Become a Fairy

Chapter 977 Lingyun Grotto

"It seems that you know these few, this Nascent Soul mid-stage monk is Xiang Yihang?" Lu Xiaotian asked.

"That's right, this person's means are quite extraordinary, he is a newcomer among the royal family of the Xiang Kingdom. The time when he entered the Nascent Soul Realm is about the same as me, but it is only a hundred years old, and he is already in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul."

Zhan Yun nodded and said.

"In that case, how much do you know about this person's strength?"

"He used to have a pair of Yin-Yang Dragon-Scale Swords, which were quite powerful. I had a contest with him in the early days of Nascent Soul, and suffered a lot from the opponent's Yin-Yang Dragon-Scale Sword. As for later, we seldom fought against each other. , I don't know exactly how advanced this person's strength is." Zhan Yunliang shook his head.

Lu Xiaotian nodded. Originally, he was just asking questions. Every monk, especially at the Yuanying level, has his own unique skills, which is not enough for outsiders. Even if he is a fellow student, he may not be able to tell why. , not to mention old enemies who haven't fought against each other for many years.

However, Zhan Yunliang gave a lot of suggestions for the other three early Yuanying monks. He seemed worried that Lu Xiaotian would not be able to deal with these people. Zhan Yunliang almost answered Lu Xiaotian's questions.

Although the Piaomiao Sword Formation had recently made a breakthrough, Lu Xiaotian did not despise these Nascent Soul cultivators from Xiang Kingdom's royal family.

Through Zhan Yunliang's narration, Lu Xiaotian learned that Zhan Yunliang was actually a son-in-law of Xiang Guo. It's just that the emperor of Xiang Kingdom has many wives and concubines, and they also have many children. Zhan Yunliang is just the Taoist partner of a woman born to one of his side concubines. Assuming the name of a son-in-law, he doesn't actually have any authority. It's just a way to win him over when he has reached the Nascent Soul realm, but his status is not high.

After Xiang Guo discovered the secret place here this time, he sent several teams of Nascent Soul monks into this place. And Zhan Yunliang is one of the leaders. It's just that the royal family knew the conflict between Zhan Yunliang and Xiang Yihang, and let Xiang Yihang stay behind Zhan Yunliang, obviously wanting him to be a coolie and walk in front of Xiang Yihang.

"Are these people familiar with your Blood Cauldron Demon Refining Formation?" Lu Xiaotian touched his chin and asked.

"My Blood Cauldron Refining Demon Formation is from a magic circle recorded in Dinghuang Cauldron, a treasure passed down from the Xiang Kingdom, and it took a lot of effort to get it. Xiang Yihang is already a direct descendant of Xiang Guo's royal family, I don't know if I know the Blood Cauldron Demon Refining Formation." Zhan Yunliang said somewhat helplessly.

"Let's see what that person does." There is no more useful information for the time being, and Lu Xiaotian no longer makes such unnecessary guesses.

Lu Xiaocai put Zhan Yunliang's Nascent Soul away again, and the little white dog that was having fun in the grass suddenly moved its ears and let out a low growl. Compared with its figure, its ferocious appearance seemed quite funny.

"Could it be that the eight-legged magic bull beast is here?" Lu Xiaotian has always been the deputy soul in charge of the police, but at this time the main soul spread out, and he didn't find anything wrong. But after a while, Lu Xiaotian really found a familiar breath coming through the air, it was the eight-legged magic cow.

"Good job. Here's a reward for you." Lu Xiaotian popped a drop of Baihua dew. This little guy's sense of smell is really very sensitive, and he was able to spot the eight-legged magic cow a moment earlier than his soul. Now the spirit chasing dog is not yet an adult. With such ability, if he grows up, it will be a big help.

Wang, Xiaobai happily jumped up from the ground, and Zhang He put Baihualu into his mouth.

When Lu Xiaotian put Xiaobai away, the eight-legged magic bull beast had already appeared in sight. At this time, the magic bull beast's eyes were excited and bloodthirsty.

"It's a good chance, this group of people is actually going to Lingyun Cave, the surname is Lu, let's go to Lingyun Cave together, block them in and intercept them."

"Lingyun Cave? Why didn't Zhan Yunliang tell me?" Lu Xiaotian asked suspiciously.

"How long has he been here? What does a brat know." The eight-legged demon cow looked disdainful.

Lu Xiaotian's tone faltered, and the patriarch in outsiders' mouth turned into a brat in the mouth of the Eighth Patriarch Demonic Bull Beast.

"Uh, I'm not talking about you, you are more capable than that kid Zhan Yunliang, so you're not a brat."

The eight-legged cow quacked, "How about it, do you want to go with me to meet those people from the Xiang Kingdom?"

"However, you and I alone may not be able to win those few. After all, there is a person on the other side who has a higher realm than you and me. Do you have other backhands?" Lu Xiaotian looked at the eight-legged demon cow and asked.

"Backhand? What other backhand can there be? These few people from Xiangguo can barely feed my old cow. How can I divide up a few more people?" The eight-legged magic cow rolled its eyes and said, "It's not good, do you think other monsters are so easy to please?"

"Don't worry, after entering Lingyun Cave, it's not easy for the other party to get together all the time. If it wasn't for the fact that Lingyun Cave is so badass during this period of time, I wouldn't want to go, Lao Niu." Eight-legged demon Niu Beast smiled.

"Is there anything in Lingyun Grotto that can lead people astray and cause them to lose their way? If so, how can you ensure that the two of us will not get lost?" Lu Xiaotian asked.

"This is easy. There is a saying in your human race. The mountain cow has its own tricks."

The eight-legged demon cow opened its mouth and spit out a piece of broken black horn. "This cow accidentally dropped it when I was young. If you hold this thing, as long as it has not exceeded a thousand miles, I will notify you at any time. If you have something to do, wrap this piece of horn with magic power to block its breath." , Repeat three times, I will know that you are looking for me."

"This is a good way." Lu Xiaotian took the horn, feeling that the arrangement of the eight-legged magic cow beast is quite reliable. I have Yuan Guijia, so I won't lose my way.

One person and one ox looking northwest and walking, soaring through the clouds, the earth retreats quickly under their feet, crossing rivers and mountains.

Countless birds and beasts passed by under their feet. During the period, the Eight-legged Demon Beast took Lu Xiaotian through the two places and was extremely careful, lest there would be a big commotion. According to the Eight-legged Demon Beast, there used to be a big demon haunting this place, and a demon mansion was opened here. There are even eleventh-order monsters that fell into the sand here.

Although it has been more than one or two hundred years, no sign of the big monster has been seen, but the old monsters who have stayed in this area with some bull heads know the taboo of the big monster, and dare not touch his bad luck easily.

Lu Xiaotian didn't dare to be careless about the big monster who was equivalent to the big monk in the late Yuanying period. Although the Piaomiao sword array has made a breakthrough and its strength has greatly increased, Lu Xiaotian doesn't have much confidence to fight against big monks or big monsters. .

After traveling for thousands of miles, passing through a ghost forest where dark clouds obscured the sun and ghost clouds gathered and screamed, the eight-legged demon cow was full of monster power, which shocked the low-level ghost clan to scatter in all directions.

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