Become a Fairy

Chapter 4668 separate, trailing

"Let's be more careful. The avatar of the strong golden fairy is particularly powerful. Before that, he could suppress the opponent's consciousness within a very small range with the help of the formation. Now that he breaks through the formation, even if the opponent still suffers a lot There are still some methods that we cannot predict. Let's be more careful." The leader, Bagua Xuying, said in a deep voice.

"What are you afraid of? There are so many powerful monsters in the Mieling Demon Cave. Even if they consume them, they will almost consume the opponent. The avatar of a golden fairy-level powerhouse does not have the ability to self-recovery. As long as the opponent is exhausted to a certain level, It is wishful thinking to return from the formation later!"

In addition to the gossip-shaped pattern on the other elephant demon wearing a purple crown, there is also a phantom of the gossip in the depths of his pupils.

"Having said that, let's proceed with caution. Since the other party can break the formation, they may not have other means. Who is it?" The leader, Bagua Xuying, suddenly noticed something strange when communicating with the seven secondary formation spirits. Then he yelled loudly.

The patterns on the phantom of the Eight Diagrams rotated for a while. The yin and yang fish in the middle shot out two intertwined columns of fog, one black and one white, rumbling, the column of fog hit a tree, and the tree and even a hill behind were directly blasted apart.

"Boss, what's the matter?" The golden sika deer demon and several secondary formation spirits were each taken aback.

"As expected of a Golden Immortal level powerhouse, even if it's just a clone, we can't underestimate it easily. When we were talking just now, the other party left a divine sense nearby." The leader, Bagua Xuying, said in a deep voice.

"What, this bastard is so brave!"

"Let's go after him and kill him now!"

"Whatever to kill, the farther we are from the formation, the strength will be weakened accordingly."

"Shut up, don't you think it's not messy enough?" Bagua Xuying sternly reprimanded, and the scene stopped temporarily.

"It turned out to be one master, seven assistants and eight array spirits. Adding them up is connected with gossip." Farther away, Lu Xiaotian projected a thoughtful look in the eyes of the clone. The array spirit headed by that is quite strong, even above Lu Wushuang and Luo Qing.

However, these formation spirits should also be subject to certain restrictions, otherwise, when they were trapped in the big formation before, if all these formation spirits appeared, it would be a bloody fight.

And these monsters seem to be quite interesting, the leader of the gossip array spirit actually practiced his body, and the whole body turned into a gossip.

The other seven sub-formation spirits seem to be weaker. Although they are different monsters, they practice in a similar way. If they practice to the end, their bodies may turn into a gossip pattern. It can be seen from the golden sika deer demon, the purple crown elephant demon's body surface, or the gossip patterns deep in the pupils.

This deity is also trapped in the big formation of Wuyou Leiyu, and the formation of the Mieling Demon Cave is not simple. It seems that the demon world has made a lot of achievements in the formation. And compared to the fairy world, each has its own characteristics. In the end, the main formation spirit even discovered a ray of divine consciousness that he had hidden, and his strength could not be called weak.

"Somewhat interesting." The corner of the projection clone's mouth twitched slightly.

"What's wrong?" Lu Wushuang and Luo Qing asked almost simultaneously when they saw Lu Xiaotian's flickering eyes.

"It's nothing. There are eight formation spirits, and they are not weak. The leader formation spirit is not much weaker than my avatar. No matter whether we can get the Nirvana Yinyang Spring later, we may not be able to fight in a short time. " said the projection avatar.

"If you don't go out, don't go out, what's the big deal. After your real deity comes, or after you get the Yinyang Spring of Nirvana Soul, the strength of me and Luo Qingmei will improve, and it will not be too late to break the formation again " Lu Wushuang said nonchalantly.

"Sister Wushuang is right. If you come, you will be safe. Since those spirits didn't directly pursue them, they must have had scruples, or they were bound by some kind of restraint. As long as the opponent has a weakness, they can always find it."

Luo Qing smiled lightly. She and Lu Wushuang have experienced countless dangers to the present level of cultivation. In the past, they faced fashion alone and were able to overcome obstacles. What's more, there is still Brother Lu's projection clone by his side.

"Senior, with so many of us gathering together, I'm afraid that many monsters will gather for nothing. The threat is very serious. The juniors mean that they will be separated from the previous group when they get here." Three-eyed Yaopeng and the others secretly communicated for a while, and then bowed to Lu Xiaotian's projected clone.

"Then let's separate." The projection clone nodded. The other party has decided to go, and there is nothing to keep Lu Xiaotian's projection avatar. It is better to let the other party go away on their own if they are not in harmony.

"I didn't expect the avatar of the strong golden fairy to be so talkative, and let us leave directly. Is there any fraud in this?" After all the monsters walked all the way, the Blood Feather Crane Monster's tone was quite hesitant.

"Perhaps the other party also thinks that we are in the way. After all, we are not the same way." The six-armed bull-headed monster Tu You snorted coldly, "There are many monsters in the Mieling Demon Cave, and the terrain is complicated. The other party has a clone, which is not like us at all. Generally, it can continue to recover, and besides, in the Mie Ling Yao Nest, no one can find treasures with stronger strength."

"Old eagle tortoise, I heard that you have put a lot of effort into this Nirvana Soul Yin-Yang Spring, so you must have already made up your mind." Then Tu You changed his tone and fell on the eagle tortoise demon again.

"That's right, we all came with you." The blood-feathered crane demon and Pilu demon Lu Lin exchanged glances, and soon reached a short-term alliance with Tu You. Their original teammates had either died, and Huo Xiao even directly took refuge in Lu Xiaotian's projection avatar. It needs to be united to barely contend against the undiminished combination of the vulture turtle demon, the silver-winged three-eyed roc, the black unicorn, and the horned bear demon.

Otherwise, even if the treasure is finally found, it will not be in their hands at all.

"I do have a little bit of experience in finding this Nirvana Yin-Yang Spring. Since you guys are interested, let's go together." The eagle and turtle monster laughed, "The ugly words are up front, and it's okay to take you on a treasure hunt, but along the way you But you have to obey the arrangement, if you make your own plans, things will be difficult to handle later."

"That's natural. Our monsters are either approaching their lifespan, or their primordial spirit has been injured due to some external factors. As long as you can lead us to find this thing, we will naturally obey your arrangement."

A group of monsters walked forward cautiously, Lu Xiaotian also brought Lu Wushuang, Luo Qing and the others followed, and at this time they were not in the poisonous mist formation of killing spirits, although their spiritual consciousness was greatly suppressed, but The projection avatar's insight into the surroundings is still a bit better than that of ordinary fairy-level monsters, and there is not much pressure to follow the opponent all the way.

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