheaded and sacrificed to the blood cauldron to refine the magic formation, all the Nascent Souls in his hand were exhausted. After finally getting a Nascent Soul of Zhao Tianyang's level, it is natural not to let Piao Miao's sword fetus be destroyed at will.

While putting Zhao Tian away to raise Yuanying, Lu Xiaotian quickly released the sword intent in his body. Seeing that Piaomiao sword embryo approaching, I felt very nervous. The Piaomiao sword embryo left by Venerable Piaomiao is too powerful, it has already surpassed the limit that Nascent Soul cultivator can achieve, not to mention that he just had a battle with Zhao Tianyang, and now he is very powerful. Hurt, after all, this misty sword embryo does not belong to his own power, and it cannot be judged by common sense. Life and death are controlled by foreign things, and Lu Xiaotian will not feel good about it.

However, from the moment the sword intent in Lu Xiaotian's body emanated, Lu Xiaotian felt a trace of friendliness shown above the Piaomiao sword embryo. The sword embryo left by Venerable Piao Miao actually circled around him.

Lu Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the crisis is over for the time being. At this time, even if Xiao Jinlei and the old monster Mengshan come in, they will definitely not be able to please.

The Piao Miao sword embryo circled around him over and over again, Lu Xiaotian couldn't help being a little puzzled, wondering what the sword embryo left by Venerable Piao Miao meant. It's just that at this time Lu Xiaotian suddenly felt that the eight flying swords in his body were ready to come out.

"Could it be that you want me to release the flying sword?" A thought flashed in Lu Xiaotian's mind. As Venerable Piao Miao's sword embryo turned faster and faster, while Lu Xiaotian was still guessing, the sword intent in his body became more and more difficult to restrain.

Lu Xiaotian simply no longer suppressed the surging sword intent in his body. With a movement of consciousness, eight flying swords were handed out one after another, and one of them had an obvious gap in it, which was cut out by Zhao Tianyang's whalebone sword.

This time without waiting for Lu Xiaotian's control, the eight flying swords spontaneously merged into one in the air, forming a sword embryo, wrapped in a transparent mask. The sword fetus left by Venerable Piao Miao is one size bigger than Lu Xiaotian's sword fetus. After seeing Lu Xiaotian's sword fetus, Venerable Piao Miao's sword fetus let out a pleasant groan. Lu Xiaotian was slightly startled, the two sword fetuses started to play with each other in the air. When it is far and near, Lu Xiaotian doesn't need to control it by himself.

"I don't know what it was that fought against Piao Miao's sword fetus before." Lu Xiaotian's eyes flickered, and at this moment, there was a sharp pain in his body, but it was the true meaning of gold that Zhao Tianyang left in his body that was breaking out. Luo Zhenhuo was blocked in a relatively small area. But the destruction of the body is going on all the time.

Now that Zhao Tianyang has been eliminated, he must hurry up to recover.

I had to run all the way before, and I didn't have time to deal with it. Now it is rare to have time to calm down. Although it is not as good as in Xiangdu right now, but with the sword fetus left by Venerable Piao Miao, there will be no foreign enemies invading for a while.

Lu Xiaotian settled down and began to recuperate the injuries in his body. Fanluo True Fire can offset Zhao Tianyang's Jin Zhizheng, but this offsetting process has extremely strict requirements. If the Fanluo True Fire in his body surges up all at once, of course Jin Zhizhen can be extinguished, but Lu Xiaotian's body can't bear Jin Zhizhen's crazy counterattack.

"By the way, if you ask Longshi about this kind of question, there should be a better answer." Lu Xiaotian had a thought, and Yuanshen entered the moving mirror, and asked Longshi the question.

"Yin-yang and five elements each have their own skills. Low-level monks practice their skills, and high-level monks learn their methods. Eliminate the clutter and preserve the truth. I am not a monk of this way, but I have fought against such strong people before, and I can Let me share with you some of my understanding.”

After Longshi thought for a while, he told Lu Xiaotian his understanding of the hostile gold monks from the beginning to the end. For the superfluous, Longshi also refused to talk to Lu Xiaotian, but said that the realm has not been reached, and let Lu Xiaotian realize it by himself.

Lu Xiaotian frowned slightly, and retreated from the moving mirror. According to what Longshi said, the gold enemies that Longshi faced before were obviously the main defense. But Zhao Tianyang, who killed himself, cultivated the true meaning of gold, which was extremely sharp.

"Could it be that the so-called True Meaning of the Five Elements is just a general term. In fact, there are thousands of flowers blooming, each showing a branch?" Lu Xiaotian rubbed his chin, and got a plausible answer from Longshi. After turning around, he had to rely on himself Of course, it is not without gain, at least Longshi reminded him to try his best to understand the other party while eliminating the true meaning of gold in his body, maybe there will be other gains in the future.

Two misty sword embryos, one big and one small, are moving far and near in the sky, sometimes disappearing, Lu Xiaotian doesn't care, and now he doesn't have much energy to take care of the sword embryos, he concentrates on using multiple primordial spirits at the same time. Mobilize the Vatican True Fire in the body to start the Moon Water Demon Tofu method to continuously eliminate the true meaning of gold left in the body.

"Brother Xiao, it seems that things are troublesome." While Lu Xiaotian killed Zhao Tianyang and stayed in Piaomiao Hall to heal his wounds, a group of great monks at the bottom of Wushang Lake were already waiting anxiously. Mengshan old monster rubbed his hands and walked back and forth, looking impatiently at Xiao Jinlei who was several feet away.

"How could I not know." Xiao Jinlei replied angrily, but right now there is no better way than to wait. At this time, the teleportation array has stopped. If they want to activate the teleportation array again, they must sacrifice a few flowers and leaves from the other side . Except Xiaotian had carefully collected this thing before, where did they go to get such a rare thing in a while. Even if there is, who really dares to go in. Lu Xiaotian had already been beaten all the way by the old man Zhao Tianyang. Rolling hundreds of thousands of miles all the way, he fled into the secret realm through the teleportation array.

Now that Zhao Tianyang is gone and never comes back, there are two possibilities. One is that Zhao Tianyang has already succeeded, but he doesn't want to remember that they came with the oriole behind and fled away with the treasure. I don't plan to use this teleportation array. Under such circumstances, even if they wanted to find him, they might not be able to find Zhao Tianyang. Another possibility is that Zhao Tianyang has fallen into the secret realm like those Nascent Soul monks more than a hundred years ago. Under such circumstances, they dare not go in easily.

And Xiao Jinlei, Mengshan old monster, and even Yuan Tianfang mostly think it is the latter. Back then, Lu Xiaotian first appeared in Wushang Lake in Chiyuan Continent, and it was only in the early stage of Jindan. Most of them came from this secret realm. Later, he was chased and killed by Yitong, the ghost king of the later stage, and fled into the secret realm, and the slightly slower one who followed him into the secret realm was either killed or injured.

According to the intelligence analysis obtained by Xiao Jinlei and others. Lu Xiaotian didn't know what kind of shit luck he had, most likely he got some kind of inheritance in the secret realm, and he knew the way to survive in the secret realm. And this ability to survive in a secret realm is exactly what they don't have.

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