Become a God and Join the Chat Group

Chapter Thirty-Four Devouring: The Galaxy Lord Madman

"Ding, the lunatic Lord of the Galaxy has joined the chat group."

The sudden reminder gave Hong Meng a slight pause, and he didn't expect someone to join the chat group again.

But this time there is only one.

Lord of the Galaxy Maniac...

If only Lords of the Galaxy or Mad Men.

Hong Meng was still not sure who it was.

But he is the Lord of the Galaxy and also a lunatic, so the only one with this nickname is Luo Feng, the pig-legged star-swallowing star.

Devouring the Starry Sky is also a world of cosmology.

There are countless living planets, thousands of races, and billions of trillions of creatures. It can be said that it is the world with the most creatures among the group members.

Moreover, the world level is not low, and there are many treasures.

It is a high-quality god ranch.

But Hong Meng didn't need to worry about newcomers joining the group.

Once you join the group, don't even think about leaving.

"My lord..."

Chi Yan and Lv Yi had doubts in their eyes, and were uneasy in their hearts.

Why did Hong Meng stop moving the moment he met them?

Don't you like them?

Or is there something about them that displeases the Lord of Hongmeng?

"Teach you a new game today!"

Hong Meng smiled lightly, picked up the two of them and strode inside.

Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.

Especially playing games.

Practice makes perfect.

Only by in-depth understanding and a lot of operation, can we appreciate the true meaning and mystery of it.


in the chat group.

Head of Huashan: "There is a newcomer again, welcome, welcome, spread flowers!"

Tu Shan's second master: "Welcome newcomers, join our great family of the Great Master of Primordial Origin."

Descendant of the Dayan royal family: "Lord of the Galaxy? Seems like a big boss, I have to lick him.jpg."

The overlord of the world will: "Maybe he is just a lunatic? The rookie is still an ordinary person, not even a first-level strength!"

Sect Master Yunlan: "Welcome newcomers, if you don't understand, you can go to the group file, there is everything in it!"

Lustful Immortal of Hama Mountain: "Welcome newcomers, I have worked hard and spent three months, and my latest masterpiece - Intimate Heaven, do you want to read a book?"

Shangshen's dog: "Take painstaking effort? Did you go to the bathhouse to peep and was beaten to vomit blood? Dongre, do you want to know more about it?"

Demon Queen: "I'm afraid I saw someone vomit blood!"

I don't want to be Zhao Gao: "The bus starts after Yinhou, dirty, dirty, I want to get off, this is not the car to go to kindergarten!"

Demon Queen: "Quack, the door is welded shut, no one can get out of the car.jpg."

Xuansi Sleeping Little Dragon Girl: "You guys will scare the newcomers like this!"

Gouzi of Shangshen: "It's over, the pure and clean fairy sisters have been spoiled by you, woo woo woo!!"

The lunatic Lord of the Galaxy: "Who are you? Why do you appear in my mind? Is technology so powerful now? Can you chat in your mind?"

Lord of the Galaxy: "No, I didn't agree to your hacking into my mind. You are illegally intruding, and you are selling me pornographic products. You are breaking the law!"

Lord of the Galaxy: "I warn you, get out of my mind immediately, or I will call the police!"

The overlord of the world society: "Report whatever you want!"

Lord of Great Qin: "..."

Xuansi fell asleep Xiaolongnv: "Let me just say, you will scare the newcomers by doing this!"

Gouzi of Shangshen: "Sure enough, Sister Immortal understands everything!"

Head of Huashan: "Shocked, Miss Long has become an old Si Ji. Whether it is a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality, please watch the No. 10000 Tiantian chat group!!"

The lunatic Lord of the Galaxy: "Don't be arrogant, it's amazing to be rich and powerful, I'm going to sue you now!"

The Demon Queen: "Little brother, you are still too young. My sister told you that being rich and powerful is amazing!"

Descendant of the Dayan royal family: "Empress Yin is only eighteen years old now, is there a new NPC?"

The overlord of the world will: "The Queen of Yin asked my lord to reverse time and space and pull my eighteen-year-old self here, but with the memory of the future Queen of Yin, the mental age is already over sixty!"

Demon Queen: "Hmph, my family will always be eighteen years old!"

Demon Queen: "This king will always be eighteen!"

Tu Shan's second boss: "An eighteen girl who is tens of thousands of years old!"

Demon Queen: "You are a hundred-year-old little fox!"

God's son: "My ladies, stop arguing, you will always be eighteen, and I will be twenty-two!"

The lunatic Lord of the Galaxy: "Hmph, wait for me, I don't believe you can cover the sky with one hand, is there any law in this world!"

Devouring the starry sky world, the community on the south coast of the earth.

This is a low-rent housing complex.

In a small bedroom on the 32nd floor, Luo Feng with a tired face was just lying on the bed, ready to take a rest, when a chatting image inexplicably appeared in his mind.

He immediately thought of someone using high-tech means to prank him, or to sell him an advertisement.


The group also promoted him to make love to heaven, which was not serious at first glance.

Especially when I heard that I went to the bathhouse to peep or something.

These people are certainly not serious people.

I'm afraid it's not the kind that specializes in illegal business.

Originally, he didn't want to cause trouble, but in the spirit of doing more things, it's better to do less.

The principle of one matter is not willing to pay attention to these people.

As long as they leave.

In fact, he understands that no matter whether these are rich and powerful dude pranks or people engaged in gray business, they are not easy to mess with.

He also doesn't want to provoke.

But these people completely ignored him and continued chatting in his mind, which was tolerable or unbearable.

What's more, who knows if this unknown high technology will cause damage to his brain?

He also wants to become a warrior, let his family live in a big house, live a good life, and find a wife for his younger brother...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with his body.

Only by becoming a martial artist can he change all this.


Seeing that the chat group showed no intention of leaving, Luo Feng cursed in a low voice, and immediately called the police.

He explained the situation he had encountered in detail, and asked him to go to the hospital for a detailed examination, and then report to the nearest mirror branch.

Hearing the inspection, Luo Feng's eyes darkened.

His family is already clinking poor.

Then I have spare money to go to the hospital for examination.

It is impossible to go to the hospital.

He went to the side mirror to check the envoy department to register and report. After several hours of tossing, he found nothing.

Jing Cha made a black line: "Okay, young man, you can go, don't take this kind of fantasy thing as real in the future, and call the police, you must know that we are also very busy!"


Luo Feng hesitated to speak, he didn't believe that the chat group was imagined by him, it was definitely due to human factors.

"I think what you should be looking for now is not a mirror examiner, but a psychiatrist."

Jingcha envoy said earnestly: "Don't say that there is no such high-tech now, even if there is, the other party invades you, what are you trying to do?"

Luo Feng opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

He is a poor man.

One has no money.

Two colorless.

It seems that there is really nothing to covet.

You can't try to make him a strong twenty-one.

Heartbroken! !


In the end, Luo Feng did not refute, and walked out of the gate of Jingchashi with a solemn heart.

he knows.

It's useless to stay here.

They couldn't find a reason either.

Toss for hours.

Luo Feng was lying on his big bed with a tired face, the picture of the chat group in his mind was still floating there, and the people inside were chatting enthusiastically.

The king of demon kings: "After thousands of years of chaos, this king has finally found his own value in life. The days of preaching for my lord are really fulfilling and happy!"

Demon Queen: "What good thing has happened to the Demon King, so happy?"

King of the Demon King: "He was in the Shenyin Department, and successfully made Fuxi believe in my god. Peacock and Alan also agreed to be living sacrifices to sacrifice to my lord!"

Tu Shan's second head: "Congratulations, I'm also going to go out to find other worlds to preach!"

The King of Demon Kings: "Dancing with the Wind and the Tears of the Stars have already promised me before, and I also agreed without asking!"

King of the Demon King: "@魔话王, wait for this king to attack God's Domain, capture the Angel Saint King, and just sacrifice two angels to my Lord!"

Demon Queen: "This queen has sacrificed hundreds of thousands of angels, and there are two angel kings and a future angel king!"


Liang Bing posted a picture of Keisha, Hexi, Angel Yan and half a million angel female warriors.

Between the lines, full of pride.

I offer my sister, I am proud, I am proud.

King of Demon Kings: "Soldiers are better than good men, picture.jpg."

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, posted a photo of the angel saint king and indifferent.

This was made in his own mind.

Chat groups can extract memory pictures, p-pictures couldn't be easier.

Luo Feng couldn't help but lie on the bed with his eyes closed, watching the group members Shui Qun silently.

"Is this a pyramid scheme? But this organization is too big, isn't it? Hundreds of thousands of dollars? I'm afraid it's not bragging?"

"But these angels are beautiful!"

"These long legs, the white and delicate skin, the graceful curves..."

"Especially the two angel beauties sent by the king of demon kings, they are so cool, they are almost the same, and one is light attribute, the other is dark attribute..."

"Only Xu Xin can compete with them!"

"Hey, that's not right, haven't you heard that there are angels on Earth?"

"These angels look powerful and feel stronger than God of War!?"

"how can that be?"

Luo Feng sat up from the bed with a jerk, his face was full of horror.

After calming down, he began to look through the chat records, wanting to know more information.

He knew that this chat group was definitely not something he imagined.

Thinking of these angel beauties, he couldn't even imagine them.

"Group files? I want to see who you are and what you want to do?"

With vigilance and curiosity, Luo Feng clicked on the group file.


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