Become a Fairy

Chapter 2012 Opening the Stone Gate

Chapter 2012 Opening the Stone Gate——

Seeing the dense crowd in front of my eyes, there are more and more fierce dragon pattern ghosts than when I came in before. It is Wu Changlian, a strong man in the fit state. The idea of ​​killing the past all the way. But right now, the killing is a bit soft, but the dragon pattern ghost in front of him has not seen any reduction in heating. When entering the lair, he was able to make it all the way smoothly, mainly because there were four combined monsters taking turns to attack, the number was not as large as before, and he didn't have the madness to do anything at all.

After Lu Xiaotian used Weishuo Eagle King's Demon Eagle Essence, although he was still not Wu Changlian's opponent when it came to fighting skills, the difference was not as big as the difference between God Void Realm and Composite Realm. When it comes to speed, it's not too bad. Facing the layers of low-level dragon pattern ghosts, Lu Xiaotian managed to avoid the densest area by using teleportation a few times. Wu Changlian is now falling behind, how can he avoid it.

"Damn Lu Xiaotian, there are such tricks!" Wu Changlian directly associated the vision in front of him with Lu Xiaotian. At this time, the adult dragon-patterned ghost behind him was attracted by the lizard tongue grass. Wu Changlian was horrified when he saw this. When those two grown guys met, even he had to hold grudges about it. At this time, Wu Changlian had no choice but to retreat to the direction of the abyss again, and rushed to the direction where the mothers of Ming Shen and the others were. Fortunately, the attention of the two adult dragon pattern ghosts was not on him, otherwise it would not be easy to escape smoothly. thing.

Lu Xiaotian also received a lot of obstacles one after another, but compared with Wu Changlian's situation, there is a world of difference. All the way back, Lu Xiaotian vaguely saw the shadow of a fire demon wolf, with an unusually strong aura, and it was very likely that it was the Purple Fire Wolf Lord of Yehuo Field. The Purple Fire Wolf Lord acted secretly all the way, glanced at Lu Xiaotian from afar, and saw that Lu Xiaotian had no intention of stopping at all, and didn't want to meddle in his own business to stop Lu Xiaotian.

The purple fire wolves don't come to trouble him, Lu Xiaotian has already prayed to God and worshiped Buddha, so how could he provoke the other party's unhappiness. Except for the obstruction of some low-level dragon pattern ghosts, there was no other danger. All the way to the thick stone gate that entered the entrance of Longwen Guinong's lair without any danger.

As Ming Shen's mother said, there are two ways to open this thick stone gate. The simple one is to use brute force to open it, but at least two strong men like Wu Changlian in the combined resting state are needed. Lu Xiaotian's current strength is the use of the Soul Melting Dafa, which is still a long way from Wu Changlian, let alone two.

Another method is to open the stone gate through the prohibition on the stone gate with the primordial spirit not lower than the fit state, but the prohibition is not complete, and it will inevitably take longer to open the stone gate. No matter which method is used, it only takes a few breaths to open the stone gate, and it will be closed again after the time passes. If Wu Changlian arrived before the Shimen opened, everything would be closed and there would be no room for maneuver.

At this time, you can only block your luck. At this time, you need to use the prohibition on the stone gate to open the stone gate, instead of destroying the prohibition on it. , then only brute force is left to open the way.

When he first entered this place before, Lu Xiaotian looked at the restriction on the stone gate, it is not difficult to open, the key depends on how long it takes, or how long those dragon pattern ghosts can hold Wu Changlian.

Without the slightest delay, Lu Xiaotian's primordial spirit poured into the restriction on the stone gate, and along the veins of the restriction, gradually awakened the incomplete restriction. At this time, Lu Xiaotian's attainments in Lu Xiaotian played an amazing role again, the prohibition on the Shimen was lit up a little bit, and it exuded an amazing luster again, and the Shimen also began to tremble slightly.

When the last pattern was awakened by Lu Xiaotian, the stone gate was slowly opening, and Lu Xiaotian was slightly relieved.

"Little friend Lu, I really want to say a word of admiration to you for being able to come here." A gloomy and proud laugh came from the passage. Just when the stone door was about to open, Wu Changlian's voice reached his ears again.

Lu Xiaotian thumped in his heart, Wu Changlian, this old monster, came here at this juncture. Seeing that the stone gate had opened a gap, Lu Xiaotian approached the gap without haste, and Wu Changlian also shot from behind.

"I really underestimated you. Along the way, we were able to calculate several of our combined old monsters to such an extent, and almost used all the conditions at hand to the extreme. It's true that a mere cultivator in the realm of the gods can do this. Let this old man feel ashamed. If you are given more time to grow to a body-fit state, I am afraid that even this old man will not be able to restrain you."

Wu Changlian stared at Lu Xiaotian closely, even though Lu Xiaotian in front of him was just a cultivator in the Void Realm, he had won his respect to a certain extent. Wu Changlian's words were definitely not flattering to Lu Xiaotian, he was not proficient in the formation, but he knew a thing or two, even if he did it himself, he couldn't open the stone door in front of him, but Lu Xiaotian opened it. How can I keep him from being shocked, what the Shen Shen mother said is not false at all. Yuanshen is a little weaker, even if he is extremely proficient in the formation, he still cannot open the thick stone door in front of him. But Lu Xiaotian just opened it.

Lu Xiaotian kept silent, as if he didn't hear Wu Changlian's praise, while the other party was speaking, he was still approaching him at full speed. At this time, life and death were hanging by a hair, so Lu Xiaotian couldn't help being distracted in the slightest.

"Unfortunately, no matter how talented you are, you won't survive today." Wu Changlian grinned grimly, and went up with him. Even if the stone gate is opened, so what, the other party can't escape a few feet, tens of feet, or a few miles away. Later, earlier difference.

As soon as Lu Xiaotian walked through the gap in the opened stone gate, he immediately withdrew his spiritual consciousness in the stone gate, but the stone gate has already been opened, even though Lu Xiaotian withdrew his spiritual consciousness, it would take a few breaths to close it again. At this time, Lu Xiaotian's expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

"The mantis is like a car, and you can't control yourself." Wu Changlian's ugly face was full of coldness, the closed stone gate was very clear, and Lu Xiaotian actually wanted to block him on the side of the stone gate.

Wu Changlian raised his hand, and the blue mirror shot out a blue light, and the blue light hit Lu Xiaotian's chest fiercely like a pillar. Although the sword embryo was not used in this attack, Wu Changlian did not hold back in his moves. Even the Crying Blood Mosquito Demon whose realm is not very stable may not be able to withstand such a blow, Wu Changlian did not despise the junior in front of him at all.

"Soul Melting Dafa!" Lu Xiaotian's demonic aura shot straight at Dou Xiao, Fang Tian's painted halberd slashed down, and a blood-colored demon eagle broke out of the halberd, and went straight to the cyan beam of light.

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