Become a Fairy

Chapter 4093 Dragon Wolf Cavalry

Lu Xiaotian frowned. At this time, the eighteen puppet warriors had already suppressed the eight rock giants. However, the rock giants were extremely talented in fighting, and the combination was hard to break. Even the eighteen puppet warriors could not succeed in a short time. Make a breakthrough.

But the immortal army on the other side would not give Lu Xiaotian such a long time to break through the barrier.

It's just that I missed the present, and it's not known whether there will be another chance to bring the rock giant into the green fruit barrier in the future. Moreover, these eight rock giants were suppressed by the eighteen puppet warriors only because of excessive consumption. Once they fully recovered, the threat they posed would undoubtedly be doubled compared to now.

It's just that no matter whether it's the scattered fairy army or the eight rock giants, they can't let it go. As soon as Lu Xiaotian gritted his teeth, he stretched out his hand and waved it. In the brilliance, a wolf roared like a dragon's chant. The power of the mighty dragon wolf totem was added to Lu Xiaotian.

These scattered fairy army suddenly looked at Lu Xiaotian with a serious face. Although Lu Xiaotian was against them before, he was still a relatively orthodox human fairy. Although the means are powerful, they are still within the understandable range.

But at this time, Lu Xiaotian's aura suddenly changed drastically, arrogant, wild and invincible, and the nearly three thousand dragon and wolf riders behind him gathered together.

"Xuanjing, Dushan, is willing to drive and fight for the Dragon Lord!" The two Celestial Werewolves headed by holding demon soldiers, their eyes exuded a frenzied and violent breath, and they screamed frantically. The howls of dragons and wolves gathered together, suppressing all the jeering noises of all the immortal soldiers present. It has been thousands of years since Xiaoyue wolf riders were collected by Lu Xiaotian in the Qingguo Barrier for thousands of years, and almost all of the more than 600 wolf riders who were forcibly taken in by Lu Xiaotian at the beginning have advanced to the level of true immortals or above. There are also dozens of people whose strength is approaching the Heavenly Wonderland. Even the Dragon Wolf Riders bred later, with outstanding aptitude, many of them have reached the real immortal level.

When Ying Tianlangzun's ray of primordial spirit was still in the Qingguo enchantment, in order to protect himself, he also helped Lu Xiaotian control the wolf cavalry, taught a lot of wolf cavalry battle formations, and later evolved into dragon wolf cavalry, reborn Erected the dragon wolf totem. After absorbing enough real dragon breath, under Lu Xiaotian's instruction, not only has he become proficient in the battle formation of wolf cavalry, but Lu Xiaotian has also integrated his own understanding of the formation into it, forming the unique dragon wolf cavalry now.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand, and Fang Tian's painted halberd, which had turned into a dragon totem, appeared in his hand. Lu Xiaotian glanced at Fang Tian's painted halberd, and he hadn't used this dragon soldier for many years. If it has not been moved for thousands of years, if it is moved, blood will flow into rivers and corpses will be everywhere.

Just when Lu Xiaotian took away Fang Tian's painted halberd, the dragon clan in Qingguo Barrier first sensed it, and the high-pitched sound of the dragon's howl shook the void. The dragon clan's desire for battle is no less than that of the dragon wolf cavalry. Even if the dragon clan that can be directly sent to battle is not as good as the current dragon wolf cavalry, the power of the dragon clan far exceeds the current dragon wolf cavalry. Although Lu Xiaotian has been seldom using various factors, but after so many years of cultivation, the strength controlled by Lu Xiaotian has reached a certain level. Although it is still far from enough to be an enemy of Heaven, it is already enough to dominate one side.

"Kill!" Fang Tian painted the halberd in his hand, and dragon scales appeared on Lu Xiaotian's face. Leading more than 2,000 wolf riders like a whirlwind, they broke into the scattered fairy army battle formation. Constantly unite and combine to maintain the situation.

Although Lu Xiaotian also joined in the killing, this army of nearly ten thousand immortals is far from comparable to any army of immortals he has encountered before. The speed of killing is really not fast, but now that two thousand dragon and wolf riders have been sacrificed, the situation is getting better. It's completely different.

Many immortal soldiers stared dumbfounded at the unbelievable scene in front of them. No one knew how Lu Xiaotian turned into a dragon wolf cavalry. It seems that it is not a demon army owned by any demon clan they know. But the level of elite dragon and wolf cavalry in front of them surpassed any enemy army they had fought in the past.

At this time, the breath of fear spread from the fairy army, and the eight rock giants were suppressed by the opponent. The current battle formation of the fairy army is scattered, and it is impossible to form an effective joint force. But the opponent's mere two thousand dragon and wolf riders are in their prime, coming at a fast speed.

Before the fairy army in front of him had too much fear, Lu Xiaotian led more than two thousand dragon and wolf riders to pass through these fairy army like a whirlwind.

The appearance of the dragon wolf rider completely destroyed the will of the immortal army in front of them, blood and flesh flew everywhere they passed, and they screamed again and again. Fang Tian's painted halberd in Lu Xiaotian's hand didn't even have many chances to make a move. The immortal army battle formation in front of him was killed directly.

Lu Xiaotian drew Fang Tian's painting halberd forward, Xuanjing Dushan understood, the dragon and wolf riders parted to the two sides, and more than a thousand riders each interspersed among the scattered fairy army again. After a few back and forth, there were still eight or nine thousand immortal troops before, and they were already dead and wounded. But within this large Buddhist formation, apart from the fact that the reinforcements rushed to make it possible for them to recover a life, where could they escape even if they escaped? Among the patches of silver-leaf Buddha trees, the stupas that appeared from time to time were deadly enough to the fleeing remnants of the enemy.

Although the dragon and wolf riders have multiplied and grown stronger in the green fruit enchantment, it has not been a long time since they have killed and fought as happily as they are now. Under the back and forth strangling, the scattered fairy army was already defeated.

Lu Xiaotian specially selected the elite forces to kill them. After a few back and forth, the immortal army was completely defeated, with more than half of the casualties. Although there were still more than 4,000 people, they were completely disrupted, and they were not enough to deal with the little fire crow. The Nirvana True Flame, which was turning into a sea of ​​flames, and the Dingfeng Pearl invaded.

The dragon and wolf riders that were divided into two waves suddenly gathered in the middle, gathered together again, and rushed towards the battle formation surrounded by eighteen puppet warriors.

Under the control of Lu Xiaotian's consciousness, the puppet battle formation that had suppressed the eight rock giants automatically made way for a gap, and more than two thousand dragon and wolf riders rushed in from the gap as a whole.

hum! Lu Xiaotian's Fangtian Painting Halberd has reached an unprecedented level under the blessing of Dragon Wolf Cavalry. With one blow, the rock giant, which was hundreds of meters high, was knocked backwards and flew hundreds of miles away. Immediately afterwards, Lu Xiaotian led the dragon wolf to ride over again without stopping.

The other rock giants wanted to rescue the same kind, but before they had any real action, the battle formation of the eighteen puppet warriors closed tightly again, cutting off any possible reinforcements from the opponent.

But at this time, there is only a rock giant who consumes a lot of energy before Lu Xiaotian Dragon Wolf Rider.

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