Become a Fairy

Chapter 4986 Yuan Gang Ice Talisman Beast

In addition to the great impact and the considerable threat of large and small ice cubes with an extremely cold aura, the tentacles that were briefly repelled by Lu Xiaotian just now also sounded the alarm for Lu Xiaotian.

In this Ice Vortex Devil's Nest, the dangers are definitely not just from natural disasters. And there are monsters in it.

Whoosh! The tentacle that was blocked by the blow just now did not fly away like other ice blocks. The tentacle twisted in the void for a while, but it stayed there, and the ice block that was several feet in size and with a rough surface stretched out again. Several tentacles.

Each of these tentacles has a large mouth full of sharp teeth. Lu Xiaotian took a closer look, only to find that the icy light flickering on its surface was actually a series of reclusive runes.

Yuangang Ice Talisman Rao Chong!

Such a message suddenly flashed in Lu Xiaotian's mind, which was exactly what was recorded in the message left by Zhulong's remnant soul back then.

According to legend, this kind of demon-like alien beast first appeared in the battlefield of immortals and demons, and now it has come to the abyss of metamorphosis. It seems that the rumors that the abyss of metamorphosis and the battlefield of immortals and demons are connected are not groundless.

Lu Xiaotian can be considered to have traveled several worlds, he has never encountered a large passage leading to the battlefield of immortals and demons, but he has encountered sporadic relatively narrow entrances a few times. Not surprisingly.

It is not uncommon for Lu Xiaotian, as well as the fairy world, or some people from the demon world to enter the fairy and demon battlefield through the entrance, but there are very few examples of demons coming out of the fairy and demon battlefield.

In the process of the Yuangang Ice Talisman Rao waving at the crystal tentacles, streams of ice light converged into mysterious and obscure runes, and these runes gradually gathered into a huge ice talisman.

The ice talisman seems to have countless huge mouths to choose someone to devour. The astonishing devouring power came from it, just like the previous ice storm that sucked Lu Xiaotian into the magic cave.

However, although the Yuan Gang Ice Talisman Beast in front of him is powerful, it is far from being able to compare with the entire Ice Gang Storm.

After a lot of fighting, even though the opponent was still able to move freely in the harsh environment, facing Lu Xiaotian's impenetrable defense, he attacked Lu Xiaotian for a while, but it was still fruitless.

The Yuangang Ice Rune Beast couldn't help roaring again and again.

During the battle all the way, Lu Xiaotian kept trying to move to areas where the storm was relatively weak. In this storm, the opponent's ability to act is much better than him.

When the two sides fought, Lu Xiaotian consumed more than the other party. Fortunately, he had the power of the dragon totem as a support, so he was not afraid of such consumption at all. .

And in the process of transferring all the way, the number of Yuangang Ice Rune Beasts that surrounded Lu Xiaotian's body has increased to three.

Each one is not weak at all, under the siege of the three Yuangang Ice Talisman Beasts, it is gradually difficult for Lu Xiaotian to cope with it.

At this time, the powerful men in the Demon Town Tower have recovered most of their combat power, but the current environment is still too dangerous. If Lu Xiaotian hadn’t been attacked by several monsters one after another if it wasn’t for the strange power coming from the ice storm. body.

In this situation, releasing a few golden Gu demon monks still can't solve the fundamental problem.

Lu Xiaotian tried his best to persevere, while constantly dealing with the attacks of the three Yuangang ice rune beasts, he also had to avoid the random impact of large and small ice blocks from the void from time to time.

boom! A tentacle struck Lu Xiaotian's body, and was knocked away by a powerful force. Lu Xiaotian was also sent flying tens of feet.

Being attacked to the main body one after another, although relying on the tyrannical defense of the physical body, he has not been injured for a while, but the situation in front of him is already quite difficult.

The defense of these Yuan Gang ice rune beasts is also not weak, and it is no longer possible to repel the opponent by simple means.

Lu Xiaotian's eyes flickered, he was afraid that only the poisonous gas from the old poison could kill them, or seriously injure the rune beasts in front of them.

There is no way to delay it for so long. Lu Xiaotian was about to give him a poisonous hand, when suddenly a strange movement came from not far away.

Cangmu Wang Niao! Lu Xiaotian's heart skipped a beat, he was no stranger to the devil's aura.

At this point both sides are in trouble, each with its own opponents.

After Cangmu Wangyou sensed Lu Xiaotian's existence, his face froze for a while, and then his face was also filled with joy.

I thought it would be difficult to find Lu Xiaotian after encountering an ice storm, but I didn't expect to meet him in this situation, so it seems that luck is not too bad.

But then Cangmu Wang Niao couldn't help feeling that this kid's life was really tough.

The environment inside the Ice Gang Storm is so bad, even if he brought Bing Taichang and the others all the way here, it would take a lot of energy.

Without his own care, Bingtaichang's four Bingying tribe members, as well as his own Chiguan and Qingguan Mopeng would have been killed or injured long ago.

On the other hand, Lu Xiaotian acted alone and faced three Yuangang ice talisman beasts at the same time, and he could still maintain such a strong combat power now. Even Bing Taichang and others who have been closely following him are far inferior.

"Finally, we have found the Eastern Alchemy Sage. The mountains and rivers are restored, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright." The red crown Mopeng couldn't hide his excitement.

As long as they can capture or kill Lu Xiaotian, they won't have to stay in the ghostly place of the Ice Vortex Devil's Nest.

"Wake up, we are too busy to take care of ourselves in this situation. We don't have the energy to take down the Eastern Pill Sage. Besides, now that the ice storm is raging, even if we take the risk of taking the Eastern Pill Sage, it is still unknown whether we will be able to escape smoothly."

The words of Qingguan Mopeng were like a ladle of cold water pouring down from the top of everyone's heads.

At this time, Cangmu Wang Niao and others were also besieged by dozens of Yuangang ice talisman beasts. The leader, Cangmu Wang Niao, fought against seven of them alone, and the remaining two subordinates, the four Bingying clan members, dealt with them separately. One or two.

They were in the same situation as Lu Xiaotian before. While dealing with the Yuangang Ice Rune Beast's attack, they also had to be distracted and kept avoiding the random ice blocks from the void.

Lu Xiaotian saw that the seven Yuangang Ice Talisman Beasts of Da Luo Jinxian level were able to fight back and forth with King Cangmu, and they were not at a disadvantage for the time being. His eyes flashed while he was shocked.

Although Cangmu Wang Niao was somewhat limited by the environment and was forced to allocate part of his energy, but the fact that the seven Yuangang ice talisman beasts could restrain Cang Mu Wang Niao to such an extent was already an eye-opener for Lu Xiaotian.

"This is a method of talisman battle formed by combining the surrounding environment and the power of the ice law between heaven and earth." Soon Lu Xiaotian discovered the mystery of the several Yuan Gang ice talisman beasts that besieged Cangmu Wang Niao where.

A jade talisman phantom floated above each Yuangang ice talisman beast, maintaining the connection with the power of the ice law between heaven and earth, and at the same time fused the breath of the seven Yuangang ice talisman beasts together.

Although Cangmu Wang Niao's strength is fierce, especially above the seven Yuangang ice talisman beasts, the successive fierce attacks were all resolved by these monsters. The two sides fought back and forth, and no one could do anything for a while. How to get the opponent first.

After the initial excitement, the red crown, the green crown Mopeng, and the four Bingying clan members quickly recovered from the cold reality.

At this moment, they were restrained by their respective opponents, not to mention freeing up their hands to deal with Lu Xiaotian, even if they wanted to continue to survive in the magic cave without the interference of outsiders, it would be very difficult.

We can only get through the difficulties in front of us first and then plan other things.

The red crown, the green crown Mopeng and others temporarily gave up the idea of ​​dealing with Lu Xiaotian, but Cangmu Wang Ling looked at Lu Xiaotian from time to time while dealing with the monster's attack.

His eyes were cloudy for a while, and he still had some strength so far. If it weren't for the red crown, several of the Qingguan Mopeng would have been killed or injured long ago.

Cangmu Wang Niao was thinking about when to give Lu Xiaotian a hard time, but the thought was dismissed not long after it came up.

If they really do something to Lu Xiaotian, the three Yuangang ice talisman beasts that besieged Lu Xiaotian at this time will pile up on their side.

Not to mention the green crown, the red crown Mopeng and the others couldn't bear it, even Cangmu Wang Niao himself would feel dizzy.

Although the two sides are in a hostile relationship, at this time, in the eyes of these murderous Yuangang ice rune beasts who regard them as hunters, the two originally hostile parties are still temporary allies in a sense.

A group of devils and Lu Xiaotian fell into a chaotic battle, and Lu Xiaotian tried his best to move to a farther place during the fierce battle.

Cangmu Wangyou and the others can still maintain restraint at the moment, but once they free their hands, their fate could not be more obvious.

Just before Lu Xiaotian was far away from the other party, a palpitating icy breath suddenly came.

Lu Xiaotian's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect to see such a powerful Yuan Gang Ice Talisman Beast again, judging from its breath alone, its strength might not be weaker than that of Cangmu Wang Niao.

Originally, the strengths of the two sides were roughly balanced, but at this time, another such powerful guy came, how could they resist, such a bad situation, no matter for Lu Xiaotian, or for King Cangmu and his party, it would undoubtedly be regarded as a catastrophe .

"Oops!" Cangmu Wang Ling obviously sensed something wrong with the atmosphere around him, his complexion changed, and the three heads kept scanning around to avoid being attacked.

At this time, a tornado formed by the breath of ice roared, passing around the two Ice Shadow Clan members, whizzing, two phantom-like tentacles shot out.

Before the two Bingying clansmen who were fighting fiercely had time to react, a sharp pain came from their bodies. The body was directly pierced by the ice crystal-like tentacles.

The indifferent blood in the bodies of the two Ice Shadows was quickly sucked away by the tentacles. Amidst the piercing screams, his body also shrank at an alarming speed.

Bingtaichang, Bingduanren, Red Crown, and Qingguan Mopeng immediately looked at the dead souls.

The tragic death of the two Bingying clan members put them at a disadvantage, but now the opponent has freed up three Daluo Jinxian-level Yuangang ice talisman beasts. Such a tyrannical force, no matter where it is piled up, is enough to change the situation in front of us.

Lu Xiaotian also twitched the corner of his eyes. In such a frenzied environment, even if he summoned many dragons in the Qingguo Barrier, he would not have time to form an array. Before he could use it to fight the enemy, he would suffer heavy casualties in the ice storm.

Only the dragon clan of the Da Luo Jinxian level can alleviate the predicament to a certain extent.

The sudden appearance of the leader of the Yuan Gang Ice Rune Beast did directly break the balance of the battle between the two sides.

The current situation is extremely bad for both Cangmu Wang Niao and Lu Xiaotian.

"Since the foreign intruder has come, please stay here with peace of mind and become a part of our body." The leader of the Yuangang Ice Talisman Beast smiled grimly, and then looked at Yuankong in surprise. Weakened a little.

"Let's go!" Cangmu Wang Ling, who noticed this change, yelled violently, the situation deteriorated rapidly, and he no longer had any interest in staying.

Even with his strength, if he doesn't leave, he may become a strong man in the primordial spirit and demon body that has fallen in the abyss of metamorphosis for tens of thousands of years.

Originally, Lu Xiaotian also had a headache, but the temporarily weakened ice storm made his speed greatly improved. On the other hand, the Yuangang Ice Talisman Beast has not changed much. At this time, it became the only opportunity for him to leave this place.

Lu Xiaotian originally wanted to escape to a different direction from Cangmu Wang Ling. It's just that in the process of fleeing later, more and more Yuangang ice talisman beasts of different strengths came from all over the place, forcing Lu Xiaotian to constantly adjust the direction of escape. Come together.

Chi! The Cyan Crown Demon Roc was simultaneously engulfed by the tentacles of three Yuangang Ice Talisman Beasts with similar strength, and was torn off forcefully. The body of the Cyan Crown Demon Roc was directly torn into three bloody pieces, and then swallowed by the big mouth whale at the tip of the tentacles. .

There are some golden immortals around, and the fairy-level Yuangang monsters are surging, and they also want to get a piece of the pie, but there is an extremely strict hierarchy among Yuangang ice rune beasts. The three monsters that ate the green-crowned magic rook roared for a while, and suddenly those low-level races fell silent.

"It's been a long time since I've encountered an outsider in the primordial spirit and demon body state, and this guy who has cultivated into a dragon body. Leave these two to the patriarch. You can share and eat the others yourself."

The leader of the Yuangang Ice Talisman let out a heck, and was not in a hurry to act. He just directed the race to block and encircle Lu Xiaotian, Cangmu Wang Niao and others, preventing the group from getting out. Obviously trying to keep them all here.

It was only at this time that Lu Xiaotian came to his senses that it was not accidental that he and Cangmu Wangyou met again, and the siege of those Yuangang ice talisman beasts was intentional by the other party.

Even though the ice storm at this time has weakened slightly, the situation for Lu Xiaotian and Cangmu Wang Niao still hasn't improved at all, and it is even worse than before.

After all, even if the ice storm is dangerous, it is unconscious. If you are lucky enough, there is still some hope that you can survive it.

But the Yuangang Ice Talisman Beasts in front of them are a group of bloodthirsty monsters, besieging several of them. The opponent's ability to move in this devil's lair is much more familiar with this place than they are, and even the opponent was born to live in this place. existence in a hostile environment.

Unless these monsters are defeated and a bloody path is forced to kill, it is no longer lucky enough to survive.

"I didn't expect that with our relationship, there would be a chance to fight side by side. Dongfang Dansheng, no matter how you and I fight in the future, at least we must overcome the difficulties in front of us. What do you think?"

After Cangmu King Niao's complexion changed for a while, the only two remaining Bingying clansmen no longer had much hope for his Red Crowned Demon Roc.

On the contrary, he placed high hopes on Lu Xiaotian, except for joining forces with Lu Xiaotian, Cangmu Wuyou could no longer see the slightest possibility of sustaining it.

Maybe this move is just for the last days, and it still looks like there is little hope, but if they don't join hands, I'm afraid it won't take long for him to have hatred for this.

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