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Chapter 24: The Shocking Hades (Part 1)

"The stars have tears..."

Seeing Xing Xing's face change with tears, they raised their hearts to their throats.





What kind of secret does this ordinary scripture contain?

It actually made Xing Xingyou tearfully show various complex emotions such as fear, shock, and awe.


Just when Tie Xue Wushuang and the others couldn't help but want to ask, Xing Xing Youlei suddenly burst out with a tyrannical power fluctuation.

"This... this is..."

"The strength is increasing!"

"The power of the stars and tears has become stronger!"

Walking against the sky, his pupils shrank. He was so focused just now, but he didn't notice any fluctuations in divine power or spells.

He didn't believe that Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, could do anything under such circumstances.

Is it true that reciting this scripture once can increase your strength?

how can that be?

What is the magic of this scripture?


Suddenly, Xingxing Youlei opened his eyes.

There was shock in his eyes.


"The stars have tears, how are you?"

Dancing with the Wind asked with concern: "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine!"

Xingxing recovered from tears, but her heart was still overwhelmed and shocked.

"I lost!"

Xing Xing said with tears: "I, the Ming clan, keep my promises, and I will be yours from now on!"

"The stars have tears... oh..."

Tie Xue Wushuang clenched his fists tightly, wanting to say something, but couldn't speak.

Are they going to break their promises?

Go back on your word and get fat?

"The stars have tears, what did you see?"

Asked against the sky.

"I saw God!"

"The Supreme Great True God!"

The stars have tears watching against the sky:

"Grand Marshal, your petrification disease is cured. You will know the specifics after you recite it yourself. I can't describe it, it's hard to describe!"

"it is good!"

Go against the sky and nod.

"Grand Marshal, let me come first!"

Tie Xue Wushuang was worried that Xingxing Youlei had fallen into a trap, and if he went against the sky, he would be caught too. Wouldn't it be the end of it.


He wanted to try it himself.

"No, it's me first!"

Walking against the sky, I believe that the stars have tears, so they should not be controlled.


He has confidence in his own strength.

He didn't believe in reciting this scripture once.

He can be recruited.

Walking Against the Sky, Dancing with the Wind, Tie Xue Wushuang and others began to chant.


They came to a boundless chaotic sea.

The chaotic air was tumbling, and the waves were surging.

Every wave is an ancient universe.

The vastness.

beyond imagination.

But in the center of the chaotic sea, there is an indescribably great existence.

Cosmic star river surrounds.

The heavens and the world are crawling.

He is the origin of the universe.

He is the end of heaven and earth.

He is the master of the avenue.

Seeing him is like...

Saw Tao.

I have seen the cosmic time and space of the number of Ganges sands.

See the past, present, and future of the universe.

at this moment.

Walking against the sky, I couldn't help but get close to the God of Primordial Mist.

close to the road.

Even if you get close to the Tao, you will die.

Mind will be assimilated by Tao.

Become a puppet of the Tao.

He did not hesitate.

at this moment.

He finally realized the feeling of hearing the Tao in the morning and dying in the evening.

But the next moment.

The time and space around him collapsed in an instant.

Go against the sky and wake up.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

The surroundings are no longer boundless chaotic sea.

It's the way it was before.

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, Dancing with the Wind, Stars and Tears, and others are all there.

He didn't speak, just recollecting what he saw and heard just now.

My heart was shocked.

Nothing can be added.

"This is the real God!"

"The protoss are not even as good as a speck of dust in front of the Primordial God!"

Going against the sky, my heart is surging.


He has a new pursuit in his heart.

He wants to become stronger.

He wants to see the higher scenery.

All heavens and all worlds...

Infinite time and space...

"Is this the true Immortal God? It's so great and terrifying!"

"The birth and destruction of the infinite universe and heaven and earth in the breath is unimaginable!"

Dancing with the Wind, Tie Xue Wushuang and the others woke up startled, and looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

"Generalissimo, what's your illness?"

Dancing with the wind and looking at walking against the sky.

"Healed already!"


And walk the road.

I have seen the majesty and terror of the God of Primordial Mist.

There is no surprise that he has recovered from his petrification disease and went against the sky.

The God of Primordial Meng opened up an infinite universe and created endless creatures with his breath. His mighty power is unimaginable.

He has no doubt that even if he is dead, even if the primordial god has only a trace of power, he can be revived.

Not to mention that he is only sick, not dead yet.

"Congratulations to the Generalissimo!"

Tie Xue Wushuang and the others were overjoyed.

Just thinking that Xing Xingyoutear lost the bet, his eyes were full of complexity.

But maybe that's not such a bad thing.

Xing Xingyoutear followed Monkey King, the king of demon kings, and could also strengthen the relationship between them, which is beneficial to the great cause of the Hades against the gods.

"Messenger Sun, I wonder if we can pass this "Visual Thought" to other Mingzu people?"

Walking against the sky, he looked at Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, and said, "There are many petrified people in my Ming clan. Before, because there was no cure, they could only wait for death..."

"no problem!"

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, interrupted him, and said bluntly: "I told you before that I am a great god, and you can pass on this "Thinking Thoughts" so that every Mingzu can recite it, and it can also strengthen the soul. The strength of the Hades!"

"Thank you, Messenger Sun!"

Walk against the sky and bow your hands.

The same is true for Jagged Warriors and others.

this moment.

Their favorability for Monkey King, the king of demon kings, has increased a lot.

They have all watched their own people slowly die from petrification, but there is nothing they can do.

that pain...

People who have not experienced it will never understand it.

It's finally all right now.

Never worry about petrification again.

Don't even worry about any sickness anymore.

As for whether there will be a trap in this?

Ha ha……

If that terrifying existence wants to do something to them, they will not be able to resist.

Since you can't resist, then lie down and enjoy it, right?

Anyway, they don't see any disadvantages now.

"Hey, the protoss came to me? I just went to meet them!"

Monkey King, the king of demon kings, raised his brows and headed towards Chaoge City.

"Marshal, should we go over and help?"

Jagged Wushuang asked.

Just now, his strength has improved a bit, making him eager to try.

At the same time, he also received the favor of Monkey King, the king of demon kings.

"Of course I'm going!"


Running against the sky, he took the lead and chased after Monkey King, the king of demon kings.

"A Wu, did you secretly agree to Messenger Sun's conditions?"

Xing Xing took a step back in tears, followed by Wind Dancer, and asked through sound transmission.

"Why do you ask that?"

"That seems to be it!"

Xingxing said with tears: "Although you hide it very well, but as a woman, I can still feel the change in you!"

"What's more, Envoy Sun was about to leave just now, but he stayed here suddenly. He said he was joking with us, but do you believe it?"

"What's more, how precious is the magic method of the gods like "Contemplation of Thoughts". If you didn't agree to his conditions, how could he show it?"

Dancing with the Wind was silent for a while, and then said: "Don't tell other people!"

"Actually, except for those muscular, simple-minded idiots, who do you think you can hide from? The Generalissimo must have guessed it!"

Xing Xing wept, and said: "It's just that everyone knows it!"

Dancing with the Wind nodded, "That's good!"

The two stopped talking, followed the large army, and hurried towards Song City.


Chaoge City.

God Taiji and God Liuyue stood above Chaoge City.

The terrifying divine majesty shrouded all directions unscrupulously, causing countless people to kneel on the ground in fear.

Sensing the fear of the people below, God Tai Chi was in a good mood, and said with disdain:

"It's an honor for these weak yellow-skinned monkeys to become slaves of our Protoss, but some of them don't know how to cherish them, and want to resist instead!"

"It's just that an ant may shake a tree, it's just beyond its control!"

God Liuyue smiled slightly, and caressed Taiji God's strong and powerful chest with his white jade hand, and said charmingly:

"We should hurry up and complete the task assigned by the Great Elder Shenyan, and then we can go play!"

"What a goblin!"

Hearing this, God Tai Chi was trembling all over, his heart felt hot, he raised his big hand, and slapped her buttocks hard.



The God of Flowing Moon is charming and angry, his beautiful eyes are like water, and there are strands of seductive spring in them.

"you are so bad!"

Her plump and graceful body trembled slightly, and she was so excited when she saw it too great.

I really want to deal with this goblin now.

But thinking of the mission, he had no choice but to suppress the power of the evil god boiling in his body, and said:

"Just ask Di Yi and you will know!"

While speaking, Di Yi had already brought his subordinates to greet him.

"Shang Wang Yi has seen the two great gods, but he doesn't know that the two great gods are here, what orders do you have?"

Di Yi cupped his hands and saluted, feeling uneasy.

He knew that the other party must be the king of demon kings

Sun Wukong is here.


:. :

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