Become a God and Join the Chat Group

Chapter Fourteen: Yun Yun Wants to Sacrifice

Chapter 211 Yunyun wants to sacrifice


The Lord of Darkness, the Lord of the Wild, the Lord of Thunder, the Lord of Flame, and countless strong men from the ancient family looked at Lin Langtian's dead body, all dumbfounded and confused.

This, is this the god?

Even a terrifying powerhouse like Lin Langtian was no match for a projection.

Can't even block a move.

The gods and spirits are so terrifying!

If you don't see it with your own eyes.

They will never believe that there is such a terrifying strong man in the world.


In front of the Primordial God, the god-like talisman ancestors in their hearts are probably no different from ordinary people.

"God of Primordial Mist, bless you!"

"Thank you, the great Primordial God, the supreme holiness!"

The head of the Gu family and all the powerful members of the Gu family kowtowed and kowtowed incessantly, both excited and terrified in their hearts. It was their honor to see such a god.

In particular, when the God of Primordial Meng destroyed Lin Langtian, it was tantamount to helping them destroy the enemy.

Although the Primordial God is just the incarnation of a ray of divine power summoned by Tu Shan Rongrong, whether he is conscious or not is unclear.

But the God of Primordial Mist destroyed Lin Langtian, which undoubtedly helped them solve an enemy.

Whether intentional or not.

"Let's pay a visit to the seniors!"

The Lord of Darkness transmitted voices to the others.

"It should be so!"

The Lord of Space, Lord Thunder and others responded one after another.

They came to Liangbing, Chonglou and others, bowed their hands and said: "The Lord of Darkness (the Lord of Space, the Lord of Thunder), I have met you seniors!"

Chonglou nodded coldly, and said lightly: "It's over here, I'm leaving!"


Chonglou will return to the Three Realms of Sword and Sword through the red envelope function of the chat group.

The chat group red envelope function can set an initial coordinate.

After leaving your own world, send the red envelope to yourself, and you can return to your own world directly through this initial coordinate. (Some book friends don't know, so I repeat it again.)

The Lord of Darkness and the others didn't care about Chonglou's indifferent attitude.

The gap between their strength and Chonglou's is too big, and Chonglou can give them a little nod, which can be said to give them face.

"You want to know the news about us and the God of Primordial Mist?"

Bibi Dong looked at the Lord of Darkness and the others, but their calm voice startled them, and hurriedly said:

"Fairy Mingjian, we are indeed a little curious, but if it is not convenient to tell, I will never dare to ask more questions!"

"No problem!"

Looking at the terrified Lord of Darkness and the others, Bibi Dong shook her head and said:

"The news about the Primordial God and us is not a secret. My name is Bibi Dong. You must have guessed that I come from another world!"

"Sure enough, it's another world."

The Lord of Darkness thought to themselves.

They knew very well what kind of strong people there were in this world.

It is impossible for so many and such terrifying powerhouses to appear out of thin air.

only explanation.

Just from other worlds.

"They are the same as me, they all come from different worlds, they are all the messengers of my god, and your world also has them!"

While speaking, Bibi Dong stretched out her hand to grab at the void, and Lin Dong who was far away from the Great Yan Dynasty in the Eastern Xuan Territory was caught.

"Better than a saint!"

Seeing Bibi Dong, Lin Dong secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Just now he thought he had encountered an enemy.

"Lin Dong met all the seniors!"

Lin Dong bowed his hands to Xiongba, Tu Shanrong Rongrong and others, and thanked: "This time, thanks to all the seniors, otherwise the boy would be in danger!"

When he was in the chat group before, he was secretly glad that he joined the chat group. If someone else joined, he would be miserable.

Unexpectedly, even if he joined the chat group, an extraterritorial demon with a system would appear in his world.

Fortunately, the members of the group and the God of Primordial Meng are strong.

Otherwise, he will definitely hang up.

"Martial Ancestor, you don't have to be polite, I'm going back as well!" Xiong Ba, Yun Yun and others said goodbye one after another.

"Seniors, go slowly!" Lin Dong greeted.

"Martial Ancestor, explain to them about the Primordial God, and I will go back too!"

Bibi Dong also bid farewell and left, leaving only Tu Shan Rongrong in the end.

It's fine for Tu Shanrong to go back.

She was going to wait for Lin Dong to finish the sacrifice before going back.

"I have seen Martial Ancestor!"

The Lord of Darkness and others bowed their hands to Lin Dong, but they were a little curious.

Lin Dong seems to only have the cultivation level of the Forming Realm.

Such cultivation bases are all ants to them.

Why did Bibi Dong and others call him Martial Ancestor?

Did Lin Dong hide his cultivation?

"You're welcome. My name is Lin Dong. I'm a follower of the Primordial God. As for the title of Martial Ancestor, it's just my original future. I'm only in the Qi-Creating Realm now!"

Lin Dong looked at the Lord of Darkness and the others, they all had distinctive looks.

Although it was the first time they met, Lin Dong who had read the original book could still tell who they were.

"The original future?"

The Lord of Darkness's eyes were full of surprise, and he grasped the main point.

The Primordial Lord and the others also looked at Lin Dong suspiciously.

Some don't quite understand.

"For example, my God, I can see countless creatures in the world at a glance, past, present, and future!"

Lin Dong explained: "The original me got the ancestral stone..."

Following Lin Dong's narration, the Lord of Darkness and the others were mesmerized, as if they saw a young man rising from adversity, finally defeating the Demon King and saving the world.

"The Primordial God has great supernatural powers and boundless divine power. It is really unimaginable that he can see the future of a person, and even the future of this world!"

The Lord of Space sighed.

"Sure enough, the evil does not overpower the good, it's just a pity that the little junior sister also walked on the road of the master in the end, sacrificing herself for the world!"

The Lord of Darkness sighed in his heart, and at the same time, he was relieved that he finally defeated the Yimo Emperor and the world returned to peace.

"Martial Ancestor, can you invite seniors from other worlds to help, if the Emperor of Different Demons comes again, won't my junior sister need to sacrifice?"

The Primordial Lord looked at Lin Dong with anticipation in his eyes, and asked nervously.

Swish Swish.

Everyone looked over in unison.

Lin shakes his head.

The Lord of Darkness felt a burst of disappointment immediately.


Although Lin Dong and those seniors are both believers of the Primordial God, the gap in cultivation is too great.

How can such a strong person be invited casually?

Seeing everyone's disappointed expressions, Lin Dong touched his nose, knowing that they had misunderstood.

He explained: "It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. Under the glory of my god, the Yimo Emperor is nothing to be afraid of. Why bother the seniors in other worlds!"

"Your injuries haven't healed yet, have you?"


The Lord of Darkness nodded, "I was seriously injured during the First World War, and I was sleeping to recuperate from my wounds. This time I woke up when I felt something moving!"

"Me too!"

The Great Desolate Lord agreed.

The others also nodded.

"Pray to Hongmeng with me first!"

Lin Dong looked at them and said, "First, you can really understand my god!"

"Secondly, my god will bestow divine grace to help you recover from your injuries!"

"Remember, the more sincere the heart, the stronger the grace!"

"Trouble Martial Ancestor!"

The Lord of Darkness and the others looked at each other and agreed immediately.

They are not worried that the Primordial God will harm them.

With the strength of the Primordial God.

It's useless for them to worry.


They followed Lin Dong to chant.

"Opening up the primordial..."


Kingdom of God.

"Ding, congratulations to the group leader for eliminating the demons outside the territory, completing the mission, and rewarding you with one million points."

The reminder that only the group leader could hear sounded in Hong Meng's mind.

One million points.

Hong Meng didn't care.

same as before.

Hong Meng sent the task rewards he issued to the group in the name of the chat group:

"Ding, congratulations to the group member Tu Shan's second master for completing the group task, rewarding him with a top-grade celestial artifact, three god-level supernatural powers, and two supernatural powers for the rest of the group members participating in the mission."

As before, Hong Meng put the magical artifacts in the chat group, and the group members could choose their favorite artifacts and magical abilities.

in the chat group.

Gouzi of Shangshen: "Congratulations, Sister Rong!! Tsk tsk, a top-grade heavenly artifact, the supernatural power of the three masters, envious, jealous, drooling.jpg."

Lord of Great Qin: "Envy and envy!"

Head of Huashan: "Envy and envy!"

Tu Shan's second leader: "It all depends on my gods and gods, otherwise I would not be an opponent of evil spirits from outside the territory. I feel ashamed for receiving this reward. I can only repay one or two by working hard to preach for my god in the future!"

The overlord of the world will: "Add one, for the glory of my god!"

Saintess of Wuhun Temple: "Add one, for the glory of my god!"

Demon Queen: "Oh, this queen has almost finished preaching the life planets in the universe, what should I do?"

Tu Shan's second boss: "Me too!"

Head of Huashan: "You can leave the world like me and go to other worlds to preach?"

Demon Queen: "You just left your own planet, this queen has spread throughout the universe!"

"Leaving the universe and leaving the world are two concepts!"

Tu Shan's second head: "It seems that there is no starry sky outside my world!"

Demon Empress: "Our world has Shattered Void, which can ascend to a higher level world. I don't know if your world has it!"

Demon Queen: "After a while, this queen will leave the universe and go out to try!"

Tu Shan's second boss: "Look forward!"

Lord of Great Qin: "Please live broadcast!"

The overlord of the world will: "Please live broadcast!"

Devil Queen: "Don't worry, this queen will definitely broadcast live for you!"

Sect Master Yunlan: "Tomorrow I will sacrifice to my god again, and I will broadcast it live for everyone. The blood sacrifice to Xiao Yan, everyone is welcome to watch!"

God's dog: "Look forward, little bench!"

Martial Ancestor: "Suddenly I feel cool behind my back!"


?? There are two updates today, and we will continue to update tomorrow!



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