Become a feudal king from today

Chapter 79: Setting up the net

"The slave family really doesn't know." Xu E looked innocent.

"The trade between the Zhang family and the Beidi people should be more than just a day or two. How can you not understand it at all." Zhao Xu did not point it out directly, but was testing it.

If Xu E still pretends to be stupid, he will no longer need to cooperate in the future.

Staring at Zhao Xu, Xu E bit her lip and said slowly: "Has Your Highness also found out about the Zhang family's contacts in Beidi?"

"Sure enough, it happened."

Zhao Xu picked up the tea and put it down again.

Xu E's face became solemn, "How did His Highness know about it?"

Zhao Xu looked up and smiled: "This Yan County is my king's Yan County. Do you really think that I will always be a blind man?"

Xu E's eyes wandered, "It seems that His Highness has many talents. This matter is extremely secretive, and the slave family has also been ordered to investigate the matter."

"What do you know?" Zhao Xu leaned forward.

He was very worried about this matter.

To him, Zhang Kang was just meat on the pallet, but it was different when the Beidi people were involved.

"Does Your Highness know the Black Iron King's Tent closest to Yanzhou?"

"Liu Fu told this king that most of the Beidi cavalry who invaded Yanzhou in recent years came from this Black Iron King's tent."

Xu E nodded, "Kutu of the Black Iron King's Tent is the Nine Kings of Beidi. He is the youngest brother of the Beidi Khan. He is said to command a hundred thousand cavalry. The Zhang family's trade mainly comes from this Black Iron King's Tent."

After pausing for a moment, she continued: "According to the information the slave family has, the Black Iron King's tent secretly arranged a lot of spies in Yanzhou to bribe wealthy officials for their own use, or they may have a bigger plot. As for the Zhang family, , The Nu family only knew that Zhang Kang had contacts with people from the Black Iron King's Account, but it was not clear what they were planning. However, the trade between the Yuan family and the Black Iron King's Account was also brokered by the Zhang family, but the Nu family did not know the specific evidence yet. "

"It's similar to what I've found so far." Zhao Xu frowned.

But Xu E didn't seem to know much.

But at least one thing is that Zhang Kang is more responsible than he thought.

His identity seems to be more than just the son-in-law of the Yuan family.

"I hope you haven't kept anything from me." Zhao Xu stood up to leave.

"Why is Your Highness leaving in such a hurry? Is the Nu family so disgusting?" Xu E suddenly frowned.

Zhao Xu smiled and said, "You sing very well."

When Xu E heard this, she laughed out loud, "Your Highness's lyrics and music are better."

Zhao Xu secretly smiled, this was written by a great contemporary writer, how could it be bad?

Looking at Xu E who was making a coquettish gesture, he said: "It would be great if Miss Xu is not from Tianxiang Tower."

After saying that, Zhao Xu turned and left.

"Your Highness..." Xu E was stunned. After a while, she suddenly sighed quietly.

After leaving Tianxiang Tower, Zhao Xu went straight back to the palace.

The meticulous work of both Tianxianglou and Beidi people now made him very annoyed.

His Yan County must be absolutely in his hands, including intelligence.

Thinking of this, he summoned all the Yan Guard members to the secret room of the palace, which was where Xinmi secrets were discussed.

"Tsu Hark, can you recognize that person when you see him again?" Zhao Xu asked.

"Yes, my precious prey has never escaped." Tsui Hark was very confident.

Zhao Xu nodded. In the last competition between the trading houses, he did not assign specific positions to the Yanwei people.

Because Chai Wu and Tsui Hark and his son performed about the same, the others were slightly inferior.

But this time Tsui Hark was able to follow for so long without being discovered, which shows his talent in tracking and disappearing.

"Chai Wu, do you have any objection to Xu Har becoming the leader of Yanwei?" Zhao Xu asked.

Chai Wu scratched his head, "I used to be dissatisfied with him, but now I still feel inferior to him."

Zhao Xu nodded, "In that case, Xu Ke, today I am appointing you as the Commander of the Yanwei to command the Yanwei."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Tsui Hark and his son looked at each other with excited expressions.

Especially Xu Yuan's eyes were reddened. They had already been slaves and maids for the rest of their lives and never had a chance to succeed. They didn't expect that King Yan would give them a chance to be reborn.

At the moment, Xu Yuan pulled Xu Hark to kneel down, "With His Highness's grace, I cannot guarantee my eternal life. From now on, Your Highness will go through fire and water without giving up."

"I am willing to die for Your Highness." Chai Wu and others also knelt down and shouted in unison.

Zhao Xu nodded slightly and asked Xu Hark and others to get up.

"Since Yanwei is handed over to you today, you must manage it carefully and not be careless." Zhao Xu said and picked up a book on the table.

This was copied by him in the past two days, and the contents inside are all the top contemporary spy training methods.

He has a lot of this stuff in his head.

When copying, he rearranged it in Dasong language to make it easier for Tsui Hark to understand.

"Your Highness, I am illiterate." Xu Hark scratched his head.

"I know, but you can't remain illiterate, otherwise how can you pass on the information." Zhao Xu said, "Now that Yanwei has been established, you can find a way to recruit literate people into your Yanwei and learn how to read."

After a pause, he continued: "Also, I have prepared twenty thousand taels of silver for you. You can use it to buy a shop by the Golden Scale Pond."

Tsui Hark nodded, King Yan was letting them officially start to grow and develop.

With money, they can select people from the private sector to join Yanwei and expand their intelligence network.

But when he heard Zhao Xu asked them to buy a shop, he suddenly remembered, "Does Your Highness want to teach us how to make hot pot?"

"The hot pot is just a cover. You only need to pick one or two people to show their faces. The others still have to hide their identities and cannot be exposed." Zhao Xu said.

"Yes, Your Highness." Tsui Hark said loudly.

After explaining this matter, Zhao Xu breathed out gently, "Okay, now it's time to teach you how to make hot pot."

After hearing this, everyone took a few steps forward.

They were also curious about what the hot pot in King Yan's mouth was.

At this time, Zhao Xu picked up the pen and started drawing on a blank piece of paper.

"Isn't this just a pot?" Chai Wu asked, "But what's the purpose of this pot with a gap in the middle?"

"This kind of pot is called Yuanyang Pot? One is for mild flavor and the other is for spicy flavor." Zhao Xu said.

In Dasong, chili peppers are not yet introduced, or if they are, they may not be accepted yet.

At least there was no such thing as chili pepper in his memory.

However, in ancient times, there was also a substitute for pepper, which was dogwood.

Although it's a bit off, he believes that hot pot, a new way of eating in the new dynasty, still has a market.

"It depends on the taste of the customer. This kind of pot is just one of them, and it can also be without partitions." Zhao Xu said.

Next, he drew a low stove with a honeycomb-like briquette inside.

"This is the key point of hot pot, the fire." Zhao Xu turned to everyone.

Modern hotpots are supported by electricity, but in ancient times primitive methods could only be used.

"Crush the briquettes, clean them, and squeeze them into shape with a mold. The briquettes will be smoke-free. Put them in the stove, put the pot on them and cook them."

"Oh." Everyone was stunned, looking incredulous.

Then, Zhao Xu talked about how to prepare hot pot dishes, such as tofu slices, green vegetables, and sliced ​​beef and mutton.

Finally he talked about how to make the base.

"Soak the spices in water for half an hour, pour oil into the pot, add the spices, simmer for a quarter of an hour, and boil out the butter. After removing the oil residue, filter the oil in the spice pot into the butter pot. , add the filtered spices, add wine and simmer for half an hour..."


Everyone understood again, and Tsui Hark immediately picked out three people.

His father and two young men put them in charge of running a hot pot shop and making themselves public.

When Yanwei personnel enter the shop, secretly give them tasks or exchange information.

"Your Highness, this is not a petty favoritism. This shop cannot be opened by all young people." Tsui Hark explained.

"It doesn't matter, I trust you." Zhao Xu said, "Also, I want to call myself a lower official."

When Xu Ke heard this, his heart became hot, "Yes, Your Highness, I will start to strengthen Yanwei when I get back."

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