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Chapter 10 The Horrified Traveler

Martial arts world.


Lin Langtian stood on top of a giant scarlet eagle, with his hands behind his back, with the breeze blowing, his long hair fluttering, looking extremely free and easy, full of compulsion.


Suddenly, powerful figures like deep waters and seas appeared around him.

There are men and women, there are demons, there are all kinds of strange things.


The pressure that Lin Langtian had just brewed was broken in an instant, and his eyeballs almost fell out.

"What the hell?"

Lin Langtian rubbed his eyes vigorously, and found that it was really not a hallucination.

"This fox demon with green hair, a pair of floppy fox ears, and two stripes on his face can't be Tu Shan Rongrong?"

"This red-haired monster has bull horns on its head and a pair of bat wings on its back. Could it be the Demon Zunlou?"

"This woman with smoky makeup, crossed hips, and a pair of good and evil, who looks like the best old lady in the world, can't it be Morgana?"

"No way……"

Lin Langtian opened his mouth wide, and his heart was overwhelmed.

He wanted to say that these people were just similar, but it was too similar.

"It seems right, this kid is definitely an extraterrestrial demon!"

Ye Hei put a big cauldron on his head, his motherly aura drooped down, looking at Lin Langtian with a shocked and unbelievable expression, he was eager to try.

"Be careful, the extraterrestrial demons may have a system or something that can display extraordinary combat power. Once you let him escape, it will be hard to find!"

Bibi Dong held the staff of power, surrounded by the Nine Elements Avenue, like a goddess descending from the Nine Heavens, her brilliance is compelling, sacred and inviolable.

"It's more true than what the saint said!"

Xiongba was wearing the Overlord Armor and holding the Mountain and River Seal, but he didn't strike immediately.

This is Lin Dong's home field.

They were all waiting for Lin Dong to come over.

"System, what the hell is this? Bibi Shengnv? Is this goddess Bibi Dong? She actually knows that I have a system?"

"How did she get here?"

Lin Langtian was shocked, and his heart was full of doubts and fears.

Fear of the unknown.

He thought he was familiar with the plot and had a big villain system, so he could play pig's feet in the palm of his hand.

The result is the first battle.

It's just a bad start.

Encounter this paranormal phenomenon.

"Ding, an unknown strongman is detected, and the system rewards the host with a teleportation talisman."

The system sounded without the slightest emotion.

"That's good, the system, you are really great!"

Lin Langtian was overjoyed.

Although the system meant to let him run away.

But he wasn't dissatisfied in the slightest.

He is a fat house.

He didn't want to be tough with these strong men of unknown origin.

He wasn't one of those hot-blooded fantasy pig feet who just made a wave when he saw a strong man, and then he was beaten to death, and finally turned around from adversity.

"I'm sorry, seniors are too fast, I'm late!"

Lin Dong used his body skills to hurry up, bowed his hands to Bibi Dong and the others, and apologized.

"Martial Ancestor, this Lin Langtian has been taken away by evil spirits from outside the territory, and your father's revenge is considered revenge. Do you still want to fight him?"

The Shanhe Seal in Xiongba's hand is already very hungry and thirsty.

"Martial Ancestor, this extraterrestrial demon doesn't know what to do, so leave it to us!"

Tu Shan Rongrong said, "You don't have my divine power to protect you, if you are in danger, we may not be able to save you!"

It is easier to kill than to save.

Especially when the power gap is too large.

The aftermath can instantly kill a large number of weak people.

"Then I will thank you seniors!"

Lin Dong has seen the files and chat records of the chat group, and knows the horror of the demons outside the territory. Although Lin Langtian doesn't look very strong, who knows if it is a disguise.

Many foreign demons like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

With his strength, he would be wronged if he went up and was instantly killed.

What's more, he was obsessed with defeating 'Lin Langtian', and he only wanted to avenge his father.

Now 'Lin Langtian' is dead, and has been taken away by evil spirits from outside the territory.

There is no need for him to continue smashing.

He still understands this flexibility.

"Mountain and River Seal!"

Xiongba directly attacked, Shanheyin turned into a big mountain and suppressed it, the terrifying power of the gods filled the world, and countless strong men in Yancheng were shocked and trembled.

"Devil's Claw!"

Liang Bingyu stretched out her hand, and a pitch-black claw grabbed it.

"Mother Qi Cauldron, Suppress!"

Ye Hei's vast Qi and blood erupted, covering the sky.

Bibidong, Chonglou and the others showed their magical powers, the space was broken, the law retreated, the avenue roared, and the terrifying aura seemed to destroy the world.

"Oh my god, I'm just an ordinary traveler, do I need such a big battle?"

Lin Langtian's calves were shaking, and he was unable to move.

He didn't hesitate.

The moment everyone made a move, they used the diversion talisman given by the system.


The purple air envelops Lin Langtian and disappears in place in an instant.

Even if Liang Bing, Chong Lou and others have blocked the space long ago, it has no effect.


The space where Lin Langtian was located was completely

Shattered, earth, fire, water and wind surged, but everyone's faces were not good-looking.

"Damn, this made him run away!"

Liang Bing couldn't help but swear.

"External demons are really hard to deal with!"

Xiong Ba sighed.

"That's right, the extraterrestrial demons have systems, and there are various systems, with various abilities and methods, and they are hard to guard against!"

Bibi Dong nodded slightly.

"What should we do now?"

Lin Dong was a little timid. From the chat group, he learned that extraterrestrial demons like to mess with pig feet like him.

And this time he also had a feud with the demons from outside the territory.

The other party might secretly wait for an opportunity to retaliate against him.

"The world is so big, I'll look for it!"

Tu Shan Rongrong said.

"I'll go too!" Xiong Domineering.

"Look for it, I'm going back!"

Chong Lou greeted and returned directly to the world of Xianjian 3.


Everyone dispersed.

Some went back, and some continued to search.

Lin Dong was going to find Ling Qingzhu.

He is going to offer sacrifices early.

Only with the approval of the gods and the protection of the gods can he have the capital to gain a foothold, and he doesn't have to worry about being killed by someone accidentally.


Dahuang County.

Great Eagle City.

"This extraterritorial demon is so wretched, he will definitely attract the attention of the beautiful women in this world..."

Tu Shan Rongrong squinted his eyes, "This place is not far from Yancheng, if the foreign demons don't escape far, they will come here in all likelihood..."

She looked at the Eagle Martial Arts Hall in the Eagle City.

Jiang Xue, the daughter of the martial arts master, is a beautiful woman. In the original book, she has some ambiguity with Lin Dong, and Jiang Xue's younger sister, Jiang Yinyin, is the reincarnation of the ancient eight masters of life and death.

Lin Langtian knew the plot, but he didn't know that they knew it too.


If Lin Langtian fled to this area, he would most likely come here.

"Sister Yun, you are here too!"

Suddenly, Tu Shan looked to the side, and Yun Yun's plump and graceful figure emerged.

Tu Shan Rongrong is not the only smart person in this world.

"Well, since you're here, I'll go and have a look elsewhere!"

Yun Yun nodded slightly, then stepped forward and disappeared in place.

She didn't go to Dao Sect, but to Chaos Demon Sea.

Although Daozong has a heroine Ying Huanhuan, she saw that Xiongba and others had already gone.

Tang Xinlian, the young master of Chaos Demon Sea Flame Temple, is also quite famous.

If Lin Langtian fled to Chaos Demon Sea, he should go to Yanshen Temple.

Bibi Dong also went to Chaos Demon Sea.

Liang Bing went to Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace.

It can be said.

As long as there are beautiful women in the plot, there will be people waiting for the rabbit.


Chaotic Demon Sea.


The cold wind is like a knife, the earth is used as a chopping board, and all living beings are regarded as fish and meat.

A group of caravans walked slowly against the cold wind, and the rolling wheels crushed the dirt and rocks on the road, bumping along.

In a carriage, Lin Langtian woke up from the bumps, with a splitting headache, his consciousness began to clear, and his memories flooded out like a tide.

"Lin Dong, Bibi Dong..."

Lin Langtian's face was pale, and the pain in his body made his eyes look extraordinarily ferocious.

Although he escaped with the teleportation talisman, his own strength is still a little weaker.

Even with the protection of the power of the diversion talisman, he was still dizzy, and finally fell from the air and passed out.

"Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, this revenge will not be avenged, and I will not be a human being."

Lin Langtian felt ruthless in his heart, although he didn't know why Bibi Dong and the others appeared here, but he was not afraid.

He has passed through.

Already died once.

People are dead and birds are upside down.

Big deal die again.

The most important thing is that he still has a system.

As long as he develops...


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