Become a Fairy

Chapter 4633 Trouble

"Bastard!" Immortal Venerable Dragon Slayer and Palace Master Xinghuo, who were unable to get away in the fierce battle at this time, were gnashing their teeth in anger. The Dragon King of the East China Sea had met each other before, and there was never a time when they were not respectful to them.

In the eyes of the vast majority of people, the Dragon King of the East China Sea is just a poor responder who seems to have a golden fairy-level cultivation.

But now it was such a guy who gave them a fatal blow. The elite of Xunlong Division were caught off guard, and a big hole was directly stabbed in the battle formation from behind.

And the other dragon wolf cavalry that had been hovering on the right wing and did not charge up saw that the enemy had begun to appear chaotic, and immediately let out a long howl, charging towards them like a whirlwind.

Even though there are many restrictions on the wolf riders under the deep sea, after absorbing part of the dragon's breath, the dragon wolf riders naturally have some characteristics of the dragon race, and the restrictions on them in the deep sea dragon tomb have also been reduced to a certain extent.

At this time, the elite of Xunlong Division were facing the enemy, and the team was smashed into pieces under the chaos.

Death is spreading with alarming speed.

Slaying the Dragon Immortal Venerable, the heart of Palace Master Xinghuo has sunk to the bottom of the valley. At this time, they have no time to resent the Dragon King of the East China Sea. At this time, it is even a big problem for them to get out of this quagmire.

"Haha, Venerable Dragon Bound is dead, you all go down to be his company." The black dragon opened his mouth and spat out, and a flying sword of soul essence slashed down from the head of the Star Fire Palace Lord.

The Lord of the Star Fire Palace raised his left hand upwards, and a streak of starlight directly supported the Soul Essence Flying Sword like a natural shield.

It's just that the incomparably terrifying sword light still made Palace Master Xinghuo shudder, as if the indifferent sword shadow would fall down at any time, tearing his primordial spirit into two halves.

Coming and not going back, the Star Fire Palace Master waved his left hand, and densely packed thirty-six star arrows flew out from his sleeves, braving a little bit of crystal fire, and in a blink of an eye they merged into a brilliant star knife, which slashed straight at the black dragon with brilliance. .

"Small tricks." The black dragon did not dodge or dodge, and with the blessing of the dragon soul battle suit, it directly blocked the opponent's attack, and at the same time, the dragon claws slapped out, relying on the might of the battle formation, to directly force the opponent. However, if it were Changed to Zhanlong Xianzun, the black dragon would never be so easy. The Tiangang Wanfa golden body of Zhanlong Xianzun is too domineering. Not something he could defeat in this way.

boom! When the Canran Star Knife landed on the black dragon, the opponent's dragon claws also slapped the Star Fire Palace Master's shoulder.

A piece of star armor also appeared on the main table of the Star Fire Palace, but the starlight on it dissipated, and a bloodshot overflowed from the corner of the mouth of the Star Fire Palace Master himself. Obviously, the defense of this star armor is not enough to block all the power of the black dragon's blow.

"Dragon soul battle suit!" Star Fire Palace Master gritted his teeth and looked at the black dragon. One of the dragon clan's supernatural powers that Xunlongsi has studied the most is the dragon soul battle suit. Improved to form the current Absolute God vest.

The improved Absolute God vest defense is strong enough for Heavenly Immortal level powerhouses, but for Golden Immortal level powerhouses it is not meaningful enough and cannot meet the needs of fighting skills.

Seeing that the Black Dragon's Dragon Soul suit blocked his Star Saber so easily, the Star Fire Palace Master couldn't help but secretly surprised at the defense of the Dragon Soul suit.

"Yes, the power is not bad. The dragon clan will counterattack the fairy world sooner or later, so let's take the guys from the Dragon Hunting Division first." The black dragon gave a long laugh, and at the same time he swiped out with a dragon tail, he swiped his claws, The shadow is twisting and unreal, and the momentum is like collapsing the sky, and the one-style collapsing dragon seal is played again.

The Master of the Star Fire Palace stretched out his fingers and flicked, and sparks appeared around him. These sparks were intertwined into a mysterious formation, and in a blink of an eye, a six-pointed formation was formed to block in front of the collapsed dragon seal.

At this time, the dragon clan battle formation, the dragon wolf cavalry was still strangling back and forth in a complete formation. For the master of the star fire palace, the fighting skills of the two strong black dragons also had the ability to resist fluctuations by virtue of battle. It will not be life-threatening by the aftermath of this golden fairy-level powerhouse's fighting skills.

As for the manpower on the Xunlong Division's side, at this time, Yu Yong was a straggler and was being ravaged by dragons, dragon wolf riders, and even the East China Sea dragons. From time to time, some people were torn into pieces by such violent fluctuations.

Faced with such a battle that was sure to lose, those sea monster troops who were loyal to the Dragon King of the East China Sea fought back directly, while those who did not want to follow the Dragon King crashed and fled for their lives.

The Master of Xinghuo Palace is heartbroken, and he no longer cares about the juniors in the Xunlong Division, even his disciples and grandchildren, and even himself is constantly being hurt by the black dragon's attack.

"I don't know what's going on with Immortal Zhanlong." When he couldn't get out of trouble, the Star Fire Palace Master couldn't help pinning part of his hopes on Immortal Zhanlong. The strength of Immortal Zhanlong was still higher than that of the black dragon. It can get away, relying on the friendship between the two, it should give him a hand. The Starfire Palace Master thought so.

It's just that the result is destined to disappoint Palace Master Xinghuo. At this time, Zhanlong Immortal Venerable is trapped in the big formation set up by the nine dragon beasts, and it is difficult to break out by rushing from left to right. And after fighting all the way, it is quite far away from the Star Fire Palace Lord.

"Tiangang breaks the seal!" Immortal Zhanlong shouted violently, and struck out his palms one after another. With each palm, it was like a star arrow moving in the void, completely natural, without any signs of artificial carving.

The general momentum of the palm wind is like a celestial body flying in the sky, giving people a sense of majesty. In addition to its magical powers, it is more because of the suppression of the primordial spirit contained in the Zhanlong Immortal Venerable.

Trying to force one of the dragon beasts to show its flaws in this way, and then he took the opportunity to expand his advantage and break through the predicament in one fell swoop. Even in the dragon clan battle formation, the dragon wolf rider had already left a certain distance, and formed an attack on Lu Xiaotian. Anti-killing situation.

For Zhanlong Immortal Venerable, as long as Lu Xiaotian, the main messenger, can be killed, it is worthwhile to lose all the people brought out by Xunlong Division. After all, the defeat has already formed, and it cannot be covered up by personal power.

Dragon Slaying Immortal Venerable's technique is also born out of the way of the stars, but it is obviously much more domineering and powerful than the Star Fire Palace Master. The entire Donghai Dragon Tomb was stirred up with the one-style Tiangang printing method.

Lu Xiaotian had a bit of caution in his eyes, this Dragon Slaying Immortal Venerable is extremely thick and powerful, even with the nine dragon beasts alone, even if he is now injecting dragon energy into the formation and personally directing the formation, he can't trap this person. It seems that he has to do it himself and increase his strength.

Facing the Tiangang Seal that Zhanlong Immortal Venerable constantly strikes, one palm print after another is like a celestial body moving under the deep sea. If it is not stopped, its power will accumulate to a higher level when it continues to be used. Sooner or later, the Dragon Beast Nine Prison Formation will be escaped by it.

Lu Xiaotian snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and raised it, and an indifferent sword body broke through the water like a light boat, pointing directly at Zhanlong Xianzun's body.

A tremendous coercion traversed the entire East China Sea Dragon Tomb, Immortal Zhanlong was startled, and felt that his soul was shrinking.

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