Become a Fairy

Chapter 1953 King Shirahone

After some chasing, the plum blossom formed by the remnant image finally fit together with a light-colored plum blossom pattern on the blue mask. Suddenly, the matching plum blossom suddenly shone so compelling that even Lu Xiaotian couldn't look directly at it.

The round light mask that was upside down like a giant bowl on the ground began to shake, and the surrounding graves also became more turbulent. There were roars from Xiong Kun's throat, as if he was struggling extremely hard under the pressure of this change.

After another moment, a portal suddenly opened on the faint blue mask, which was as high as Zhang Xu. Through the portal, Lu Xiaotian could vaguely see an ancient blue bottle on a stone table inside. Next to the ancient blue bottle is a blue scroll. On the far left are two purple stones of similar size, which are suddenly the stone of Yuanci. Its shape is more than half larger than the one in Lu Xiaotian's hand. The reason why I felt that its aura is much weaker is because it is separated by the blue mask.

And on the stone chair next to the stone table, there is a white bone skeleton sitting.

"Hahaha" Xiong Kun, who seemed to be struggling to support himself, laughed out loud at this moment. He didn't seem to be working hard at all. At this time, Xiong Kun gave up on Lu Xiaotian, turned into a streamer, and sank into the passage. The speed is astounding.

The ancient bronze bottle might be Yuanci Gold Liquid, Lu Xiaotian's eyes lit up, and if it can be put together with the Yuanci Stone, it must not be too bad. At this time, Xiong Kun suddenly withdrew his protection, and the thick and solid earth around him came with a roar and tsunami.

"Soul Melting Dafa!" At such a short distance, if he directly confronted Zhong Sha with his body, he might suffer a big loss. At this time, Chongbao was in front, and Lu Xiaotian didn't care about maintaining his strength. At the moment, it directly swallowed a monster of the fit state. After merging this powerful spirit, the condensed Zhong Sha was pushed three feet away from the body without any accident.

But in the blink of an eye, Xiong Kun had already reached the passage. I don't know what is inside the blue mask, if the ancient cyan bottle contains the magnetic gold liquid, if Xiong Kun gets it first and there are many accidents, all previous efforts will be in vain. Lu Xiaotian didn't want any twists and turns in the matter, he frowned, and the illusion in his body flashed.

"Teleportation secret."

Before Xiong Kun came back to his senses, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and Lu Xiaotian had already arrived at the stone table first, and stretched out his hand to sweep it away, first of all he wanted to put away the ancient blue bottle.

Xiong Kun, who was not far behind behind him, twitched his lips, his eyes turned cold after being astonished.

At the same time as Xiong Kun sneered, there was a sudden change at this time, and the white bone skeleton sitting on the stone chair like a dead thing suddenly grabbed Lu Xiaotian's throat like lightning with its bone claws.

"It turned out to be deceitful!" Although Lu Xiaotian has experienced a lot, he couldn't help but be shocked at this time, but Lu Xiaotian's reaction is not slow, as long as there is no body-fitting power in this dark demon mound, Lu Xiaotian will have the confidence to protect himself .

The white bone claw looked extremely sharp, Lu Xiaotian didn't catch it with his bare hands, he stretched out his hand, and then chopped it down fiercely, Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand had already turned into a sword. Hit with the bone claw.

With a clang, the white bone claw was not cut off under this heavy blow, but directly grabbed Lu Xiaotian's Fang Tian's painted halberd. Lu Xiaotian twitched, but did not twitch. But this white bone skeleton is not a ghost in the body state after all, and there is no way to get Lu Xiaotian.

"Death!" Xiong Kun didn't move slowly at all, taking advantage of Lu Xiaotian's fight with the bone skeleton, his face was full of shock at first, and then with a stern face, he pointed the Wuhuan Weeping Spear in his hand and directly stabbed Lu Xiaotian's throat.

"Damn it!" Lu Xiaotian was still paying attention to the surrounding situation even under the pincer attack at this time. This Xiong Kun was so cunning. While fighting with him, he even released a bear-headed snake-body spiritual creature to bite the blue Ancient bottle.

Lu Xiaotian has a few puppets in his hands, but they are not the opponents of the bear-headed snake-body monster, so it doesn't make any difference whether they are released or not.

However, even if he had taken the spirit of the demonic beasts from the Composite Realm, he would be greatly suppressed in this dark demon mound, and his true strength that he could display was relatively limited. Especially when he was restrained by the bone skeleton at this time, it was not particularly difficult for Lu Xiaotian to get rid of Xiong Kun seriously, but it was not an ordinary difficulty at this time. After all, this Xiong Kun has also refined the power of Yuan Magnetic, and his strength is not generally strong among monks in the late stage of the God Void Realm. It cannot be taken lightly. That bear-headed snake-body ghost is also an extremely powerful supernatural power.

"Haha, human boy, you are indeed the most difficult monk I have ever seen below the body-fitting level. I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, but being restrained by the Bone Tomb King can only be considered unlucky for you !"

Xiong Kun and Lu Xiaotian fought hard for several times, not to mention that they didn't get a bargain, but they were shocked so much that the power of the blood in his body surged. Don't mention how surprised he was, he knew that Lu Xiaotian would be confident that he would be able to win if he dared to cooperate with him. He won the treasure before. It's just that he didn't expect that Lu Xiaotian would be able to teleport this almost heaven-defying supernatural power. But this is still within his calculations, the King of the Bone Tomb is extremely difficult to deal with, even if he has absorbed the power of Yuan Magnetic, his strength is far superior to that of monks of the same level. He also felt a little guilty about the King of the Bone Tomb. Therefore, at the moment when the channel of the blue mask was opened, Xiong Kun made an all-out effort to win the treasure, and withdrew Lu Xiaotian's protection, as if crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaotian did not disappoint Xiong Kun, and even surprised him a bit, surpassing him in an instant, and he was about to collect the spiritual objects. In fact, he just fell into his trap. Use Lu Xiaotian to hold the King of the Bone Tomb, so that he can take the treasure calmly. The only thing that surprises him is that Lu Xiaotian's strength is simply beyond his imagination, even if he absorbs the power of Yuan Magnetic, he can't match the opponent. With the help of the Bone Tomb King, he still blocked his own attack.

However, the matter was not completely out of his control. Fortunately, Xiong Kun still practiced secret arts such as Bear Spirit Totem. Immediately, another spirit creature with the head of a bear and the body of a snake was released, and it successfully bit the ancient blue bottle containing the magnetic gold liquid.

There is murderous intent in Lu Xiaotian's eyes, and it has been many years since he was calculated to such an extent by a monk of the same rank. At that moment, when the primordial spirit moved, an elegant aura that was completely different from the soul-melting Dafa flowed in his body.

A flying sword flew out of Lu Xiaotian's body, swift as lightning, and cut the bear-headed snake-body monster into several pieces in a blink of an eye.

Xiong Kun let out a cry of pain, he spent a lot of effort refining this totem bear spirit.

"Dharma and body cultivation!" Lu Xiaotian's reaction speed was astonishing, and Xiong Kun's reaction was not slow. The moment the flying sword came out, Xiong Kun realized that he was definitely not his opponent. That totem bear spirit is not a living object. Even though it was chopped into several pieces by the Piaomiao flying sword sacrificed by Lu Xiaotian, the bear head still managed to open its mouth and spit out a flash of aura, and the aura wrapped around the ancient blue bottle and flew towards Xiong Kun.

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