Become a God and Join the Chat Group

Chapter Nineteen: Bibi Dong Offers Sacrifice to Qian Renxue

Yangshen world.

Wuwenhou Mansion.


Hong Yi's mind was shocked, he also had some understanding of the chat group, he knew that the document sent by God's dog was the future of each world.

"Is it about the future of my world?"

Hong Yi downloaded the file with anticipation, apprehension and uneasiness.

"It's actually about me!"

Looking at the beginning, Hong Yi's body trembled.

However, it is not difficult to investigate his information, and these alone cannot convince him.

Maybe someone programmed this sun god based on his information.

Soon, Hong Yi was immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself.

a long time.

a long time.

Hong Yi finally opened his eyes with shock and disbelief.

"Martial arts shatter the void, Immortal Dao Yangshen, beyond the other side..."

"The world of the great thousand, the world of the central, the son of the era, the son of the great thousand, the son of the central, the son of all saints, the son of Yi..."

At this moment, Hong Yi realized that the world he was in was so magnificent and magnificent, it was really unimaginable.

He believed in the chat group a little more in his heart.

If you want to lie to him, there is no need to do this.

But he still remained skeptical, not completely trusting.

"Since this is about me, I'll see if it's really my future..."

Hong Yi was going to verify it.

"My current time is the time when the plot starts, so a maid will come later..."

bang bang bang!

Just when Hong Yi was thinking, there was a knocking sound outside the door.

There was a knock on the door, but it was loud and kicked.

"A servant girl really came, is it Xiao Ning?"

Hong Yi was both excited and frightened, and then got up to open the door.

"Hey, Hong Yi, why haven't you opened the door after barking for so long, you insisted on kicking me!"

A woman wearing a light yellow variegated fur coat appeared at the door, with a fair face and lacquered eyes. She was about fifteen or sixteen years old.

It was the maid Xiao Ning.

The personal maid of the second lady of "Yuntingzhai" in the east of Hou's mansion.

"What's the matter with you?"

Hong Yi asked.

"Miss played the piano with Princess Yongchun of Prince Rong's Mansion yesterday, and Princess Yongchun wrote a line of poetry, but there was no next sentence. Miss asked me to ask you..."

"It turned out to be true, it is exactly the same as what was recorded in Yangshen!"

Hong Yi was horrified in his heart, but his face remained calm.

Although these are the same as what Yangshen recorded in the chat group, Hong Yi still doesn't fully believe it.

Maybe these are designed by someone.

While secretly observing Xiao Ning's demeanor and movements, he compared the records in the book.

If Xiao Ning is acting.

There will definitely be flaws.

However, everything is as recorded in the book.

Xiao Ning also behaved normally, without any flaws.

"Is the world I live in really a copy in other worlds?"

Hong Yi sent Xiao Ning away, terrified in his heart, unable to calm down for a long time.

"Maybe Xiao Ning's acting skills are good, or she was kept in the dark and didn't even know she was acting, so I can't see the flaw!"

"But the longer the time, the more loopholes..."

Hong Yi plans to follow the route in the book for the next few days without changing the plot, so he wants to see if it is true!

He consciously entered the chat group.

Overlord of the Tianxiahui: "I feel that the son of the New Era is this Hong Yi!"

Tu Shan's second boss: "I think so too!"

A descendant of the Dayan royal family: "It's just that the newcomer hasn't come out yet? He has already seen the future. Isn't the newcomer Hong Yi?"

King of Demon Kings: "The newcomer is thoughtful and cautious. I guess he hasn't accepted it yet. He thinks it's ghosts that confuse him!"

Tu Shan's second master: "Do you all think that the newcomer is Hong Yi? But this Hong Yi's practice feels like plundering other people's cultivation, and refining the enemy or refining them into magic weapons. It's really terrifying!"

I don't want to be Zhao Gao: "The scariest thing is turning his father into a magic weapon, the great wheel of liberation."


"Son of Jiyuan? Is it Hong Yi?"

In the Red Dust Heavenly Palace of the Kingdom of God, Hong Meng looked at the chat group. The other party did not believe in him, and he could not be sure who the other party was.

However, Hong Yi, Fang Laomo, and Yang Daxiang are all truly decisive in killing and killing others, and quickly become stronger by devouring and refining others.

It can be called a pig's foot that eats people.

"I wonder if Fang Laomo and Yang Daxiang will join the chat group in the future?"

Hong Meng was looking forward to it. The world these people live in is the Great Thousand World, with a lot of treasures and creatures. For example, Fang Laomo's Gate of Eternal Life is probably the treasure of chaos.

If the sacrifice increases, then...

Take off directly!

Without thinking too much, Hong Meng looked at the beautiful woman under him.

Nangong Mengyao's slender and soft jade body twisted like a water snake, like a willow in the wind, showing the softness of a woman.

Hong Meng embraced her waist, which was barely enough for a grasp, and his tentacles were smooth and greasy.

He lowered his head and buried it in it, it was soft and delicate, and the special fragrance unique to women came from his nose, the fragrance was bursting, refreshing.


douro world


Spirit world.

Bibi Dong was wearing a gorgeous dress, and the nine-curved purple gold crown on her head was full of rays of light. Holding a scepter about two meters long and inlaid with countless gems, she stood in the void.

Fair skin and perfect face make her look so different and amazingly beautiful.




All kinds of beautiful words seem to be applicable to her.

Especially the intangible nobility and holiness that exudes from the body, it is even more unbearable to give birth to the emotion of worship.

She stood in front of the majestic altar, surrounded by countless believers, and worshiped together with the worlds of the lower planes of the God Realm.

in the chat group.

It's live right now.

Head of Huashan: "It's so much better than the saint, it's the third sacrifice now!"

Tu Shan's second in command: "Yes, I never expected that Big Sister Bi would complete preaching to all the small worlds under Douluo God Realm so quickly."

Gouzi of Shangshen: "I will see my goddess Qian Renxue soon, looking forward to. jg."

Demon Empress: "Big sister's world is truly miraculous. One day in the God Realm and one year in the Lower Realm. It's only a few dozen days. Qian Renxue, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and others have all grown up!"

Ye Tiandi: "The operation of Bi Shengnv is really coquettish!"

"Is it live?"

In Yangshen World, Hong Yi watched the live broadcast with great interest. After a day of verification, he basically believed in the existence of the chat group.

But just to be on the safe side, he still didn't recite the idea, nor did he speak in the group.

"Bring up the sacrifice!"

Bibi Dong stood in front of the altar, with a peerless figure and a peerless elegance.


A number of soul beasts were sent to the altar, including Tianmeng Iceworm, Deep Sea Demon Whale King, Demon Emperor, Evil Killer Whale King, Demon Soul Great White Shark Xiaobai and Bai Xiuxiu who had been missed before.

However, the latter was sacrificed as the daughter of great luck.

After the soul beast, there was Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue was wearing a gorgeous golden long dress, her body was plump, her curves were graceful, her skin was better than snow, her nose bridge was straight, her phoenix eyes were slightly slender, and she had a majestic and stunning face.

Elegant and indifferent, noble and majestic.

Zhu Zhuqing and sister Zhu Zhuyun followed closely behind. The two of them had hot bodies, curvaceous curves, and walked up to the altar with slender legs.

After them are Ning Rongrong, Hu Liena, Ye Lingling, Dugu Yan, Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er, Meng Yiran, and Bai Chenxiang.

"The sacrifice begins, everyone prays with me!"

Bibi Dong watched the girls standing still, and said loudly.

In fact, these people were not fooled by her, because there was no need to fool them.

All those who meet the conditions rushed to offer sacrifices.

The previous two sacrifices have already spread all over the world.

By offering sacrifices, one can become a god and ascend to the Kingdom of God.

No one can resist this temptation.


:. :x8

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