Become a Fairy

Chapter 2638 Chapter 2636??? Weird

Chapter 2638 Chapter 2636 Weird

Countless low-level monsters in the sea couldn't keep up with the speed of the cold wave on the way to escape, and their bodies still kept running away, and then they were frozen stiff, and their vitality was wiped out, leaving only the pain and unwillingness that were frozen in their eyes. Some of the weakest ones didn't even have time to fear.

At this time, the blood field propped up by Lu Xiaotian's blood gang is completely different in the monster sea, and the surging cold wave hits the blood field.

Through the power and consciousness of the free blood gang, Lu Xiaotian could feel a trace of coldness spreading towards him along the blood bath.

However, it was quickly dispelled by the blood power in the body. It was only the first wave of cold wave right now, and the undulating shadows on the cold source ten thousand tide beads suspended in the monster sea seemed to be a microcosm of the cold wave in the monster sea.

Even a cultivator in the Body Composite Realm seems a little small under the power of this world. Although Lu Xiaotian only used the power of the blood gang, his attainments in physical training are not low, and the foundation of physical training in the middle stage of integration is more solid than that of ordinary physical training of the same level. At this time, under the endless cold wave, the blood field stretched by the blood gang's force was also continuously compressed, until finally, it was completely compressed and retracted into the body.

Lu Xiaotian's eyebrows, the bridge of his nose, and his body were covered with a layer of frost like ice crystals, but after this kind of confrontation with the cold wave, the power of the blood gang that was compressed back into his body seemed to become more refined, and he wanted to use it more often. layer, more tempering is needed.

Under the counterattack of the power of the blood gang, the ice crystal-like frost on the body surface gradually melted, but the cold wave was endless, and soon covered Lu Xiaotian's body surface again.

Cultivation is sometimes a tedious and repetitive process. As more and more icy power enters the body, even Lu Xiaotian's movements can't help but slow down.

Fighting vigorously with the strength of blood and blood can only slow down the process of being frozen. It seems that this trend cannot be completely stopped.

Lu Xiaotian frowned darkly, following this process, his whole body would be frozen in a short time.

The power of the blood gang must be allowed to flow completely in the body, otherwise, once the whole body becomes stiff and fails to break through its own realm, it may have to be interrupted at that time.

Lu Xiaotian's mind was spinning, the idea of ​​attacking the cold source from the outside is definitely unrealistic, the power of the world cannot be completely resisted by himself, but if he uses the Wuxiang Xuanhuo, he will be safe in this cold wave, even A few more oil bottles can also take it out smoothly.

Therefore, Lu Xiaotian was not too afraid, but calmly used the power of the blood gang in his body to continuously fight against the cold wave, how to condense the power of the blood gang as much as possible, and reduce his own consumption on the basis of subsiding the cold wave.

If it is not in a situation that cannot be dealt with, never use mana to lead to failure.

Later, even Lu Xiaotian seemed to be frozen, and his whole body was cold.




Small blood-colored beasts in the body were condensed. Under the rush of these blood beasts, the blood that was almost frozen into ice was washed away again, the flow speed increased, and a trace of warmth slowly flowed through the whole body. The ice crystals on the surface of the body Under the influence of this warm current, it is gradually melting.

At this time, in the middle dantian of the body, the devouring bow and arrow were ups and downs in the dantian. Compared with the alien beast formed by the condensed power of the blood gang in the meridians, the condensed level in the middle dantian was obviously higher. Three fused souls, four fused souls.

It wasn't until Ba Ronghun that it slowed down. In the past, the limit of Lu Xiaotian's practice of soul-melting Dafa was only nine soul-melting. At this time, it is relatively more difficult to manifest directly with the power of the blood gang without using the monster's primordial spirit. Even if Lu Xiaotian has studied this way for many years, it is still a challenge at this time.

Facing the howling cold wave, Lu Xiaotian had to do everything possible to persevere under the turbulent cold wave.

When the big waves wash away the sand, the real gold is the one who persists in the end, and the losers who are washed away are the losers who turn into sand and dust.

Naturally, Lu Xiaotian would not be willing to be a loser. The strange beasts manifested by the power of the blood gang in the body continued to collapse in the fight against the cold wave, but other strange beasts continued to form.

In this repeated struggle, the blood power in the body was continuously condensed.

With the Barong antler beasts in the middle dantian wandering around the body, controlling those low-level beasts to fight against the cold wave.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian couldn't help frowning, with the strength of his spiritual consciousness, he could faintly sense the power of the blood gang in his body as if there was a trace of restraint.

It is a big taboo not to use all your strength when facing the enemy. Lu Xiaotian can be sure that there is nothing abnormal in his body, but where does this trace of restraint come from?

Seeing that the power of blood in the body is constantly being refined, Lu Xiaotian's suspicions are getting heavier and heavier, so he turned his assistant soul to search in the body repeatedly, but after doing this several times, he still didn't notice it. .

Lu Xiaotian has never seen such a strange thing before. In his impression, the only time he was planted by Bingyu Qingluan was the Bone Demonic Smoke, but the Bone Demonic Smoke used the Demon Suppressing Tower to expel it from his body after he advanced to the late stage of fusion. He went out without leaving any hidden dangers.

But if there is no difference, the blood power in the body will never appear in the current situation, and the sense of restraint will not come for no reason.

Perhaps it is still necessary to use the Buddha Light of the Town Demon Tower to re-examine the body.

Lu Xiaozai just had this idea, once the mana was poured into the Demon Suppressing Tower, the power of the blood gang was like a startled beast. Actually competed with the mana in the body to repel it.

From the cultivation of the "Hunyuan Jing" to the present, he has always shown great tolerance. All rivers are inclusive. Why is there such a rejection this time?

That huge repulsive force even made Lu Xiaotian's body feel like it was being torn apart, and the power of the blood gang was an unprecedented resistance.

Even with Lu Xiaotian's strong physique, he couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood.

Terrified, Lu Xiaotian hastily gave up his control over his mana, allowing him to retract to his lower dantian. At this moment, the feeling of repulsion disappeared.

"How could this be?" Although Lu Xiaotian discovered the crux by accident, he was not happy at all at this time. I found the problem, if I can't solve it, I'm afraid this breakthrough will fail.

The troubles in his body were not resolved, and the cold wave outside became more and more turbulent. Lu Xiaotian thought about various countermeasures in his mind, but in the end he died without a problem.

Without using mana at this time, he couldn't feel a trace of repulsion at all. But the sense of restraint that the power of the blood gang felt was real.

It is unrealistic to go back here. After the external mana is forcibly injected into the cold source ten thousand tide beads, the cold source ten thousand tide beads will eventually return to the cold wave and disappear. Unless he can find a second Cold Source Ten Thousand Tide Orb, this is definitely unrealistic for Lu Xiaotian in a short time!

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