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Chapter 20 So There Really Is a God in This World (Third Watch)

"God of Primordial Mist?"

"What the hell?"

"I'm afraid Yang Xiao is crazy, right?"

The crowd was in an uproar.

The theory of gods has existed since ancient times.

Shaolin believes in Buddha.

Wudang believed in Emperor Zhenwu.

Huashan believes in the Taoist ancestors of the Three Qing Dynasty.

But everyone knows it in their hearts.

Spirits do not exist at all.

Even if it exists.

Don't bother with them either.

From ancient times to the present.

No one has ever seen a real god.

"How do the gods get rid of Yuan soldiers?"

The head of the Huashan School, Xian Yutong, looked at him disdainfully, and said sarcastically, "Yang Xiao, you won't tell us that the God of Primordial Mist will appear, and then slap the Yuan soldiers to death, right?"

"The Primordial God is a god, with great supernatural powers and boundless magic power. Why do you need to show your powers? Maybe you will directly send down divine punishment and kill Yuan soldiers, haha!"

"It makes sense!"


After Xian Yutong spoke, everyone laughed mockingly.

"Fresh Yutong."

Yang Xiao looked over with sharp eyes.

Xian Yutong suddenly felt a huge pressure rushing towards his face.

But I thought of all the martial arts heroes present, and Wudang Daoist Zhang here.

He immediately became confident.

He sneered and said, "What? Angry? Do you still want to kill me?"

The strong men of the Huashan faction and the strong men of other factions stared unkindly at Yang Xiao.

Once Yang Xiao made a move, he would definitely receive a thunderous blow from everyone.

"So what? A treacherous, vicious, morally corrupt, scumbag who plays with women, living in this world is a waste of food!"

Yang Xiao said proudly.

"Nonsense, this sentence should describe your Demon Cult!"

Xian Yutong retorted angrily, with a guilty conscience deep in his eyes.

"You started with a girl from the Miao family, and then she planted the golden silkworm poison on you, but she still hopes that you will change your mind, and the weight of the injection is not serious, so that you can be rescued."

"You escaped immediately after being poisoned, and you were scheming. When you escaped, you actually stole two pairs of golden silkworms from the Miao family girl, but you collapsed soon after you escaped."

Xian Yutong became angry from embarrassment, "You're talking nonsense, the filthy man is innocent, and he wants to die."

While speaking, he pressed the button on the handle of the fan, and at the same time pressed with his internal force, the poisonous powder hidden in the fan was sprayed out immediately, capable of injuring people invisible.

Everyone saw this scene.

All are sneers.

Full of disdain.

The dignified head of Huashan Mountain.

He actually plotted with poison.

It's really embarrassing for the Huashan faction.


Facing the poisonous mist, Yang Xiao waved his sleeves, and the true energy of the master realm gushed out, rebounding the poisonous mist, but Xian Yutong's face was smeared!


Xian Yutong screamed, and quickly took out the antidote, trying to detoxify.

As soon as Yang Xiao's figure moved, he snatched the antidote and said with a sneer:

"This is the poisonous powder you made from the golden silkworm you stole, right?"

"give me!"

"Give it to me!"

Xian Yutong yelled loudly, wanting to snatch the antidote, but was overwhelmed by Yang Xiao's grand master's aura, making it difficult to get close.

Seeing that Yang Xiao didn't kill anyone.

And it seems that there are melons to eat.

At the same time, he is not ashamed of being a human being.

No one stood up to help.

"When you were poisoned and fainted, it happened that Hu Qingniu was collecting medicine in Miaojiang to save you."

"After you saved Hu Qingniu's life, you fell in love with Hu Qingniu's sister, Hu Qingyang."

"Hu Qingyang made a promise with her body, and she became pregnant. Who would have thought that you later coveted the position of the head of the Huashan School, abandoned Hu Qingyang, and married the only daughter of the head of the Huashan School at that time."

"Hu Qingyang committed suicide in shame and indignation, resulting in a tragedy of two lives."

"At the same time, you also killed your senior brother Bai Yuan and blamed my Mingjiao."

Faced with Yang Xiao's questioning, Xian Yutong's expression changed drastically, and he shouted: "I didn't, you are talking nonsense, you demon cult killed my senior brother, and you still want to blame me, there is no way!"

"Ahhhh...give me the antidote, give it to me quickly..."

Xian Yutong's body suffered from a severe poison attack, the pain was unbearable, and he howled endlessly.

However, when everyone saw his expression, they guessed it in their hearts.

Especially the elders of the Huashan School.

In the past, Bai Yuan's death was always strange, but now that I think about it, it seems that it is really possible that it is rare.

"Okay, I'll give it to you!"

Yang Xiao casually threw the antidote in his hand.

Xian Yutong was overjoyed and reached out to grab it.

However, the jade bottle containing the antidote directly pierced his palm and smashed into the center of his forehead.


Xian Yutong died without saying a word.

Everyone's face changed drastically.

What Yang Xiao did was truly astonishing.

The jade bottle is inherently fragile, but it can still pierce through the palm of the hand, killing Xian Yutong, which shows its profound skill.

"Yang Xiao, no matter how Xian Yutong is, he should be dealt with by my Huashan faction. Let us learn your brilliant trick!"

The two elders of Huashan stood up, no matter whether Xian Yutong was despicable or not, he was always the head of Huashan School.

If you don't ask for an explanation, where will Huashan send face?

"You are not opponents!"

Yang Xiao shook his head, but his calm voice made Huashan elders furious.

This is blatant contempt.

Look down on them.

"watch out!"

The two, one on the left and the other on the right, cooperated with each other and went to kill Yang Xiao.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

The Huashan two elders cooperated exquisitely, and there were not many people present who could say that they were sure to beat them.


At this time, a powerful aura suddenly burst out from Yang Xiao's body.

Such as tsunami torrents.

It's like the sky is falling and the earth is falling.

The two elders of Huashan came and went even faster.

Like a lonely boat, it was overturned by the stormy waves in an instant.

There was a touch.

The second elder of Huashan.

Hit the ground hard.


Everyone's eyes widened.

This is too fast and scary.

Just the aura shocked the Huashan elders.

This is the prestige of a master?

However, Zhang Sanfeng, who is also a master, knows.

Yang Xiao is not just a master.

It has come to the end of the master.

It is the pinnacle of the master.

Boom boom boom!

follow closely.

White-browed eagle king Yin Tianzheng, golden-haired lion king Xie Xun, green-winged bat king Wei Yixiao, Wu Sanren and other Mingjiao powerhouses released their breaths one after another.


Waves of terrifying guru aura swept across the square like a landslide and tsunami, suffocating everyone with stunned faces.

"how can that be?"

"Grandmaster! All are grandmasters!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Sanfeng, who was calm even when the Dragon Slaying Knife appeared, was shocked.

as a guru.

He is too aware of the difficulty of becoming a master.

Difficult to ascend to heaven.


The Dharma King of Mingjiao and Wu Sanren have all become masters.

how can that be.

It doesn't make sense at all.

It's not that he looks down on the Golden Retriever Lion King and the Five Scattered People.

But it is what it is.

Even Zhang Sanfeng doubted life.

Not to mention Emei Extinction, Shaolin Kongwen, Kongtong Five Elders, Kunlun He Taichong and other powerful and Jianghu warriors.

There was a dead silence.

There was only a look of astonishment and disbelief.

"Yang Zuoshi, pardon the old man's presumptuousness. Could it be that your breakthrough in cultivation has something to do with the Primordial God?"

Zhang Sanfeng was the first to recover, and couldn't help asking.

Such breakthroughs in cultivation are the secrets of warriors.

It is taboo in martial arts.

But Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help being curious.

He thought about it.

The only anomalous thing about Mingjiao is the God of Primordial Mist.


He made a bold guess.

The changes of Yang Xiao and others are related to the God of Primordial Mist.

Swish Swish Swish.

Everyone looked at Yang Xiao in unison.

Eyes full of fiery.

If only they could get that way.

Is it possible to break through the Grandmaster?

But this method must be top secret.

Yang Xiao would never tell them.


Today, all the sects and masters of the rivers and lakes are here.

Give it a try anyway.

However, when they were thinking about how to force Yang Xiao to tell the secret method, Yang Xiao opened his mouth openly!

"Yes, we were able to break through the Grandmaster, thanks to the gift of my God!"

Everyone was taken aback.

Yang Xiao is really frank.

Is it self-sustaining cultivation?

Have nothing to fear?

Yang Xiao said: "Here I have a piece of contemplation bestowed by the gods. As long as you have God in your heart and pray sincerely, you will be able to obtain the gift of the gods. Breakthrough cultivation is as easy as pie!"

"How much grace you can get depends on your piety!!"


Everyone's eyes widened.

The magic of the gods, passed on to them like this?

Could it be fake?

They couldn't believe it.

"Yang Zuoshi, are you really going to pass on the magic of the gods to us?" Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help asking.

"Of course, my god is great and mighty. As long as you believe in my god, you are all believers in my god. You can recite it with me now."

Yang Xiao nodded, looked at the crowd, and said, "It's up to you whether you believe it or not!"

After speaking, Yang Xiao began to recite to himself.

Mingjiao people also prayed devoutly.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't hesitate, and started reciting directly.

Song Yuanqiao and other Wudang disciples naturally followed.

Other factions also hold the idea that they would rather believe what they have than believe what they don't have. Anyway, if you recite it once, you won't suffer a loss.

if true.

Then send it.

"Amitabha, don't blame the Buddha, the poor monk just wants to distinguish the authenticity, and absolutely has no intention of believing in other gods!"

Master Kongwen recited the Buddha's name, and then followed suit.


They lose their perception of the outside world.

Their consciousness came to an endless chaos.

while there

In the center of chaos stands a majestic existence that cannot be described in any words.

Billions of stars surround its body.

In the infinite universe, disillusionment arises and disillusionment arises.

He is eternal and immortal.

He is supreme, divine and holy.


is God! ! !

When Zhang Sanfeng saw this stalwart figure, his mind went blank.

My heart was shocked.

Nothing can be added.

It turns out that there are really gods in this world.

I do not know how long it has been.

Zhang Sanfeng woke up suddenly.

Almost at the same time.

Kongwen, Juejue, He Taichong and others.

Also woke up.

"Amitabha, so there really is a god in this world!"

Master Kongwen was shocked and said to himself.

"Such a great and unfathomable existence, apart from God, there will be no other!"

He Taichong's heart trembled, both excited and apprehensive.

"Ah, my cultivation base has broken through, I have broken through my innate ability, thanks to the great Primordial God!"

"The dark wounds on my body have healed, my whole body is relaxed, and my cultivation base has increased a lot, thank my God, I will only believe in my God from now on!"

There were bursts of cheers, and countless warriors were so excited that they bowed and kowtowed one after another, and some even prayed again.

Master Kongwen, Miejue Shitai, Zhang Sanfeng and others also sensed their cultivation base soaring, but they barely maintained their posture.

But the shock on his face was obvious.

"Everyone, do you feel the greatness and generosity of my god now? As long as you believe in my god, you will have divine grace, and you don't need to do anything else."

There was a smile in Yang Xiao's eyes, no one in this world can resist the gift of the gods.

He said loudly: "Now my Mingjiao is going to sacrifice to my god. Those who are willing to come with me are very welcome. Those who don't want to can also watch the ceremony from the sidelines!"

"I do!"

Kongtong Five Elders said quickly.

Just prayed again, not only did they heal from internal injuries from practicing Qishangquan, but their cultivation base also increased a lot.

If you don't hug the thigh of this supreme and true god, you will be struck by lightning from the sky.

"I would too!"

"And I!"

"Me too!"

Countless warriors scrambled to speak first.

"Great Emperor, don't blame the old Taoist for not believing in you, it's because the Primordial God has given you too much!"

Zhang Sanfeng silently read a sentence in his heart.

From now on.

He Wudang believed in the God of Primordial Mist.


Master Kongwen clasped his hands together, "The Buddha forgives sins not because of the monk or human being, but because of the charming grace of God!"


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