Become a Fairy

Chapter 4670 Inverse Scale

The dragon-scaled silkworm was struggling under the giant hand of Lu Xiaotian's projected avatar. Its own strength is not bad, but it is not particularly outstanding, at most it is on par with Huangfu Bing. At this time, being suddenly killed by the projected clone is not an opponent.

The dragon-scale silkworm spits out a large silk net to cover the projection clone. There are spikes in the silk net. Once it is caught by it, the spikes will be like maggots attached to the bone. Even if the strength is stronger than its It's hard to get rid of it easily.

And behind the large nets, there are still dozens of silver spikes shooting through the mesh holes.

"Dragon Shadow Silkworm Cone?" The projection clone's consciousness moved slightly, and its body suddenly became transparent. A large number of dragon saliva and silkworm cones shot from the projection clone's body, seemingly without any obstruction.

When seeing Lu Xiaotian's projected avatar being pierced by these dragon shadow silkworm cones, Luo Qing and Lu Wushuang suddenly raised their hearts in their throats. The two of them heaved a sigh of relief when the projection's body became solid again.

After all, the projection avatar is different from the flesh and blood body of the main body. The power of space condensed in this avatar during projection is enough to do some strange things that ordinary monsters look like. It is not a small cost for the projection clone to do so, but how can it not pay some price to suppress the leader of the dragon-scaled bull toad under the counterattack of his group.

After the blow failed, the leader of the dragon-scaled silkworm naturally sensed something was wrong, and wanted to escape with a strange scream, but the big hand that fell made the surrounding space seem to freeze, and the leader of the dragon-scaled silkworm wanted to get away. Any escape route was blocked.

Whoosh, whoosh, the heads of countless sword shadows, dragon scales, and silkworms made a low puffing sound when they slashed, and were directly blocked by their bodies with amazing defenses. But these sword shadows are just a cover for attacking. Outside of these sword shadows, an extremely solid flying sword has come to the Nilin of the dragon-scaled cow silkworm leader.

"Forgive, spare, this senior, spare!" Seeing that the most condensed Fei Hechang sword was about to pierce Nilin, the leader of the dragon-scaled cow silkworm screamed.

As the dragon-scaled silkworm begged for mercy, the small sword directly stopped at its reverse scale.

"The little Gui Mixin Qiao offended Senior for a while, and I hope Senior will forgive me."

"You also know that you have offended me, why should I spare you?" Lu Xiaotian's projection avatar said unhurriedly.

"It will be inconvenient for outsiders like Senior to break into the Mieling Demon Cave. If you want to find a small treasure in the demon cave, you can provide a certain amount of help." Thinking about all kinds of rhetoric.

"Little brother, the leader with dragon scales and silkworms is indeed useful to a certain extent, but the other party may not have other ideas. Why don't you let me try to plant the curse of locking the gods in his primordial spirit." Lu Wushuang Smiling and authentic.

The dragon-scaled silkworm immediately cursed in his heart, but his face remained calm, "Even if the curse of locking the gods is lifted later, it will have a great impact on the primordial spirit, and it will even lose the position of the leader of the group and be expelled later." Even if I die, I will not let you plant the curse of locking the gods and demons!"

"It's not that there is no compromise. If you don't want to lock the God Demon Curse, then open the Ni Lin, and let me seal this sword shadow on your Ni Lin." Lu Xiaotian projected the clone and said.

"Ni Lin is no small matter, if you are not careful, you will fall on the spot." Long Lin Niu Silkworm was taken aback, secretly thinking what kind of monster this guy is in front of him, and he knows Ni Lin so well. There is no sequelae to planting a sword shadow at Nilin, but the risk is far greater than the curse of locking the gods and demons.

"Since I was able to find your Ni Lin immediately, I'm 100% sure." The projection clone smiled.

"Dare to ask if senior is the Dragon Clan? Except for the Dragon Clan, no one knows Ni Lin so well." Long Lin Niu Silkworm's eyeballs suddenly lit up, staring at Lu Xiaotian's projected avatar and said.

"So what if it is, so what if it's not?"

"The little one can open the reverse scale, and use the strength of the clan to help the senior search for the treasures he needs in this spirit-killing monster cave, but the little one has a heartless request, and I hope the senior can reward the little one with a dragon yuan in the future." The leader of the dragon-scaled silkworm is extremely humble.

"Is it for self-cultivation?" There was a surprise in the eyes of the projection clone.

"That's right, the power of the dragon-scaled silkworm clan's bloodline has been extremely thin up to now, and the small aptitude is limited, unable to awaken the dusty power in the ancient bloodline for a long time, let alone go to the battlefield of immortals and demons to find the long-lost inheritance. However, other than this method, just like those ancestors, integrate higher-level dragon blood essence, or refine its dragon essence, and the young ones can hope to step into a higher realm."

"So that's how it is. After leaving this place, I won't come back. If you want to take the Dragon Yuan, then you have to leave the Mieling Demon Nest with me. And I want to see what happens after you refine the Dragon Yuan."

Lu Xiaotian projected the avatar to agree after hesitating for a while, he also wanted to see how the other party could awaken the power of his blood. This can be used as a reference for Lu Xiaotian himself to practice this way.

"Thank you, senior, then it's a deal." The leader of Longlin Cow and Silkworm was overjoyed and nodded hurriedly. At this time, he was already under the control of others. As long as he survived and hoped to make further progress in cultivation, others It's all little things.

As the small sword slowly entered Nilin, the leader of the dragon-scale silkworm, the leader of the monster silkworm rolled and trembled violently, and screamed one after another. It wasn't that the leader had already given strict orders beforehand, and at this time, he might have rushed forward and fought to the death with the few aliens in front of him.

The whole process lasted for an hour and a half before the leader of the dragon-scaled bull toad lay weakly on the ground panting. The projection avatar was also a little relieved, after all, it was just an avatar, and many things would inevitably be much more difficult to do.

"Finally, I have recovered a life. But I am afraid that such a small loss will be difficult to make up for with a piece of dragon yuan." The leader of Longlin Cow Silkworm smiled wryly. Right now, life and death are in the hands of the other party. As long as the other party moves his mind, he has already entered Nilin. The sword shadow hiding everywhere can easily take his life away, even complaining is useless.

"It will always let you go one step further. I also want to see how you awaken the power of blood in Dragon Scale and Silkworm." Lu Xiaotian's projection avatar naturally knew what the other party meant, and it was nothing more than complaining and wanting more Just compensation.

"Thank you, senior, thank you, senior." After hearing the reply from the projection clone, the leader of the dragon-scaled cow and silkworm was overjoyed. At the level of the other party, his life was also controlled by the other party, and the other party had no need to deceive him at all.

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