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Chapter Twelve Lin Dong: I Sacrifice My God with the Blood of Strange Demons

Eternal Continent.


A jet-black crack that is countless billions of miles long cracks the eternal sky, and the evil energy that is so thick to the extreme is continuously gushing out from it.

Accompanied by the gushing out of the evil spirit, there are also strong men from the abyss plane.


Ho ho!

Suddenly, there was a terrifying dragon roar coming from the pitch-black crack, it was deafening, the space was trembling, and endless creatures were terrified.

I saw nine black magic dragons with a length of one million miles flying out of the cracks. The majestic dragon bodies were like rolling mountains, exuding an extremely powerful and terrifying aura.

The shock made everyone's hearts tremble and their souls tremble.

These are nine god-level dragons.

Each one is comparable to the Great Luo Jinxian.

"It is Lord Nine Nether Demon Emperor who has descended!"

"Welcome to the Devil Emperor!"

The powerhouses of countless abyss planes bowed together.

I saw nine dragons flying out of the crack pulling a majestic and majestic palace. Above the palace was a throne as black as ink.

Sitting on the throne was a handsome and domineering black-robed man.

The black-robed man's eyes were pitch-black, like two invincible abysses, as if they could devour the soul and mind of a person, even the god emperor dared not look too much.

He is the Nine Nether Devil Emperor from the Abyss plane, a terrifying powerhouse comparable to the God Emperor (Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian).

In his arms was a charming woman.

The woman has a hot figure, and her strengths are particularly prominent. With a frown and a smile, she has an unparalleled charm, as if a look can make people fall under her pomegranate skirt.

She is the woman of the Demon Emperor Jiuyou—the Red Fox Emperor.

It is a demon emperor.

The powerhouses in the abyss plane are divided into Demon King, Demon Emperor, and Demon Emperor, corresponding to God King (Golden Immortal of Great Luo), God Emperor (Golden Immortal of Hunyuan), and Emperor of God (Golden Immortal of Hunyuan).

"How is the battle going?"

The Demon Emperor Jiuyou leaned lazily on the throne, mastering the outstanding advantages of the Red Fox Emperor, like a vagabond.

"My lord Demon Emperor, we have defeated the powerhouses in the Eastern Profound Realm, but just got the news that the Blood Dragon Emperor and Heiyao Demon Emperor who hunted down the Lord of Yaochi disappeared!"

A powerful demon emperor stepped forward to report respectfully.

"Holy Lord of Yaochi? She was defeated by the Heavenly Demon Emperor before, and now she has recovered? How much has her cultivation recovered now?"

The originally lazy pupils of Demon Emperor Jiuyou suddenly flashed a light.

He has also heard of the prestige of the Holy Lord of Yaochi, and he was once as powerful as the Demon Emperor Nine Heavens, and he could be called the most powerful person under the Demon Emperor.

Devil Emperor or God Emperor or Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, although they are called differently, they are divided into nine heavens.

One step at a time, the gap is huge.

He was cultivated as the Devil Emperor Seventh Heaven, and he was considered a top existence among the Devil Emperors, but compared with the Devil Emperor Nine Heavens, there was still an incomparably huge gap.

Just like the Heavenly Demon Emperor, he is the most powerful Demon Emperor of the Nine Heavens, and he is also famous in the Abyss plane.

The Heavenly Devil Emperor is not a name, but a title. To have this title, one can imagine his strength.

However, the Heavenly Demon Emperor was able to defeat the Lord of Yaochi back then because he took advantage of it.

Because the Lord of Yaochi was seriously injured after defeating the Blood Blade Demon Emperor of Jiuchongtian, another devil emperor, otherwise the Heavenly Demon Emperor might not be the opponent of the Lord of Yaochi.

"My lord Demon Emperor, the Lord of Yaochi has just recovered his Hunyuan Golden Immortal cultivation base, and he is no match for Blood Dragon Emperor and Heiyao Demon Emperor at all!"

"But I don't know why, during the pursuit, the Blood Dragon Emperor and Hei Yao Demon Emperor disappeared!"

"Hunyuan Golden Immortal?"

Jiuyou Devil Emperor's eyes lit up, and his heart was about to move.

He only thought for a moment, then decided not to let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he was going to hunt down the Holy Master of Yaochi.

If he can catch the Lord of Yaochi and plant a slave mark on her, he will have a very capable female slave.

It's exciting just thinking about it.

"You continue to search for other warriors!"

After giving an order, the Demon Emperor Jiuyou blessed the nine demon dragons with his power, and the speed of the nine demon dragons surpassed the emperor in an instant, and they came to the holy land of Yaochi in a blink of an eye.

"Going to Zhongzhou?"

The Nine Nether Devil Emperor sensed it and continued to pursue.

The strength of the Devil Emperor Seventh Heaven gave him confidence.

Even if there are other Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians beside the Lord of Yaochi, he is not afraid.


Martial arts world.

Chaotic Demon Sea.

The majestic and majestic altar stands tall, and countless warriors from the world of martial arts gather.

Daozong, Jiutian Taiqing Palace, Wanguimen, Fugu, Shenzong, Jianzong, Honghuangdian and other super sects.

The dragon clan, the sky demon mink clan, the nine-tailed fox clan, the Kunpeng clan, the nine phoenix clan, the dark holy tiger clan and other major races of the monster clan.

As long as there are a little bit of strength in the human race and monster race warriors, they all gather in Chaos Demon Sea.

There is hope in their eyes.

Because today is a great day to sacrifice to the Lord of Primordial Origin.

Especially Tu Shan Rongrong's peerless demeanor in suppressing the Yimo Emperor just now made their blood boil and excited.

In front of the altar.

Lin Dong stood at the officiant position, followed by Tu Shan Rongrong.

The lord of space, the lord of the wild, the lord of thunder, the lord of flames, the Qinglong king of the dragon clan, Qingzhi, the master of the temple of flames, Mo Luo, and other reincarnated powerhouses followed.

After that, there will be the heads of the major forces, patriarchs and other powerhouses of the Wheel-turning Realm and the Profound Death Realm.

even if they

These giants of Megatron also have expectations, piety and awe on their faces at this moment.

"Bring up the sacrifice."

With a wave of Lin Dong's hand, his voice was loud and clear, and everyone's spirits were revived, their eyes burning.

There are countless martial arts secrets such as the Great Desolation Prisoner's Finger, the Blue Sky Transforming Dragon Jue, the Desolation Jue, the Desolation Demon Eye, the Ancestral Talisman Eye, the Great Desolation Sutra, the Emperor Wu's Code, the Ancestral Talisman Finger, the Supreme Sensation Jue, and Tongbei Quan.

Treasures such as the Ancestral Stone, the Great Desolation Stele, and the Xuantian Temple.

Devouring Ancestral Talisman, Space Ancestral Talisman, Flame Ancestral Talisman, Thunder Ancestral Talisman, Primordial Ancestral Talisman.

Some treasures belonged to their owners, but they all decided to offer sacrifices after knowing that the rewards given by the Primordial Master far exceeded the things they sacrificed.

After all, Lin Dong wouldn't lie to them about this kind of thing.

And as long as what Lin Dong said was true, they would be a sure-fire business, and they could still express their devotion to the Lord of Primordial Mist.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.


Even if the ancestral talisman is their most precious treasure, they are willing to sacrifice it.

All kinds of rare and rare treasures dazzled countless warriors and opened their eyes.

Even if the Primordial Lord didn't show his holiness, they still felt that their trip was worthwhile.

"Look, it's the Fire Fairy from the Flame Temple!"

"It's really a fire fairy!"

"The fire fairy is so beautiful!"

"It's just how did she walk towards the altar?"

There was a commotion in the crowd, and the eyes of countless young people lit up.

Tang Xinlian was wearing a red soft armor, which was tightly fitted to her body, outlining her fiery and sexy lines.

The slightly curly red hair hangs down to her waist, making her look a bit charming.

Her face is extremely beautiful, her eyebrows are picturesque, and her skin is like snow. Although she is charming and moving, there is a heroic spirit between her brows that is not weaker than that of a man.

When this kind of charm and heroism are combined, the charm that radiates makes the hearts of countless men beat endlessly.

She is the chief disciple of Mo Luo, the master of the Yanshen Temple, the next heir of the Yanshen Temple, and the second in the rookie list of Chaos Demon Sea, named "Fire Fairy".

Strength and beauty coexist, and it can be said to be famous in Chaos Demon Sea, crowning all others.

And when everyone in Chaos Demon Sea exclaimed, the fighters from Dongxuan Region were even more stunned, because Tang Xinlian was not the only one who walked towards the altar just now.

"That's... that's Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace Master Huang Yueqing, and Young Palace Master Ling Qingzhu?"

"And Daozong Ying Xiaoxiao and Ying Huanhuan?"

Seeing the girls walking up to the altar, countless warriors in the Eastern Xuan Territory swallowed their saliva.

Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace Master and Young Palace Master, as well as the Taoist sect's head teacher and the two Tianjiao sacrifice together?

This is too crazy, right?

Ling Qingzhu is dressed in a light pigment skirt, her eyebrows are like emerald green feathers, her muscles are like white snow, and her silky black hair hangs down.

The temperament is cool and cold, just like the goddess of the moon palace.

Huang Yueqing has a similar temperament to her, graceful and graceful, with undulating curves, showing more maturity and grace. Standing on the altar, the two of them look even more unparalleled and magnificent.

Ying Huanhuan was dressed in light white clothes, with pretty cheeks and a pair of big eyes, clear and bright, like a lake.

The long black hair was pulled into a ponytail and fell down to the soft waist. The tip of the ponytail was slightly curved, a kind of youth and vitality bloomed quietly.

A pair of jade hands are slender and white, looking like the most perfect suet jade, and the slender jade fingers are like the golden ratio, without any flaws.

Ying Xiaoxiao's skin is like jade, elegant and refined, the two sisters stand together, their temperaments are very different, but they have a special charm, not inferior to Ling Qingzhu and Huang Yueqing.

After them, Lord of Darkness, Mu Lingshan, Jiang Yinyin, Jiang Xue, Xuan Su, Qing Tan, Gu Mengqi, Gu Yan, Gu Ya and others.

Knowing that offering sacrifices can reach the sky in one step, ascend to the kingdom of gods, become immortals and gods, almost no one can resist this temptation.

Even the royal family of the Yaozu wished to sacrifice their entire clan.

If the whole family sacrificed to go up, wouldn't the whole family ascend?

Lin Dong and Tu Shan Rongrong were both dumbfounded when they first heard the idea of ​​a monster powerhouse.

Who said that Yaozu are all simple-minded guys with well-developed limbs?

This brain hole has broken through the sky.

However, the thoughts of these Yaozu powerhouses also made them think constantly in their hearts.

The sacrifices in the "Sacrifice Law" include rare birds and animals, so is this monster race considered rare birds and animals?

in the case of……

Wouldn't it be possible for all monster races in every world to sacrifice?

Even all races except the human race can be called the demon race. Isn't it true that except for the human race, other races can be sacrificed?

They find this a bit ridiculous.

But if you have a chance, you can ask the gods.

After many daughters of destiny and great luck stepped onto the altar

One by one, the strong strange demons came under escort.

The leader is the Heavenly King Hall among the Ten Great King Halls of the Demon Prison.

Ever since Tu Shan Rongrong used the divine power left behind by Hong Meng to shock and kill the traverser Lin Langtian last time, she has stayed in the world of martial arts.

With her help, the powerful monsters hiding in the world of martial arts were wiped out.

"Is this the strange demon king who invaded our world?"

Countless warriors looked at it curiously. It has been nearly ten thousand years since the end of the First World War, and ninety-nine percent of the people present have never seen a strong strange demon.

"There are also Yuanmen powerhouses!"

"That's yuan

The three giants of the family, Tian Yuanzi, Di Yuanzi and Ren Yuanzi! "

"I heard that Yuanmen has taken refuge in a strange demon!"

"It's really eating inside and out, this kind of person is worse than strange demons!"

Countless warriors discussed in low voices, looking at the ashen-faced, despairing strange demon powerhouse, Tian Yuanzi and others, their hearts were happy.

Unjust is doomed to destruction.

It's finally reaping the consequences.

Under countless gazes, the strong strange demons and the strong Yuanmen were brought to the altar.

Tu Shan Rongrong finally put Lin Langtian's body on the altar.

This is an alien demon.

The main reason why she stayed in the martial arts world was to sacrifice Lin Langtian's blood to Shangshen when Lin Dong offered sacrifices.

Seeing the strong alien demon brought him, Lin Dong bowed to the altar and said, "I, Lin Dong, use the blood of the alien demon today to sacrifice to the Supreme Lord of Primordial Mist."


Lin Dong's voice was high-pitched, forceful and powerful.

The strong man who escorted the strange demon drew out his sword.

Even the lord of the wild, the lord of space, and other ancient lords who had fought against strange demons stepped forward, personally wielded their swords, and prepared to slay strange demons with their hands to relieve the hatred in their hearts.


When Lin Dong gave an order, everyone did not hesitate.

The hand rises and the knife falls.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Huge heads of strange monsters rolled to the ground, blood spurting dozens of meters away.

The Yimo Emperor was also thrown onto the altar.

Tu Shan Rongrong made the move himself, and the law condensed into a knife.

Slashed off the head of the strange demon emperor.

The power of law contained in this knife instantly annihilated all the vitality of the Yimo Emperor.

This is also the reason why Tu Shan Rongrong took action himself.

Others couldn't kill the Yimo Emperor with a single blow.


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