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Chapter 12 Huangtian Emperor Experience Card (3rd)

"Bi... Bibi Dong!"

Feeling the rapid loss of vitality, Lin Langtian stared at the void with unwilling eyes, and hated Bibi Dong, who walked gracefully and gracefully, in his heart.

"You... why are you here?"

Lin Langtian insisted on taking his last breath, but he didn't know the answer, he would die with regret.

He didn't believe that Bibi Dong happened to be here.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world.

It's just that he couldn't figure it out, how could Bibi Dong know that he was here?


Seeing this scene, Patriarch Gu took a deep breath in his heart.

He looked at Bibi Dong's eyes full of awe and fear.

Although it was a sneak attack, it was too terrifying to kill Mu Wutian in one move!

What's going on today?

Suddenly drilled out a Mu Wutian that's all.

Now comes a more terrifying one.

Even a strong person in the Profound Death Realm couldn't block a single blow.

Could it be the legendary power of reincarnation?

"It's amazing! The legendary Nine Heavens Goddess is nothing more than that!"

Gu Mengqi's beautiful eyes were amazed, looking at Bibi Dong's flawless figure, her eyes were full of amazement.

"Sister, that big villain is going to die!"

Looking at the dying Lin Langtian with quaint and smart eyes, his face was full of excitement.

"Shh, don't talk!"

Gu Yan covered Gu Ya's small mouth, not daring to look directly at Bibi Dong's exquisite body.

Such a strong man.

It's not something they can offend.

Bibi Dong looked at Lin Langtian with calm eyes:

"The dead don't need to know that much!"

As soon as the words fell, the long sword intertwined with the principles of the Dao trembled, completely obliterating all vitality of Lin Langtian.

next moment.

Lin Langtian's body turned into powder.

The smoke cleared.


However, Bibi Dong didn't feel the joy of destroying the enemy, and her pretty eyebrows frowned.

She looked to the side, only to see Lin Langtian's embarrassed figure reappeared.

"What? Didn't die?"

Patriarch Gu's eyes widened in disbelief.

Even if Bibi Dong's sword wasn't aimed at him just now, it still made him shudder, it was definitely a lore sword beyond the Profound Death Realm.

Lin Langtian was stabbed by such a sword, but he didn't die!

No wonder it was so arrogant before.

It was horrific.

"It should be a life-saving item like a surrogate!"

Bibi Dong was not surprised, her eyes locked on Lin Langtian.

She knew that demons from outside the territory were not easy to kill.

Especially systematic.

What kind of life-saving means are normal.

"System, come up with a solution?"

Lin Langtian roared in his heart, just now he barely saved his life by exchanging the only 10,000 villain points for death talismans.

Originally, he wanted to change the teleportation talisman to escape.

But Bibi Dong directly stabbed him with a sword.

That sword was enough to kill him.

Even if he changed the teleportation talisman and escaped, he would still die.


He had no choice but to change to a death talisman that could replace him once.

But the death talisman has a disadvantage.

Can only be revived within a radius of 100 meters.

"The system runs its own rules. Giving the host a movement talisman was already an exception once before, and there can be no more exceptions!"

"Damn! Dog system, what use are you for!"

Lin Langtian felt desperate and cursed loudly.

"However, the host can exchange lifespan for villain points," the system said.

"Grass! You didn't say it earlier!"

Lin Langtian was overjoyed: "Leave me one year of life, and all the rest will be exchanged. I want to kill this bitch, what can I do?"

"Method 1, one piece of Huangtian Emperor experience card (Immortal King Realm), the time limit is one hour!"

"Method 2, Huangtian Emperor strikes (Immortal Emperor Realm)!"

"Method three..."

"The Huangtian Emperor experience card?"

Lin Langtian's eyes lit up, he gritted his teeth and said, "Change to Huangtian Emperor experience card!"

As long as he gets the Huangtian Emperor experience card, he can sweep all directions, quickly gain villain points, and then improve his cultivation base and increase his lifespan.

"Consume 1,000 years of life, and get a Huangtian Emperor experience card (Immortal King Realm)."


Lin Langtian didn't hesitate at all, although he communicated with the system for a long time, it was only a moment.

The communication of consciousness is very fast.

Even so, Lin Langtian already felt a breath of death blowing towards his face.

I saw Bibi Dong wave the power staff in his hand, and the Nine Elements Dao turned into nine dragons and rushed towards him.

Wherever it passed, the space collapsed, and the world trembled.

Countless warriors prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling.

"Could this be the power of the reincarnation realm? It's really terrifying! It's simply destructive, unimaginable!"

Patriarch Gu had already been crushed to the ground by Bibi Dong's coercion, his eyes were full of shock.

He has never seen a strong person in the reincarnation realm.

Just read it from ancient books.

It is also the highest state in his cognition.

However, what the Gu family leader and the others didn't know was that at the moment Bibi Dong shot, in the Honghuang Pagoda not far from the Gu family.

A tall iron tower figure about two feet tall woke up from a deep sleep.

His skin shone with a purple-gold light, exuding an indescribable sense of strength, and he was one of the eight ancient masters, the Great Desolate Lord.

"This power..."

"What a terrifying power!"

"This is beyond the power of Master!"

"How could there be such a terrifying power in this world?"

The copper-bell-sized eyes of the Lord of the Primordial Desolation were full of horror. In his heart and cognition, his master talisman ancestor was the strongest and greatest existence in the world.

The only one who can rival his master is the Yimo Emperor.

"No, I have to take a look!"

The Lord of Hongmeng's figure flashed and disappeared in Honghuang Pagoda.


Town Demon Prison, Tower of Darkness.

At the center of the Tower of Darkness, a black throne was directly condensed, and on the throne, there was a slightly slender figure sitting upright!

Her body was motionless, as if it had been in the past, but even so, there was still a terrifying wave that made the world tremble, rippling around her body!

"What kind of power is this? How could it be so terrifying? Could it be a strong strange demon?"

The figure on the throne suddenly opened the eyes that had been closed for thousands of years, and there was shock in the eyes, which was pitch black.

In the coldness, there is a terrifying coercion that makes the world tremble!

It was the disciple of the talisman ancestor back then, the Lord of Darkness, one of the eight ancient masters!

Not only in the Honghuang Tower and the Tower of Darkness, but other powerful figures who were sleeping also woke up one by one, and rushed towards the chaotic demon sea, sky and wind sea area.


Tianfeng Sea Area.

ancient home.

"Is this the horror of the power of reincarnation?"

Patriarch Gu stared at the sky with trembling eyes, awe, worship, envy, fear...

Those who can step into the realm of reincarnation are the peak existences in the world.

They have controlled life and death, and to a certain extent, even time and time cannot erase them.

Some superpowers in the reincarnation realm in ancient times, if they failed to cross the reincarnation, some supernatural beings were able to use supernatural powers to preserve a little spirituality, and then reincarnated in reincarnation, waiting for the opportunity to come, activate the spirituality, and re-nirvana between heaven and earth .

"No matter how powerful this lewd thief is, he will definitely not be a powerful opponent in the reincarnation realm. With this move, I'm afraid there will be no bones left!"

The head of the Gu family and the countless strong men of the Gu family secretly said in their hearts.

this moment.

There was an inexplicable joy in their hearts.

Lin Langtian was too arrogant just now.

He asked his family's heavenly daughter to give him to enjoy.

Literally rubbing their faces on the ground.

I really thought he was invincible.

Now you have met the iron plate!

"Who is calling invincible, who dares to say invincible!"

Just when everyone thought that Lin Langtian was bound to die, a long voice seemed to come from far away from the ancient time and space.

Everyone seemed to see a majestic figure of the Emperor of Heaven rising slowly.

With his back to all living beings, he fought fiercely in the world, suppressed darkness and turmoil, pacified foreign lands, and ruled eternally. He was extremely brilliant in his life and invincible in all directions.

The moment the Nine Elements Dao Shenlong that killed Lin Langtian heard the sound, it was completely smashed by an indescribable terrifying force!

"Samsara Fist!"

Lin Langtian seemed to have become Huangtian Emperor, he punched out with his left hand, and the mark of reincarnation emerged.

Faintly, a huge millstone of reincarnation emerged, rolling towards Bibi Dong.

"not good!"

Bibi Dong was shocked, and instinctively moved forward with the power staff in her hand.


The phantom of the samsara disk crushed and arrived, as if the mountain fell in an unexpected way, destroying the dead.

Bibi Dong's throat sweetened, and she felt a terrifying force attacking her, as if she had been hit hard, she vomited blood and flew backwards.

"Mountain and River Seal!"

"Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things!"

"Devil's Claw!"


Xiong Ba, Ye Hei, Liang Bing, Yun Yun and others felt the movement, and they shot down from the air.

The space is pierced, revealing a chaotic passage.

"Kunpeng treasure technique!"

Lin Langtian punched out with his right hand, and the yin and yang evolved, as if turning into a huge Kunpeng, soaring up ninety thousand miles, striking nine heavens and ten places horizontally.

Shanheyin was punched flying, causing Xiongba to vomit blood.


The qi cauldron, the mother of all things, cracked open, Ye Hei's mind was severely wounded, and the figure who had just arrived was blown away.

Yun Yun and Tu Shan Rongrong were also seriously injured, and the only intact cold ice was also knocked back hundreds of meters!

"Damn it! Is this kid explosive? So strong!"

Liang Bing couldn't help but swear, her cultivation had soared to the level of a god after the sacrifice before, and she also got a set of god and demon suits, but she was repelled with one move.

Still join hands with everyone!

"This dog is fierce!"

Bibi Dong, Yun Yun and the others gathered together, looking at Lin Langtian solemnly.

"Haha, the Huangtian Emperor is really powerful, this combat power is really terrifying, it is simply devastating!"

Lin Langtian was very excited.

Most of the people who surrounded him before were here.

But no one was his match.

"Today you

We all have to die! "

Lin Langtian was high-spirited, his previous depression was swept away, and he was surrounded by immortal light, like a peerless fairy king, suppressing nine heavens and ten earths.

"Hiss! What's the situation?"

Suddenly, a voice of astonishment and horror sounded, and the space next to it was gradually distorted.

Amidst the space distortion, a figure in a silver robe walked out slowly.

This figure has pale hair hanging down.

His figure is quite thin, and the most strange thing is his eyes, those pair of pupils, which are as bright as silver, which seems to be permeated with extremely mysterious fluctuations.

It is the master of space, one of the ancient eight masters.

At this moment, he looked horrified and fearful in his heart.

"What a terrible breath!"

The two-foot-tall iron tower figure of the Primordial Lord came out of the distorted space and came to the side of the Space Lord!

"You are all here!"

A flame swept over, and in the next moment, it had already appeared beside the two of them, and when the flame dissipated, it was the Flame Lord.

follow closely.

The Lord of Thunder and the Lord of Darkness have arrived one after another.

They couldn't bear the terrifying coercion of Lin Langtian and others, and they all fell to the ground.

"What's going on here? How come there are so many terrifying powerful men?"

The Lord of Darkness asked via sound transmission.

These powerhouses seem to be all human races.

If there were really so many strong people in the human race, would the Talisman Ancestor still need to burn the reincarnation to seal the strange demon emperor in ancient times?

Every strong person here is thousands of times stronger than their master talisman ancestors.

"I just came here too, and I don't know what happened!" The Space Lord was the first to arrive, and said with a wry smile at this moment.

"What happened here? Who are these seniors?"

The Lord of Darkness looked at Patriarch Gu and asked in a low voice.


Patriarch Gu smiled wryly. Originally, he thought that he was also a person, but only today did he realize that he is still an ant.

He tremblingly said: "I'm not very clear, it was this senior who came to my house first and asked me to present the family beauties."

He looked at Lin Langtian and said tremblingly: "Just when I agreed, that fairy suddenly appeared to assassinate this senior, and then the battle broke out!"

"The rest of the seniors came to help after the battle started!"

The Lord of Darkness and others got the news and looked up at the sky.

They did not speak.

Because with their strength, they are not qualified to speak at all.

"Tell me, how do you want to die?"

Lin Langtian raised the god-killing spear in his hand, the terrifying edge pierced the world, pointed at Bibi Dong, and proudly said:

"Bibi Dong, as long as you abolish your cultivation and become my woman, I will spare your life!"

"There are a few of you, too!"


Liang Bing spat hard without the slightest image, with disdain in his eyes:

"It's up to you? Also worthy?"

"Toast, don't eat, eat fine wine!"

Lin Langtian's eyes turned cold, and he directly killed him with a gun in his hand.


Liangbing Tianshen's cultivation broke out, and he urged the demon suit on his body to fight Lin Langtian as the main force.

Bibi Dong is the assistant.

However, Lin Langtian, who had obtained the Huangtian Emperor experience card, seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became.

Mo Zunlou got the news and rushed over to join the battlefield.

even so.

They are still not rivals.

The real dragon treasure technique, the Kunpeng treasure technique, the Leidi treasure technique and other peerless treasure techniques are in Lin Langtian's hands, and their power is infinite.

"Where did this strong man come from? It's too terrifying!"

The Lord of Space watched the sky-shattering battle, his body trembling constantly.

Even the battle of ancient strange monsters is not as fierce as this battle.

"Mu Wutian is too strong, if there are no other changes, the ending is already doomed!"

The voice of the Lord of Darkness was dignified. They learned the details from Patriarch Gu just now, and Mu Wutian didn't seem like a decent person.

"Just wait and see, our strength is completely out of our hands!"

Lord Yan looked in awe, with a hint of fear in his heart.

"The victory and defeat have been decided!"

The Great Desolate Lord sighed, and saw that Liang Bing, Chong Lou, Bibi Dong and others were all severely injured.

Although not dead, but soon.

"Is this the strength of Emperor Huangtian? It's really terrifying!"

The corner of Ye Hei's mouth was bleeding, and he sighed endlessly.

Everything in his hand was shattered.

Looks like it needs to be reworked.

"What kind of Huangtian Emperor is he? If he is the real Huangtian Emperor, we won't be able to persist until now!" Tu Shan sneered.

"That's right, he can possess the power of Huangtian Emperor, but he doesn't have the spiritual will to control this power. It would be great if he can unleash one out of ten!"

Ye Hei nodded approvingly.

The higher the cultivation level, the higher the spiritual requirements.

As the saying goes, as much heart as there is power.

The same power, exerted by different people, is also very different.

"Death is imminent, and you are still stubborn!"

Although Lin Langtian knew in his heart that he was not as good as Emperor Huangtian, he was still very upset after hearing Ye Hei and others' comments!

He looked down at Liang Bing and Bibi Dong and the girls, and said with a smirk: "How is it? Now you know how powerful I am with spears?"


Tu Shan Rongrong spat, narrowed his small eyes, and smiled slightly, "Now let you see how powerful I am!"

"My God?"

Lin Langtian immediately became vigilant.

He did not forget that Tu Shan Rongrong, Bibi Dong and others were not from this world.

Could it be because of the 'God' that Tu Shan Rongrong said?


The hearts of the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Space moved. These people are already so powerful.

How terrifying would a person who could be called a god by them be?

"Pretend to be a ghost, die for me!"

There was an inexplicable fear in Lin Langtian's heart, and his whole body exploded.

He wants a quick fight.

"Crassword Sword Art!"

He replaced the sword with a spear, and endless sword energy burst out.

This is the inherited treasure technique of Nine Leaf Sword Grass, one of the ten evils, and it is listed as one of the three ancient sword arts.

Its power is so strong that it can cut time and space and cut the universe.

I saw endless sword energy sweeping out like a long river of sword energy.

Kill time and space.

Chop the sun, moon and stars.

The sky-shattering murderous intent filled the universe, and the Lord of Darkness and others felt like they were on their backs, with infinite fear in their hearts.

"Respectfully invite my god to descend!"

Tu Shan Rongrong was the first to use the divine power Hong Meng left in her body.


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