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Chapter 26 Instantly Killing the Holy King (3rd watch)

Holy area.

Hall of Sages.

On the resplendent and majestic golden throne, the Great Elder with Divine Eyes sat on it, with a burly figure and an amazing aura, and his seven eyes gleamed with anger.

"You humble monkey, you really want to die!"

The Elder Shenyan's ten fingers were long and slender, and his sharp nails suddenly pinched the armrest of the throne, and a corner of the armrest of the golden throne was shattered.


The five holy kings of the Protoss gathered together.

Holy King Xuanfeng.

He has a handsome face, three eyes, and looks undisciplined and lazy.

He has always looked at the battle with a calm and even game mentality, but his strength is extremely strong.

Possesses the supernatural power of the Vientiane Realm, the image of the storm, can manipulate super powerful tornadoes, and can even draw air away to create a vacuum field, which is very terrifying.

Tianwu Sage King.

Dressed in armor, with a tall and burly body, he is a warrior of the gods in the standard sense, born to protect the dignity of the gods.

Possessing the supernatural power of the Vientiane Realm, the wrath of the earth, the earthquake erupted, and the power from the epicenter spread to all directions, sweeping away everything passing by like a wave.

The whole body of the affected person was shaken violently, penetrating directly into the body. Although there was no superficial injury, it directly severely injured the fragile internal organs.

The Purple Sun Sage King has a healthy body and a bright sun, and shares the same body with his elder brother, the Blue Moon Sage King.

It is completely impossible to figure out when the two personalities will switch, it is very strange.

The Blue Moon Sacred King can simultaneously control multiple divine powers of the Vajra Realm, the Space Consciousness Realm, and the Colorless Realm. He has a crazy, bloodthirsty personality, and is rebellious.

Because of ignoring the rules of the Protoss, he was imprisoned on the top of Crystal Mountain by the seal of God's Eye, and the time limit was forever.

The Holy King Zhenchan.

He is known as "Climbing to the Peak, the Holy King among the Gods", and he was directly promoted to the Holy King without participating in the six great god positions.

Possessing the divine power of the longevity world, he is like an ascetic monk, with a burly figure, majestic and domineering, and as thick as a mountain.

There is also a pair of wise eyes, giving people a sense of otherworldliness of "everyone is drunk, but I am alone".

The last one is the Holy King of White Lotus.

At this moment, the Holy King of White Lotus had a gloomy and cold face, and said angrily:

"This lowly monkey dared to kill my God Clan God and provoke the Great Elder, I really don't know what to do!"

"Also ask the Great Elder to open the portal and send me there!!"

"I'm going to unscrew his monkey head myself!"

The White Lotus Saint King is narrow-minded, and looks down on the human race and other people the most.

He possesses the divine power of the Ksitigarbha Realm like the Great God of Ghost Wood, and has the power to manipulate dark and corrupt species.

His morbid and terrifying bloodless skin and the pattern of blood lotus on his clothes gave him a coquettish sense of horror, as if he were a ghost from hell.

"This humble monkey can kill a great god with one blow. It's not bad, not to mention there are Mingzu rats around!"

God's eyes pressed down on his hands, although he was annoyed in his heart, he did not lose his sense of proportion.

The Holy King of White Lotus may not be able to take down Monkey King, the king of demon kings, in the past.

"What the Great Elder said is true."

The Heavenly Martial Sage King nodded, with a strong voice, sonorous and forceful: "The majesty of the gods cannot be provoked. I would like to go down to the realm with Bai Lian, destroy all provocative enemies, and use the power of the gods."

Shenyan nodded slightly, and said: "What the Sacred King of Tianwu said is true, the majesty of the gods cannot be provoked, this time we must completely wipe them out!"

"So, I want you to fight together and never give the provocateur a chance!"

God's eyes are very clear, a single spark can start a prairie fire.

Facing a provocateur like the Demon King King, one must give a thunderous blow to shock the world.


Without the majesty of the Protoss, all the enemies hiding everywhere will come out and overthrow the rule of the Protoss.


While speaking, the divine power of the Divine Eye and Space Consciousness Realm gushed out again, constructing a light mirror.

in the light mirror.

Monkey King, the king of demon kings, seemed to have sensed something, raised his head, and raised his middle finger with his right hand to the god's eyes.

Seeing this scene, the Great Elder God Eye, the Holy King Bailian and other powerhouses were furious.

Although they do not understand the meaning.

But can guess.

Definitely not a good gesture.

Definitely provocative.

"Damn lowly monkey, I want to pull out his monkey brain!"

The Holy King of White Lotus looked gloomy, and said to God's eyes: "Grand Elder, please open the portal, I can't wait to blow his monkey head!"

"it is good!"

God Eye waved, and a portal opened.

The Holy King Bailian rushed in first.

Ziri Sage King and Tianwu Sage King followed closely behind.

The last ones are the Holy King Xuanfeng and the Holy King Zhenchan.

The faces of the two of them remained calm.

Not the slightest bit angry.

As if it's none of your business.


Over Chaoge City.


A beam of light was born, and in the golden light, one after another tall figures stepped out.

The five people stood across the sky, their feet stepping into the void, their powerful aura frightened all directions, making countless souls tremble with fear.

"It's the Holy King of the Protoss!"

"Envoy Sun, be careful!"

Walking against the sky reminded.

at the same time.

He and the strong Mingzu also came to the side of Monkey King, the king of demon kings.


Is this the divine king? What a horrible breath! "

Di Yi looked at the five great sage kings with an extraordinarily solemn expression.

He has never seen the Holy King.

The strongest protoss he has ever seen is Tiankui, the great god of the Doubu.

"You humble monkey, dare to provoke the majesty of my god race, kill my god race god, this god will corrupt you little by little, and let you die in agony in despair and wailing!"

The cold voice of the Holy King of White Lotus sounded, and the divine power of the Ksitigarbha Realm-death spirit burst out.

His divine power masters the power of corruption, which is extremely corrosive, and even a little scratch is fatal, no life can be spared, and there will be no bones left in the end.

"Necromantic Qi Sword Ten Thousand Blades Piercing the Heart!"

buzz buzz.

The dead spirit energy permeated all around, condensed into a series of dark sword energy, and each sword energy was sharply corrosive.

The overwhelming sword energy pierced through the sky, and killed the king of demon kings, Monkey King.

The Tianwu Sage King said coldly: "It seems that Bailian also felt the pressure, and she used all her strength when she made a move. This move must be able to see the strength of this monkey!"

Xuanfeng Shengwang nodded: "I don't know where this monkey came from. There is no news about such a strong strength before!"

The Holy King Zhenchan clasped his hands together and said: "The world is so big, there are no surprises, there is a sky beyond the sky, and its existence is reasonable!"


King Zhenchan's expression changed, "No, Bai Lian quickly back!"

He sensed an extremely terrifying breath erupting from Monkey King, the king of demon kings.

"Hey, eat my old grandson!"

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, raised his golden cudgel and smashed it down.

This stick, like the sky collapsing, like the earth cracking, overwhelming, unstoppable.

Faced with this blow, the face of the Holy King Bailian changed drastically, as if the whole world was pressing on him, making it difficult for him to move, as if his physical body was about to be torn and crushed.



Facing Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, Bailian Shengwang understood why Tiankui and other great gods were instantly killed with one blow.

It's not that they are too weak.

But Monkey King, the king of demon kings, is too strong.

Even he has no power to resist.

"Nine Sky Blood Lotus Pond!"

The divine power of the Holy King Bailian exploded with all his might, and he unleashed the trick at the bottom of the box.

This is a black-red lotus pond made of densely condensed dead spirit energy, and the branches and leaves in the pond are all condensed with strange poison.

It is extremely toxic and corrosive, and all life will be eroded and corrupted if it steps in, and will eventually become the nutrient of the lotus pond.

But this obviously can't help Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings.

The Holy King Bailian also understood.


But the Nine Sky Blood Lotus Pond has a second level.

If the first level nine empty blood lotus pond cannot kill the enemy, it will automatically enter the second level.

In the second realm, his real body will be hidden, and then infinite phantoms will be generated to attack the opponent.

"Fire eyes, broken!"

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, shot out two golden lights from his eyes, instantly peeping through the phantom of the nine-empty blood lotus pond, and smashed the white lotus holy king's head with a stick.

"Holy King Zhenchan, save me!"

The Holy King Bailian yelled in horror.

The strength of the Holy King Zhenchan is definitely the most well-deserved number one among the holy kings present.

If there is anyone there who can save him.

It must be the Holy King Zhenchan.

"Empty Mirror Reflecting the Moon!"

The Holy King Zhenchan had already made a move before the Holy King Bailian asked for help.

"Empty Mirror Reflecting the Moon" can bounce all the enemy's attacks back to the enemy.

However, there is no absolutely unsolvable trick in the world.

As long as the strength is strong enough, all tricks can be broken.


Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, fully demonstrated the trick of breaking the law with force.


The golden cudgel fell, the nine empty blood lotus pool was shattered, and the head of the White Lotus King was shot with a stick.

The Holy King Zhenchan's face turned pale, and he couldn't help taking a step back, his eyes were full of horror.

His "Empty Mirror Reflecting the Moon" was broken.

"how can that be?"

The holy kings such as Ziri Holy King and Tianwu Holy King had dull eyes.

The Holy King Bailian was killed in seconds?

Still, he was instantly killed when the Holy King Zhenchan rescued him.

Even the Great Elder Divine Eye can't do it!

The divine eyes watching the battle through the divine power of the space consciousness world were shocked, and the voice trembled:

"Bai Lian... Bai Lian was instantly killed!"

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